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Posts posted by JugendUltras

  1. Mega AND the Palace in the same night?


    That is a heroic effort on your part!


    Hehe.. Well, we went to Mega Bar 11ish, but didn't stay in there for more than 5-10 minutes before we were stupid enough to go out and not getting back in, so we went to Hamilton quite early. So not that heroic :(

  2. I love this thread :(


    Had an absolutely fantastic time in Scotland, and looking away from the result this trip is up there with our cup final last year as my best memories with AaFK.


    I've been to a few english towns before, but this was my first trip to Scotland, and I can honestly say that I like you scottish people far more than I like the english! Everyone made us feel welcome, and especially Georgie and the rest of the staff at Electric Bar deserves a big thank you!


    After the game a group of young well-fans we met at Electric bar was taking me and some friends out to the Mega Bar, and although we didn't get back inside after being out for a cigarette we had a great time with them. I was stupid enough to say we were from Norway when the bouncer asked, which was the end of our night at that place. "No football supporters in here!". Despite our scottish friends effort to get us back in we had no chance, and we ended up going to Hamilton instead. Again, a local guy helping us out. He drove me and a few friends over to Hamilton, went with us to the club, then drove us back to our hotel afterwards! Fantastic!


    Congratulations going through, and good luck to you guys in the future!

  3. Well.. One of the plane isn't 150, it's around 70. The other plane I don't know, maybe it is 150 as robbie says, but the team, staff and alot of sponsors are on it, so not actually 150 fans coming on that one either.


    I would be happy if we're 200!

  4. you can use you english money here, the english are so stuck up they call scottish money monopoly money. and make a big fuss as if you've just place a piece of shit in there hand!!!


    I H8 England lol


    haha! Scots are supposed to hate the english, right? :ph34r: You describe the situation in an english shop perfectly. I lived in London for a while, and it happend sometimes that for some reason I had scottish money. Everytime I had so it was a hell to pay with it in shops. In pubs no problem, but when I went to buy bread and milk the greek or turkish guy in the shop started to make e fuzz when i got scottish pund.


    When I think back at my time in England I guess i 8 that country myself mate!



    And oh.. Our huge guy never strikes when people believe he will. Now Scotland think he's shit, and today he was. I'm confident that he will bring on a show next Thursday as long as the Well don't score an early goal. If you do you'll win 5-0.

  5. Flight from Aalesund to Glasgow i think


    Yepp, correct.


    If I wasn't this drunk I would write more in my first post here, but because this forum got lazy admins I didn't get to post the first week I registreded. My plan was to give advice etc to people traveling to Ålesund, but some Lassie did that before me. Anyways..


    Wtf can I say about the match today? To be honest, Motherwell looked really shit. We didn't beat you which also makes us shit. Shit vs shit is a shit match, and the match was shit. Anyway, you scored a goal and we were lucky to get a penalty. 1-1 which before the match would be good result for you, after the match it felt like a good result for us. Thats football!


    Ai ai.. Motherwell got every chance now to win this, but as far as I try to know AaFK they always surprise me. I can't se us winning at Fir Park, but suddenly Aarøy wins a header and we're infront after a few minutes. Football is a game, and in a game everything can happen!


    Anyhows, fuck the result and thats like - I'm looking forward to go to Scotland next week! AaFK in Europe, it sounds like a joke, but it's true. 10 years ago we were in the second div in Norway, playing local teams with around 500-600 in the crowd. Now we play in a new modern stadium with alomst 11 000 in the crowd.


    Before I go to bed, which I should have done hours ago, I got one question. Can you use English pund in Scotland?! I know I can use the scottish pound in England (not easy though, they often look at it for a few minutes before its ok), so I would be surprised if you told me that i can not use the english one in Scotland. I got a £20 which is waiting to be used on beer!

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