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Sieb Dykstra

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Posts posted by Sieb Dykstra

  1. No idea what prompted me to do so but I’ve just checked out (on LiveScore so not sure how accurate it is) Chris Cadden’s league appearances for Columbus this season and it doesn’t make for very good reading.
    18 games into their season and he’s started once and got subbed off after 78 minutes. He then had an appearance as a 90th minute sub and another as a 78th minute sub. He’s been on the bench for all other games bar one where he was nowhere to be seen (injured?). It looks like a total of 90 mins plus some stoppage time in 17 matches. He surely can’t be happy with that. 

  2. The ‘Well Lotto is so un-user friendly that I’m probably going to stop contributing. Not for the first time I can’t buy new credits (server was down on Friday apparently but not been able to purchase since), only get the email results sporadically, have to keep logging in to see if I have any credit in my account, no details of winners beyond one week, it’s just shite all round. I only have 2 entries so unlikely that my £104 per year contribution will be missed but it’s just so frustrating that it’s so difficult to put money into the club. 

  3. On a side note, What does everyone think of these side by side protests across scotland regarding "the bill" stuff?


    Thought it was quite ironic that both sets of 'Bois' at Perth on Saturday, home and away, seemed to be co-ordinated in displaying their 'anti-Bill' banners at kick off then at full time some of them were kicking seven shades of shite out of each other down where the buses were parked. Yeah, it's the establishment's fault....arseholes.

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  4. for me the main thing is that some of our players arent very good.


    I cant believe some folk think josh law is worth a starting place in our team.


    Joe chalmers is woeful.


    If you look back at most of the goals we have conceded this season, its down the wings that our problems arise, mostly law's side to be honest.


    I reckon between, laing, kennedy and mick we can put out 2 spl level central defenders but our fullbacks are shite, even when hammy is back even he is clearly not fit and a tad overweight.


    we have good players who shld be able to hold their own against most spl teams but a few tweeks are needed.


    in an IDEAL world id do this:-


    RIPLEY - stay

    SAMSON - stay

    WEE DAN - let go


    Reid - let go

    law - let go

    watt - stay

    kennedy - stay

    mcmanus - stay

    laing - stay

    chalmers - let go

    hammell - not sure if im honest


    grimshaw - stay

    lasley - not sure

    pearson - stay

    ainsworth - stay

    marvin - get your finger oot but stay

    Taylor - leave immediately!!!!!!

    Thomas - stay


    mcdonald - he has been shite but stay

    moult - stay

    robinson - let go

    Fletcher - stay

    Clarkson - let go


    With the wages saved see what MM can do and get 2 or 3 in.


    As i said i reckon we have a few good players who can play and win at thus level.


    So, you are saying that some have been shite and should go and some others have also been shite but they should stay?

  5. I would go with Sutton for his goals return.


    Think Craig Reid also deserves a mention in this thread though as, IMO, I reckon he's been one of our better and most consistent performers since he signed, really hoping we sign him up longer term.




  6. McCall was going nuts at the fans in the main stand who we're jeering him every time he got a touch.


    Some fat guy in the main stand was repeatedly shouting at McCall for a few minutes to "get rid of him, he's f*cking sh*te" (ironic considering the same fat guy had been shouting at someone else in the main stand to "watch their language, there's kids about" a few minutes earlier, not sure what for, I was too busy supporting the team). McCall then, rightly IMO, started shaking his head and asked the guy if he wanted him to 'do it just now?, do you want me to take him off just now?'. The guy never replied until McCall turned to focus back on the game and then the fat guy just shouted the same abuse again.


    Couple of things with this:


    1. The fat guy needs to have a look at his double standards over his choice of language


    2. More importantly, and I'm all for constructive criticism, that level of abuse, and booing him off at full time too, is not merited IMO. Goalkeeping is a 'confidence' position, and this level of abuse can not do any good whatsoever.






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  7. Whilst she has provided a reason I'm not sure that it actually stacks up....if it helps us with an extra day recovery time for the next game by bringing it forward does it not actually give us one less day for recovery after today's game?

