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Ice Rink

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Posts posted by Ice Rink

  1. Clearly someone trying to get some of my lime light.


    I am sure admin can check IP address’s to prove I am in no way linked with decorator.


    I think its pretty clear how much I love the Well, This guy is just fishing IMO

  2. It certainly isnt a crime, but reafirming it with exagerated emotion everytime you post causes some people to take you very lightly. If you lighten some of your language up it might help.


    Or as Steve says, you might be looking for a moody reaction hence your trademark emotional captions.



    I will try to calm the emotions then.


    But when a club means so much its very hard to calm down.


    When we lose i am still is a bad mood 3 days later, then i get hyped up about the next match.


    Its like a vicious cirle.


    But i wouldnt change it, i have claret veins and amber blood



    Weeelllll welll weeeelllll

  3. She's an Accies fan from a day care centre that gets an hour on a computer to fish on here around 1.30 in the afternoon every now and again.



    Well Done Digster.


    You have sussed me out.




    Its pretty pathetic that you cant handle a perfectly valid opinion.


    Its clear to see you dont have the same deep emotions over Weeeeelll that i do

  4. I dont post very often, but this Ice Rink lassie has brought me out of my cage.


    Every post is surreal, she sounds like the most emotional girl i have ever heard, 'deep down' 'at heart' 'crying in Jack Daniels' - get some fluoxetine down you.



    My love for The Well is more than i can describe.


    Crying in public over the club you love, care for and spend a fortune on isnt a crime

  5. Yup, keep us informed. Glad to know someone has the club at heart :unsure:



    They mean so much to me Jamo, i just want us to be the best.


    I know deep down it will never happen, but i want us to be the best outwith the old firm.


    We have the fan base, we have a decent stadium, lets keep it maintained, is that too much to ask??


    I also agree about the pitch comment.

  6. What would it be


    1 - The pitch

    2 - The cleanliness of the stadium

    3 - The Singing from fans

    4 - The squad depth



    For me it has to be the cleanliness, its sinple little things, but they can go a long way to improving our all round image.


    Away fans must come and laugh at certain things.


    I have written a letter off to the club over this, so i will see if i get a reply.


    Weeeeelll Wellll Weeeeeellll

  7. :unsure:


    What do you get out of acting like a tit on here ice rink?


    Anyway back on topic. I think hughes wont recieve many offers this close season, he's not exactly lit the spl on fire. one more year please stef (like your first here tho!) then on to bigger and better.



    What do you mean Jamo??


    I am putting some valid points out there, but certain people just cant seem to handle the truth.


    Anyway, i am Well till the Death.


    I will support them, make up songs and get behind the team forever.


    Weeeeellll Welll Wellll

  8. Steven Hughes and Smith will be offski at the end of the season and i think Klimpl is 50-50 to stay at best. Agree that we should play Murphy in our 4 remaining games in place of O'Brian who for me should be on the bench. :unsure: .



    Stephen or Steven???


    You said both.

  9. I have been thinking long and hard about whether to renew my season ticket next year.


    I have decided i will renew it, even though we are in a bit of a mess, i couldnt face saturdays without watching the Well.


    I think a huge shake up is needed from top to bottom.


    Top 6 next season is a must


    Well Well Well Well

  10. Just a suggestion.


    If you had ever heard me sing, you'd know if i ever tried I'd have the ground cleared in under a minute. :rolleyes:




    When i sing my poems i get funny looks, not sure if its the singing voice or the lyrics though

  11. You can keep yer Gerard and Fabregas,

    'Cos Maros Klimpl will kick your ass.


    You can run away, but make it fast,

    Or Maros Klimpl will kick your ass.


    You better get used to a plaster cast,

    'Cos Maros Klimpl will kick your ass.


    In the tunnel, or on the grass,

    Maros Kilmpl will kick your ass



    Can you spot a theme developing here...?


    Do you actually sing that??

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