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Judge Jules

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Posts posted by Judge Jules

  1. 2 hours ago, Gadgey said:

    The Bury fans will be rubbishing Aldred like they have every single one of their summer signings who arrived with great expectation. They went from being tipped for promotion/play off to bottom of the league cannon fodder in the space of one season. They have every right to be pissed.

    That said, whilst I agree that Aldred has been a great fit for us, there are many others like him playing in England’s lower leagues who do a similar job. He will not be short on offers and I suspect Robinson will have a list of names as defensive cover should we lose Kipre or want back up.

    I would be really sad to see Bigi go and would love to see a little flair added to the team that would help players like him and Tanner shine.

    It’s horrible to say it but captain McHugh can go if there are suiters, we already have team grafters like Rose and Grimshaw confirmed and his wage could go to better use.

    Using McHugh as a benchmark though, he is a terrific indicator of how we have progressed. A year ago, he was a first pick. I don’t think his form has particularly fallen, he’s just surrounded by better players who deliver better stats.

    I totally agree regarding McHugh. Not just based on yesterday i feel he has been on the slide all season. I think we are a better team when he is not there. Use Campbell as the sitter and start bringing Turnbull into the team. I would always pick Rose and Grimshaw in front of McHugh and i can only speculate that he is one of our higher earners too so getting him off the wage bill would be a boost. 

  2. First time i have posted on here in a long time but considering it was cup final day yesterday I thought i’d pop in. First off, what a day oot. Meeting so many people I hadn’t seen for a long time and enjoying a pint with them was a big plus point, also the seeth that I encountered from Celtic fans outside the ground made me chuckle considering how dominant they are domestically right now (much like the Rangers fans in the 90s early 00s). 

    The game itself was pretty grim. The one thing I always ask of Motherwell is give it 100% and I don’t think we got that. I always expect to be outplayed by Celtic but they actually outfought us which was disappointing. We made Boyata look like Maldini at times and that daftie Brown strolled the game despite the best efforts of Campbell who tried his best all game. 

    Grimshaw has been great the last couple of months but didn’t really turn up and the less said about McHugh the better. It wasn’t solely his fault but jesus christ he had a nightmare ! 

    All in all a very good Motherwell season, just need to look at Partick to see how quickly things can turn sour so all we can do is enjoy the good days while we have them.

    A couple of shrewd signings could see us hopefully push on for top 6 and i could very much get used to the regular Hampden trips so here’s hoping the progression continues.


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  3. The game at Firhill when we spanked Thistle a couple of years back i had a steward try and grab me for no reason so i put my hand on his chest to stop him coming any closer to me, i then told him to fuck off. He left the section and within 10 mins i knew i was getting lifted, the section was surrounded by police and stewards and i could feel them all staring at me.

    They waited till the end of the game when we were all leaving and i was grabbed and cuffed then took down pitchside till the van showed up and took me away. In the time between being cuffed and the van showing up the police told me that i was fine to deal with and they didn't think i'd done anything wrong but they had to act on the accusation against me.

    I was took to maryhill cells (lovely place it is) was charged and spent 5 hours sitting on my fuckin blue gym mat reading my rights on the leaflet they gave me. When i got my letter to attend court i was gave a copy of his statement which was a complete bullshit lie from start to finish, he claimed i had punched him 3 times causing him to fall on the stairs, this was also backed up by a female colleague of his who apparently seen the full incident even though there was no females in our section.

    I spent the next year and a half going to court with the case being adjourned twice because the female witness was refusing to give evidence.

    The case was only thrown out July this year so for that year and a half i had this case hanging over my head which if i'd been found guilty of i would have lost my job.

    I went through all of that just because of a wee jumped up fanny who thought because of his yellow jacket he was a copper and could treat fans like shit and get none in return plus a stupid wee cow who also lied through her teeth to back up his totally stupid and untrue story.

    I would love for someone in the media to actually make a documentary by going with some sort of hidden camera to football around Scotland for a full season to show properly how away fans get treated by arsehole stewards and police. Its the only way to bring attention to what is becoming a big problem in our game.

    Sorry i rabbled on a bit but in short most stewards are wankers.

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  4. What amuses me about this ticket scramble from that shower is its a reminder that the majority of them aren't really Rangers fans at all. There have been attendences of about what 10,000 at Ibrox some points through the season when things were not going so well for them, but now oh how things change ! Everybody is all of a sudden Rangers die hards again now that a return to the premier league looks likely, a group of dafties with absolutely no shame.

