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Posts posted by qwertymate

  1. randolph was poor and was to blame for both goals.


    the second goal he did not have to come out so fast, he had a few defenders getting back and he went to fast to ground.


    everybody else played well, especially blackman who gave us some energy for the last 10 minutes.

  2. i seen the end of this (i had just been onto ryans bar for a wee) but my firend seen it all.


    something to do with guys scrapping among themselves he said.


    the bit i seen was the arrests and a unifromed policeman for no reason go in with the boot to some lads back who was on the floor with a zip tie around his hands.

    Over the top.


    a few fans seen it and got angry (and rightfully so), and the police man who put the boot in got a bit of abuse and you could tell he realised he had gone to far as he tried to get out of the way.


    Overall, nothing to worry about, nothing to be concerned about and very much a police motivated event.


    There was however a fight (again it was 2 'mates' falling out) in some bar we where in at 4am. It was the same guys who had been arrested earlier and then released. The bouncer decided to throw out anyone in motherwell colours, and as we where watching it, the bouncer grabbed us without letting us finish our drinks.

    he even had the cheek to march us over to the police who to be fair, thought it was amusing and asked us what we had seen.

    They had a look at our passports, wrote down our names and had a joke about it. We where annoyed as we had nothing to do with it, last time i wear colours after a game!

    They had some camera man going around with them (thats the police) and my friend took it upon himself to become a tv presenter - he hopes he will now be on denmarks version of police , camera, action!



    again aload of fuss about nothing, which the bouncers/police took decided to make it a big event and the end result was everyone going on there way.


    it mot be a boring place to be a police officer, as those guys seemed determined to find themselves something to do.

  3. a few questions to any Odense fans


    where is the best place to eat?

    where about are the best and cheapest bars situated?

    anything to be careful of?

    can you walk to the ground?

    the trains back to billund at 2.30am and 4.30am on friday, are they safe for women?

    are there any night clubs open on thursday?

    are there any student bars?



  4. few questions regarding Billund airport to Odense


    there are 4 of us arriving on the thursday AM ryanair flight from stanstead, is the train the best option?

    how much is it?

    is it worth booking in advance to reduce cost?


    with the recession, a few of us are shortly to be laid off, so we need to watch the cash.

    Is it ok in denmark to bevvie on the streets?


    we are coming back on the morning friday flight, so we are not bothering with a hotel.

    What time do the bars generally close in Odense?



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