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  2. šŸ“½ļø Motherwell v Celtic 28/04/2013 Enjoy
  3. Who is this commentator Allastar McKallaster?
  4. Yesterday
  5. Steelmen online. Where any fabricated thought is unashamedly stated as a fact, then used as a source of complaint.
  6. I was thinking more of the 4 riders of the apocalypse.
  7. It is dicey. However, I can only hope his partner and baby are also on their way here, soon.
  8. Jeez!!! He hasn't even arrived yet. I am sure if he had any doubts he wouldn't be moving over here
  9. So this Australian guy is on his way and will presumably be here for the whole season with a newborn in Australia? That would seem dicey for us even if we weren't paying a fee.
  10. The news today about Bordeaux and Inverness just reinforces that we made the correct decision and how irresponsible McMahon and his cronies were.
  11. All this ā€˜knickers in a twistā€™ and ā€˜pant wettersā€™ chat is a right laugh, isnā€™t it?! Very constructive engagement.
  12. I don't think we ever got the chance to knock back Hearts, my memory is that any time we had an upcoming game with the Arse of Midlothian, Ba' faced Jeffries would plant the story with a pet journo that he wanted to sign him to try and unsettle him. The same Jeffries that told his Kilmarnock players to take it in turn to kick seven shades out of Hammell every time we played them, once one got booked someone else took over that responsibility, it's a good job Jeffries has no 'Well connection or he would win this thread hands down.
  13. You do realise that sensible posts like that have no place on this forum šŸ™‚
  14. Complimentary...not very at all by including her in with the other 3 mentioned.
  15. Got to be wellgirl as one of heroes was a lady. Wellgirl.......I am being complimentary
  16. WOW šŸ˜® The Fantastic Four MJC, Yodo, Steelboy, ???.
  17. For anyone that remembers TV series The Fantastic Four, do you not think SK looks like Mr Fantastic? šŸ˜œ, that was the superhero that had stretchy arms and had ability to turn a one minute conversation into half an hour šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
  18. Really? By who? You and a few others maybe. The rest of us non-pantwetters will wait and see once all of the transfers are in / out and the new squad has had a few months to settle in.
  19. Might be the opportunity for Wells to shine and be the next Turnbull/Campbell/Miller
  20. Letā€™s get that done and dusted before something gets in the way. medical is to make sure he has a niggling injury before we do sign him.
  21. Iā€™ve no doubt that we have spoken to a few players but have been knocked back due to wage constraints or other reasons.
  22. According to Kettlewell, Stama's deal is subject to a medical, which should be happening soon.
  23. The Spittal that we signed is not the same Spittal the moved to Hearts. He only became that good through the efforts of the coaching staff. If we follow the same model, one of the new signings could end up being as good, but won't be starting off that way.
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