    I used to think that Aberdeen had by far the biggest/most annoying glory hunting support in Scotland.

    How fucking wrong i was !!

  5. A lot of people in denial on here. I always try to be positive about things i was there when Van Der Gaag nearly burst the net with the free kick against Dunfermline so i know what can happen when the chips are down, and if it was Hibs we were playing i'd really fancy us to stay up but its not Hibs its they bastards. McFadden toe poking the ball past Stefan Klos was the last time we managed to beat them and the last time we played them was obviously the cup game at Ibrox when we were beat easily by the worst Rangers team in living memory.

    Also there has been a few opportunities over the last couple of months where the team had the chance to pick up results in big games when they were backed by very sizeable Well supports (St Mirren, Partick, Accies) and failed miserably, what makes this game any different from those away days ?

    I would love nothing more than the boys to prove me wrong but i just can't find any reason to be positive. Sorry.

  6. I don't see anyway we can come out of this tie still being a premier league club. Its a very sad state of affairs but not much we can do about it. Anyone who goes to Ibrox on Thursday has my respect but i'm happy i'll be in work that day because it will be a dark day in the history of our great football club. You can fuckin guarantee Nicky Law will have the game of his life against our midfield and with McManus in defence along with Long in goals we will concede at least 3 goals against this shower.

    McDonald and Erwin will get chances against them but i still can't see it being enough to stop the inevitable sevco victory. I really hope that between now and the summer Hutchison realises that Baraclough is a joke of a manager and puts someone in charge who will give us a fighting chance in the championship next season although I'm 100% confident that won't happen.

    A thourghly depressing time to be a Well fan.

  7. Wasn't there yesterday due to some outstanding issues i have with the stewards at Firhill and thank god i wasn't. Sounds like it was a thourghly grim day. Again the fans turn out in huge numbers and were let down by the players and gaffer, the talk of throwing in the towel had me asking myself if i had threw the towel in and sadly i keep coming up with yes i have.

    The horrendous run of form we had has just left us with too much ground to make up, what makes it worse is the playoffs are going to be a complete farse, every game Rangers play in they will helped by some shall we say favourable decisions from the officials who will be told to get Rangers up by any means necessary.

    I would love nothing more than to be proved wrong bit i fully expect County to beat St Midden and that gap will just be too much to claw back. No matter what happens though i'll still be back supporting the team next season and I believe Baraclough should get a chance to put things right next season although i will say he has baffled me at times with team selections this season.

    Oh the joys of being a Well fan.

  8. Nobody wanted a shite league season in exchange for a cup run ! When it was spoke about a lot of people said we would hypothetically accept a cup run if it meant we exchanged it for a good league finish, so check yourself bellend.

  9. The draw is tomorrow afternoon and i was curious to see if anybody has a preference in who we draw or who do we think we might draw etc. Things are pretty grim for us right now and to be honest the smaller the team we draw the more i get the fear. Albion are in the draw again so are a couple of junior teams (i think) which could result in another total embarrassment or on the flip side we could be sent to Ibrox or the San Giro. Thoughts anyone ?

  10. Thats the last 4 games we've come up against teams who were really struggling for form and we've been pretty much comfortably despatched by all of them. Its the same dross being spouted by a manager who is clearly devoid of ideas on how to get a completely lopsided squad winning again. Just as i was typing this out i just seen the 2nd goal on the news

  11. I'm not even saying this as a piss take, if he is fit and at anywhere near his best a certain ex player of ours is actually going to rip us a new arsehole.

    When we were at our darkest moment in administration i was a season ticket holder and back then i seen a team full of fight and hunger to fight for the cause, the team huddle down at Rugby Park (i think it was there anyway ?) had the place buzzing because it was us against the world and we were all in it together. This is a team in the same predicament and i don't see any sort of fight or desire to halt this slump !

    We have a manager who i have loved in his Motherwell tenure but is now clearly in denial saying "it will improve next week trust me" its almost like he is reading the same script that Terry Butcher threw in a bin outside Easter Road last year after he wis shit canned !

    I'm still not quite at the McCall out stage but if Saints pull our pants aff then the question is going to become "can we afford NOT to sack Stuart ?"

    I hope with all my heart its any kind of Well victory but head says 2-0 Saints, Faddy getting at least 1 of them and the same parroted bullshit about being "unlucky" or "its not from a lack of effort" being spouted by a manager who week to week seems less and less interested in the fight to save our club !

    Sorry that this has came out on the Saints thread because it belongs on another one but i had a good few pints of red T tonight tae put that performance out my mind and all its done is make me more pissed off !

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