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One Step Beyond #88


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As it says.

Two Fat Ladies as they say at the bingo, issue 88 of the best Motherwell fanzine named after a Madness song....ever is going to be on sale at the Hearts game on Saturday wherever it may be.

The SPL have gone kinda quiet on the pitch front, have they suddenly realised our pitch isn't the only one suffering from the recent terrible weather perchance? Maybe they've noticed that everyone's surface is suffering? Perhaps they've come to the conclusion that it's actually their undersoil heating policy that causes more damage to pitches than anything?

Hopefully they'll keep quiet, it's the only time we hear anything remotely resembling common sense from them, and we can get down to the serious business of selling fanzines, sorry collecting European tokens.

Nothing much changes with One Step Beyond really, well there's not really the demand is there? If it ain't broke, don't fix it and Granpa' Broon seems to have done well following that philosophy thus far. He's taken on Jim Gannon's team, made some slight adjustments and taken us on the bestest run of form since the last really good run of form we enjoyed. More power to his elbow we say.

Granpa' features heavily in this edition as you would expect, so, as you would expect, does his predecessor. Jim Gannon has split the fans on a level not seen since Bob Malcolm skelped himself on the nose with an attempted overhead kick. He gets praise and criticism in equal measure in this issue, strange that considering it's a vehicle for all fans to have their say. Have yours once you've read it, be nice though. Nae sweary words on public forums now.

Oh and you get a free gift an a'. Nae telling noo, buy yin and see.


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