  8. Garry o'connor,Derek Riordan have both been released by their clubs.Dont think we need them though.



    Guy I know at Hibs FC told me that O'Connor was at the Hibs v Hearts cup game a few weeks ago and popped in to see him. When asked how things were going in Russia he claimed to be getting released from his contract and something was being lined up (pardon the pun) for him in the States.


    He was then questioned if he would be allowed into the country with all the drug stuff hanging over him and he replied that he'd be getting cleared of it all and it wouldn't be a problem.


    Then, as was widely reported in the press, the stupid big chunt then proceeded to go out on the piss in Edinburgh after the match and (allegedly...) got caught with narcotics on him again, putting an end to that wee plan :doh:


    Good player but a fuckin idiot of a laddie.

  9. Don't know if they could set it up or not but what about a Dream Team / Fantasy League type thingy (based on SPL or EPL)?


    I normally enter the free Barclays EPL one every season and play in 2 or 3 wee mini leagues versus mates and folk from work etc. Usually chip in £10 for each team and winner takes all.


    It's never more than £80 - 100 or so to the winner but if the club could set up a bigger mini league just for 'Well fans and split the pot 50/50 or whatever there could be a few quid still up for grabs and might encourage folk to join rather than piddling about in smaller ones that they play with their mates?

  10. We played Airdrie at Fir Park in '93 (just after they had signed Justin Fashanu)....three and a half bottles of tonic later - two before the game, the rest after - and I woke up under the covers on the Sunday morning (result, made it home) still fully clothed (trainers the lot) and with a Woolies bag containing Pink Floyd's The Wall CD - the exact same album that I had bought the week before. Didn't have a receipt for either copy so couldn't even take one back :wallbash:

  11. if he keeps the good performances coming then i'll admit i was wrong.


    however one swallow doesn't make a summer and playing well last night doesn't change his performances earier on in the season. he's benefitting from us being less reliant on using him as an outball and teams playing deeper because of ojamaa's pace.


    fair play bumping this thread up just now but i could have bumped it up after his poor performances against morton, st mirren and united recently or after he missed an empty net again on saturday.


    let's come back to this when the good performances outweight the stinkers.



    Fuck sake

  12. I was talking about exactly this at half time, shite songs mixed in shitey ways that don't even work. The worst of the lot is the one where he "mixes" Sex On Fire and Dakota without paying the slightest bit of attention to timing. If the club must have a mixing type DJ rather than a radio type DJ, at least get someone that isn't fucking shit at it.


    I doubt there's anyone spending the first half thinking "hmmmm...I wonder what it would sound like if Rihanna was in The Proclaimers". Just play some tunes of the day, one after the other. It's no hard.


    I bet the Proclaimers would love to be in Rihanna though :whistling:

  13. Higdon is getting the support of his manager and team mates, who are all professionals in the game of football, and that says it all for me really.


    All these pr*cks in the Motherwell "support" who continue to give him (and Forbes etc) abuse, what exactly qualifies them to do so?

    Never mind the "we pay our money we can say what we want" drivel, if these t*ssers were such experts why are they having to pay to watch football rather than getting paid to play or paid to coach / manage a team?

    F*ck sake, I packed shelves in a supermarket years ago, doesn't mean I go into Tesco every week to tell the manager he's a useless c*nt just because his shelves are a bit messy.


    Nothing like supporting your team, eh? FFS.....:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  14. do you think they are high diving scrooge mcduck style into pools of cash?


    VAT got bumped up by 2.5 percent but ticket prices stayed steady, that's a net loss for the club. inflation is at 4% yet the price to pay into the east stand has been the same for years.


    every penny counts at fir park, we spend £1.8 million a year on player wages directly competing against english teams. does anyone want to see that reduced?



    ....and when VAT was cut by 2.5% down to 15% admission prices also stayed steady then did they not? That was a net gain for the club....




    My season ticket for the POD jumped from £333 last season to £370 this season and I hope to make at least 15 or 16 games. That works out at over £23 per game if I get to 16 games and over £24 if I get to 15 games which is too expensive for what we get in return. But if that's what it costs me to support my team from the seat of my choice then so be it....not sure what my tipping point would be though, maybe when it gets to £400 for my season ticket....




    To have a positive effect on attendances I would say £15 per game and £5 for kids but difficult to tell if this would increase crowds enough to generate the same level of turnover.

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