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Posts posted by GraniteCityMFC

  1. 5 minutes ago, Spiderpig said:

    It's the A9 North of Perth that's bad, the A90 from Perth up the east vost to Aberdeen seems to be OK.

    That said anyone intending to travel up there tonight might want to reconsider, the game is available on PPV.

    It might be ok coming North, but going South is another story. My wife has just turned round to come home. She had only managed to travel 40 miles in over 2 hours (between Aberdeen & Dundee).

    I agree with your 2nd para, it would be wise for everyone to stay at home. 

  2. Allegedly (from someone who knows one of the AFC players) a decision is being made at 3:30pm. Why that specic time - who knows!! 

    It is wild up here (as it probably is across most of the country). Not weather for football, although maybe that 'levels the playing field' for us!! 😜

  3. 1 minute ago, texanwellfan said:

    It was mentioned earlier that it was denied due to handball from Boyce. Is that not the case? 

    The guys on Radio Scotland seem to have changed their minds about that!

    The latest theory is insufficient contact to award a pen, and Boyce didn't help himself by rolling about holding his head, when the minimum contact was to the chest.

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