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Graeme Bremner

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Posts posted by Graeme Bremner

  1. Anyone got any idea whats happening with Luka Belic? noticed he was at the calendar event but still no appearences for the first team and only one for the 20s. Injured?

    Was speaking to one of the programme sellers last week and he said that he had heard from someone in the club that mcghee doesnt rate him and he was brought in as a last minute offer from west ham

  2. To be fair I did say that I could post a hundred links proving the point re email marketing. My mistake in not drilling down the search to within the last week, month, whatever.


    Entertaining that anyone thinks that link being 18 months old makes a blind bit of difference.


    I did offer to help. I offered to meet with a mod and show him how to do it. Hey, I'd even be quite happy to pay someone to set it up on behalf of the forum.


    Here's the core issue.


    This forum could be a driving force behind increasing fan engagement and attendance at Fir Park.


    I get the impression that Yabba's is the forum owner?


    If so - his replies and track record over the last few months prove that he has neither the imagination or ability to take this forum in the right direction. That direction is NOT TO BE A BUSINESS - but to BE IN THE BUSINESS OF DRIVING INTEREST AND SUPPORT IN MOTHERWELL FC.


    If I were Yabba I'd be all over this like a rash. He and the moderating team here could make a serious difference to the club future backed by marketing experts like me and professionals I could/would hire in.


    Alas - he's wallowing in a sea of stupidity. Stupid can't be helped, but if the penny drops, he's welcome to pm me so we can discuss how to help the club.


    Until I get that pm, I'm not returning to this subject.

    Make steelmen online Great Again

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  3. Probably only time i will say this and expecting to get slated. But Samson (cowers a little in fear) the goals where down to defense this week and samson though looked a bit panicky did a better job of holding the ball and looked safe most of the time.


    That will probably be the only time i say anything positive about samson

  4. Had a quick look at an oxford forum the other day and it's fair to say that there are some beginning to question the money spent on Marv and Kane Hemmings.


    Many others are saying it's early doors and that Marv will come good. I've always said it, unless Marv improves his stamina and resilience, he's a mid league 1 player at best.

    Marvins biggest problem his attitude if he sorts that hed be great but its a bit late for it really so i expect he will end up floating round lower leagues of england and possibly back to scotland at some point

  5. I think this new boy from west ham should probably get game time next week start out on the wing and see what he can do. And deop ainsworth for moult and see how it goes


    On the whole marvin situation wasnt ever really consistant for us

  6. Tactics where all wrong high balls to guys like ainsworth and mcdonald are not going to work we showed a worrying lack of creativity and felt st johnstone where by far the better team today


    samson cost us the goals shouldnt be beaten from that angle for the first and should have held the second


    Need a reaction next week now in my opinion missed a chance for a good 3 points today due to so may players being off the boil


    In saying that i guess when the manager says its acceptable to ship 5 goals it is a bit of a put down to our players as proffesionals

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