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Posts posted by Albi

  1. Might be missing this, its a bastard having to work <_<

    Shame. But those Big Macs aren't going to fry themselves.


    In before the inevitable meltdown and everyone asking why McCall can't get results against the old firm a la the Rangers game.

  2. Time for new ideas,not rehashed ones. Actually not even new ideas, just reduce prices across the board, stop paying players so fucking much, only move Old Firm games away from 3pm Saturdays cos they deserve nothing less, and let kids in for free along with a full paying adult.

    This. And if you lower the prices, increase the gate. Simples.


    Also, a Friday night game, if rare and promoted well, could be exciting and different. Something to get excited about, like Monday Night Football in the NFL.


    And a final point to those whining like bitches because they say they have plans A WHOLE MONTH, 4 BLOODY WEEKS, before the game. Bullshit. Stop trying to look like you're busy, you're not and you know fine well you're not.

  3. Has it ever occurred to you that the crowds started to decrease at the same time the started messing around with the schedule.

    That is not the sole reason why crowds have decreased. And it would be ridiculous to suggest that it is a major reason. There are other reasons (prices, quality, general perception of the league) which have had a bigger effect.


    Hopefully the backward "SATURDAYS ARE BEST COZ IT WAS LIKE THAT IN THE 80S INNIT" crowd show themselves as the idiots they are. Like someone else said, the same idiots cry out for change then squeal like pigs when they try something different. :doh:


    The times they are a-changin. Deal with it.

  4. Lets begin.


    Maybe they should trial Saturday at 3.00pm!!

    They have. Crowds around the SPL aren't improving. Hence they are trying new ideas. A majority of the home support polled by the SPL, who went to the first Friday night game, said they would like to try it again.


    Just spoke to my dad and he can't make the game either now as he's doing something that night. So that's two season ticket holders now unable to make a game they've paid for. Well done, Motherwell. Not usually one to have a go at the club, but this is ridiculous.

    Maybe the club, and the SPL as a whole, should arrange the fixtures around your schedule then? Of course, that suggestion is just ridiculous.


    The last straw from the TV companies pissing around with kick off times.

    Friday night games aren't to be televised.


    Damned if they do, damned if they don't :doh:

    • Like 1
  5. Sounds good. Maybe not for Hibs supporters though.


    They should have maybe trialled it with Kilmarnock vs Motherwell (or two teams who are more "local" rather than Aberdeen and Dunfermline for instance) if TV schedules had allowed. Maybe an idea for the end of the season?

    • Like 1
  6. Have you tried to be Mr Smart Arse with your reply and missed the point again?


    The OP doesn't make any claim about how special or otherwise the supporters are, its the club as a whole he's referring too. If anything the proceeding posters have shared your view that as fans we aren't so great.


    In the context of this thread nobody really cares whether you are a happy clapper or a Grade A negative shite or whatever.


    It's pretty obvious the OP is referring to our achievements and standing in the game.


    Its a fact that we've done comparatively bloody well in our history when set against our peers. I stand to be corrected but I think we are the only non-city club to have won the top flight league and both cups. More recently you've 25 years now of sustained top flight football and the bulk of our history has been played out in the top flight. You've had European campaigns aplenty of late and a regular flow of talent that comes out of the club thanks to its youth development set up.


    You compare to that the likes of Hamilton, Ayr, Dumbarton, Airdrie, Dunfermline and Raith Rovers to name but half a dozen similar non-city clubs. Doesn't look bad does it?


    There was a question posed a few months back about what makes Motherwell a family club. For me the question of what makes us special goes in hand with that. Clearly behind the scenes there's a set up and an atmosphere that has prevailed throughout several generations that makes people feel comfortable and at home. From Bill Dickie and his however many years on the board to Alan McDonald in the kitroom to John Porteous in the physio's room to Craigan and Hammell etc on the park there are people throughout the club who have given it decades worth of service.


    So aye, when you have nutters like Colin O'Neill getting Motherwell badges tattooed on them, people like Luc Nijholt happy to head to Scotland whenever the function commands it, when you have the likes of James McFadden speak in glowing terms, or in-comers with no previous connection to the club like Terry Butcher or Stuart McCall refer to the club as special I have no doubt they are speaking genuinely.


    I share your view Albi that I don't feel comfortable with the self-congratulatory, best fans in the world tone some teams fans refer to themselves to, well OK mainly Celtic fans then, but that's not really the point here.


    But us? Special club? Damn right we are!!


  7. We are a special club because we're full of special supporters.


    Special supporters who start pointless threads like this one for instance.


    Thankfully I'm one of the non-special supporters who sees through the rose-tinted spectacles when we are doing well. Or, what some would call, a realist. Or, what the happy clappers would call, a "moaning faced c***"



  8. Gary O Connor charged with possessing coke,no action from S.F.A allowed to carry on playing


    Ian Black charged with possessing coke,no action from S.F.A allowed to carry on playing


    David Goodwillie charged with rape,no action from S.F.A allowed to carry on playing


    Gary [Craig] Thomson convicted of child sex charges,dont remember the S.F.A coming out and banning him from playing the next day


    Steve Jennings arrested on suspected betting irregularities not charged or convicted but suspected yet the S.F.A want him banned till its sorted,something not quite right there.

    One of these players indescretions can directly affect the outcome of a game, the other 4 have had indescretions outside of the game.


    If you can't see the difference then maybe you are not quite right. :huh:

  9. Hasn't there been instances in previous fixtures at Tannadice where Motherwell supporters have brought in (and let off) smoke bombs...? Indeed there has.


    If it's the same people (which it probably is due to where smoke bombs have been let off at Fir Park) then you can understand the stewards being concerned about letting you lot in.


    Doesn't excuse her attitude, by the sounds of it, but lets remember Chinese whispers are not going to be kind to someone not letting you into the ground.


    Summary: Sounds like people with previous for breaking the law (2nd paragraph) have been not allowed in because of fears they might do it again. If true, you reap what you sow...

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