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Yabba's Turd

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Posts posted by Yabba's Turd

  1. On 5/28/2024 at 9:52 PM, twistandshout1983 said:

    On the subject of a pre-season game with Livingston anyone remember that Motorola Cup in 2000/2001 ?Ā 

    Sure we won 6-1 and Andy Goram lifted a trophy šŸ†, memory may be playing tricksĀ 

    Both teams had the Motorola sponsors of course

    Aye and they opened the south stand to home fans for it so we could experience it before sellic wrecked it

  2. 14 hours ago, joewarkfanclub said:

    Sale of the Century!

    Pretty apt we played in Matchwinner kit at that time!

    Id forgotten he had been in the squad for the Norway game. I had it in my head that he got recalled for the provisional squad that went to Genoa for a PR trip and then got injured before the finals.

    I do remember Jock Brown asking him in a post match interview about Scotland and him saying his Scotland days were over.

    Glad he was wrong. Even if he didnt get to the World Cup.

    I've told this story many times, I was working at FP the day he signed, testing the fire alarm, I was sure I had disconnected all the sounders, however missed the one along the corridor where Lama Tomtom's office was, after a bit he bursts into the tunnel face beaming red, 'I'm in there trying to sign a player and can't hear myself over the racket you're making!' 'Who are we signing?' I shout back, 'Davie Cooper' he replies. 'Aye right!' I shout back, 20 minutes later the deal is done.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, wellgirl said:

    Someone just sent me a message on twitter saying they hope steelboy plays so they can critique him the way he critiques the Motherwell players šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

    Come on steelboy. You know you want to.Ā 

    He can't kick doors at halloween

  4. 14 hours ago, Wee Dougie said:

    David, I think using the terms, Prick and Knob in your replies, shows poor debating skills, as I said its only my opinion, but to lower yourself to such petty comments, tut, tut. The manager will decide who we sign and no matter my opinion or yours they will get my support, unlike others on here!!!!.Ā 

    Nope, it's ma baw, and you're banned.

    • Haha 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Wee Dougie said:

    It's only my opinion, but nice to see you stick up for your admin pal. Who would you like to see????.Ā 

    Don't really care to be honest, my knowledge of upcoming prospects and players ready to make the next step is limited. I wasn't sticking up for anyone.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Wee Dougie said:

    David, if you think the players mentioned would enhance our squad, then yes, stick to computer football. We are all entitled to an opinion, but christ the players mentioned are absolute dross, in my opinion.Ā 

    and only your opinion counts why?

  7. 4 hours ago, MJC said:

    I didnā€™t say that it did, I was merely making an observation that the more vocal ā€œfaithersā€ of the support, particularly on here tend to be the ones who donā€™t actually attend games. Iā€™m not interested in the reasons they donā€™t or canā€™t go, thatā€™s their business, but itā€™s a bit rich when these types get all sanctimonious and start riding about on their high horses with fans who actually were at the game.

    So you want to gatekeep the gatekeepers? Sounds about par for your course

  8. 44 minutes ago, steelboy said:

    Not directly related to us but the EPL club owners have now announced plans for a salary cap. It's obviously the start of a move to move huge NFL style profits out of the UK and into the owners foreign bank accounts.Ā 

    I don't remember any of them saying they were going to do this when they bought the clubs....

    You realise the difference though right? NFL is an entertainment sport, EPL is sports entertainment. Can't see it working unless it's uefa wide

  9. 3 hours ago, grizzlyg said:

    View from the terrace just done a lovely article on uncle Phil, very emotional watching it and I know his 2nd term was a disaster but we should never forget McGhee's first spell at club and also how he handled things through that seasonĀ 


    • Thanks 1
  10. On 4/16/2024 at 1:11 PM, bobbybingo said:

    Ah, that's why I don't remember Armstrong, I had Hynd at Garrion. His speciality was hanging up kids' jackets, while they were still wearing them.

    Had Hynd, both Whitefords and Morton's Frank Welsh as PE teachers, bizarrely I got on really well with Hynd, even more bizarre though was becoming good friends with Alan Faulds from pre match pints in the Cooper

    • Like 1
  11. On 4/6/2024 at 9:41 PM, grizzlyg said:

    Old news. He was a legend last season and forever grateful but now we have The Bair!.......which if I had said in September would have been the most hilarious thing I have ever said šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

    Surprised at the lack of Champ manager style posts regarding signing a declining player versus the possibility of an ascending one you can develop, does no one play champ man any more? sake

    • Haha 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, weeyin said:

    If anyone managed to find a way to skim Ā£750k from our books without being noticed they are a financial wizard - and should be working for Accies.

    More the skulduggery factor than embezzlementĀ 

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