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sydney devine

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Everything posted by sydney devine

  1. East Stirling v Rangers was moved at the request of the East Fife board ???? What the fukc did it have to do with them
  2. Calm down. Let's not forget that, thanks to Jack Frost and the Inverurie pitch, this is now one of the longest runs we've had in the Scottish Cup since 1991... Enjoy it!
  3. sydney devine


  4. Technology not my strong point, but think the listen again feature may be a problem because the show was only broadcast on the MW frequency. Surely there's a young Prof Stephen Hawking out there somewhere who has the answer...?
  5. Thanks guys and gals, will need to call a halt there as the show begins in two hours. Have lifted 30 questions from this thread and will try to get through as many as possible in the hour we're on air (perhaps even the one about the charity football match... aye right!) Any bursts of late inspiration, call 0500 929500, text 80295 or email offtheball@bbc.co.uk Cheers, Syd
  6. Will try the brafur... but only if he hasn't also heard that Ken Dodd has died...
  7. WellWell and Gaag winning so far - plenty of time yet though...
  8. Keep 'em coming - funny, daft or deadly serious, I promise they WILL be asked.
  9. Forgive the shameless plug but Motherwell's club captain will be the guest this Sunday on Off The Ball's Sunday Supplement at 12 noon til 1pm (Radio Scotland 810 MW and online). Feel free to start submitting your questions via this thread and I will be only too happy to voice them on air. Alternatively, put your points to the man himself by phoning 0500 929500, emailing offtheball@bbc.co.uk or texting 80295. Fire away... Syd
  10. Just heard that Motherwell legend Charlie Cox has passed away. That's just three of the 1952 Cup winning team still alive. His family have requested that Charlie's ashes (the service is at 11.30am on Saturday) are scattered on the Fir Park pitch.
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