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Posts posted by Everton

  1. Yeah, think he featured for 5-10mins on a couple of occasions in the league, labout Christmas time last season. Mainly due to Everton being really short of numbers at that stage of the season.



    He only came on once for 3 minutes when we were 3-0 up against Sunderland at Christmas time ish. Despite us playing an 11 game spell without a fit striker except for him.

  2. Ruddy is a different matter to Lucas entirely. He is rated very highly by our coaching staff, and we were/are hoping he will take over from carlo nash as our number two when he hangs up his boots.


    Having said that, I believe you have a fee agreed to keep him already?


    Which if your willing to pay then I expect he'd jump at the chance to be number 1 up there than hope to become our number 2 in 18 months time.


    Regardless of whether you would be willing to pay whatever fee is agreed though, I expect Moyes would be eager for him to get more loan time so I expect at the very least you'll keep him for the rest of the season.


    I still have hopes he'll make it at Goodison though, certainly better than Turner who seems hopeless yet used to be ahead of Ruddy in the pecking order till he gifted United a 4-2 win when we were 2-0 up, can't see Turner ever playing for us again after that. it's very rare we hate one of our own players with such passion

  3. I wouldn't hold your breath about him being EVER fully fit. He struggled with a 'mystery ailment' whilst with Plymouth, and they couldn't use him for most of his loan there (lucky them).


    He's played 90 a few times in pre season for us, as our pre season games are usually a reserve side with 4 or 5 first team players with the rest injured. He scored twice once, but did fuck all any other times. I'd say he played about 8 pre season games with us over the last 2 years, and a 3 minute spell against Sunderland last December.


    Frankly Yakubu, Jo, Saha, Anichebe, Vaughan are clearly far better players. And last season when ALL of our strikers were injured except Jutkieiwcz and 16 year olds, Moyes played Cahill and fellaini up front rather than play Lucas. We actually played 4-6-0 rather than play him, he has no future here and will be released in July unless we can convince someone to take him before then.


    He wouldn't cost Motherwell anywhere near £1 million now, we'd probably give him for free just to be rid of him off the wage bill.

  4. To be honest, the worst thing that could possibly have happened to Jutkiewicz was probably costing a team £1,000,000. If he'd come to us on loan from Everton as a decent young player who may or may not make the grade (like plenty of loan deals) then he probably wouldn't seem as bad as he does. But unfortunately, he's joined us as a £1,000,000 striker so immediately there are big expectations (keep in mind money isn't thrown about in the SPL like it is down south and a club like Motherwell will probably never pay a seven figure sum for a player).

    In that case it's a little harsh to blame him for our stupidity, still I'm sure he'll do plenty enough to convince of his uselessness without the fee being accounted for.

  5. Ruddy's quality and I'd be delighted if we managed to get a hold of him permanently, or even just extend his loan spell.


    You can have Jutkiewicz back right now, I'll pay for his Megabus down. Though to be fair to the big guy, he scored the winner yesterday so we'll see how a wee confidence boost like that will help him.



    Damn always seems to be that way around. Ruddy impresses everywhere he goes, whilst nobody can wait to get rid of Jutkiewicz, whose only footballing credentials seem to be an inability to play more than 3 seconds without needed a heart transplant, getting the scout sacked who recommended Moyes spend £1 million on him, and scoring twice in a pre season game once.

  6. Hello, Everton fan here apologies if this thread is in the wrong place couldn't see one about them.


    Just wondering if either of Jutkiewicz or Ruddy look upto much in what they've played for you boys so far?


    And what are our chances of Motherwell finally being someone we can convince to keep jutkiewicz?

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