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Posts posted by wellfan74

  1. I had an amusing few minutes when getting off a flight from Chambery on Saturday night listening to a very drunk young frenchman who said he was from Marseille and he was meeting his agent at Edinburgh airport, did'nt get his name but given he was only about 5' 6 and about 10 stone i doubt he would survive in the SPL.


    He happily told anyone who would listen that he had trials arranged with Motherwell and Celtic in the next few weeks, the security at immigration asked him a few questions. Given that the boy was drinking heavilly throughout the flight, he might just have been getting acclimatised to the west of Scotland way of life ?

  2. A bad day at the office, however the one well player who stood out was Yassin Moutaouakil


    His undoubted skill was matched by his determination, and he for one did'nt deserve to be in the losing side. Hardly put a foot wrong all day

  3. Like another poster, i expect all of you are too young to remember John Fallon, who was the worst keeper by a country mile.


    I can't remember us even winning a game with John Fallon in goals, he even turned away from the onrushing Colin Stein at Ibrox and threw the ball into his own net.

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