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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2021 in Posts

  1. Well done to St Johnstone, a great manager but also a combination of good players through academy, good signings from championship and a few auld heids. Just shows you anything is possible
    2 points
  2. Never in a million years will Celtic be selling Turnbull this summer.They will build a team around him next season and a year down the line he will have more goals,more Scotland caps and be at least 20 million plus! He is so so good I was shocked a big club didn't pick him up from the off.
    2 points
  3. Plus a large slice of luck we never seem to get in not having to face either of the ugly sisters in both finals, that very rarely if ever happens in Scottish football, but fair play to them for taking full advantage. Outwith the uglies there is not much between the other 10 clubs in the premiership so any luck you get in the cup competitions is a big bonus.
    1 point
  4. Celtic are apparently skint but I don't see them selling Turnbull this summer. They need a similar number of new starters to us but they also have to hit the ground running with a new manager. Turnbull guarantees goals and assist in this league so they can't afford to sell him. From his perspective it depends on who they bring in as manager. If it's someone who can develop him he should hang around for a couple of seasons before heading south. If it's a Lennon/Delia level appointment he should start agitating for a move immediately.
    1 point
  5. -1 points
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