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Community Trust Appeal For Unwanted Programmes, Pictures, Replica Strips, Etc


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The Community Trust has been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund to preserve the heritage of the club for future generations and by the Bank of Scotland to deliver a Dementia project.


To support both projects we are appealing to fans to donate unwanted Motherwell memorabilia. We hope to create a significant collection of materials which will be cataloged and preserved and made available to future generations of Motherwell fans. Any duplicate items we receive will be used in memory boxes we are creating to support the dementia project. The idea is to create collections of Motherwell memorabilia which will be placed in sheltered housing complexes, etc and used by people living with dementia and their carers.


If you have material you would like to donate please email us at community@motherwellfc.co.uk. Also if you would like to volunteer for either or both projects we would love to hear from you.



Charlie Bennett

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