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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2018 in Posts

  1. We should be able to claim special dispensation to trawl the globe for a goalie after the trauma of Samson, Twardzik, Hollis and Neilsen. Celtic manage to sign haddies from all over the world no problem.
    2 points
  2. I’m not asking for much...
    1 point
  3. Just phoned super score board venting my frustration no Alan Campbell
    1 point
  4. PSL are actually in a similar role at Easter Road as they are with us. The only thing is that as they play in green, I reckon that they are in a better position of having more choice of training kit. However, I believe we have renewed our deal with Macron so you may find that things have changed slight from next season. You’ll also notice that from when they joined on board that their logo has only ever appeared on the strips and not on the programme, pitch side boards, etc.
    1 point
  5. Hib’s are a bigger concern and yes individual contract terms will decide on what level of service a team gets. I think Provan Sports are still our kit design middle men (or has that changed?), whereas the likes of Hibernian will deal with Macron directly. I suspect that’s why Leanne Dempster was pictured outside Macrons Italian head office last year after finalising next seasons Hibernian kit. Lets be honest Motherwell will never be first in line for bespoke C&A training wear from any kit supplier. Consequently, I suspect the conversation with the Macron rep will have went something like this... “You can have any colour you want as long as it’s not bespoke” That usually means black, grey or blue. However, in the past we have had C&A training kit from the likes of Patrick, Umbro, Admiral etc... who have all provided this service. I do accept times have changed, however, as a kit fan I still get romantic over every last detail and that includes training kit. Will bespoke training wear make us play any better? No. Will it make us look smarter in the pre season squad pic and warm ups? I think yes. Does anyone care apart from me? Probably a very, very small few. Although I was heartened to hear our new media man cite the importance of consistency of our corporate colours throughout all our branding in the recent podcast. I can only dream that this will extend to training wear.
    1 point
  6. Not what you know, it's who you know methinks... I'd also surmise the club coaches use all the allocated spaces.
    1 point
  7. All our sections will be singing ones before the end!! Believe! COYW!
    1 point
  8. Even puma managed it for us until they were binned though!
    1 point
  9. Be nice if we did something similar. Macron have been good but my one gripe is the black/white training gear. We should have claret/amber stuff.
    1 point
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