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Posts posted by MilkyJism

  1. i just feel if we dont that and halfed our gate prices and season price the ammount of folk coming would increase, meaning increased sales in merchandise meaning more money from sponsors = money for more players which would complete a nice loop making even more people come to games

  2. Seeing as games where there are cheap ticket prices bring little or no more supporters then I think we're going to have these prices for the forseeable.


    yeah i agree but these are all wee diddy games nd one offs and lets face it isnt much of a discount most of the time

    i believe if they were to become permantly 5 quid for u17s nd 10 quid for adults more folk would show an interest and come to the game


    this may cause a stir but lets face it its absolut daylight robbery and i dont see why we THE FANS put up with it

  3. i know leean demptster reads this along with some others from the club, maybe if we got together we could get somthing done about it.. maybe even cause a stir in scottish football


    lets face it theres no need for these scandalous prices

  4. This.


    Football is ridiculously too expensive. The high ticket prices do put off a number of people, including me, from going to Fir Park.


    However, that's only part of the problem. The product (the game being played and the environment in which it's played) is diabolically poor. Watching that first half, all I could think was how lucky I was that I hadn't paid money to be there - and I would've felt like that whether the ticket price was £2 or £25.


    For £10, I can go to a cinema, sit in a comfy seat, and be entertained for a couple of hours.

    For £20, I can sit in a stadium that's falling apart, freeze my tits off and sit through a turgid 45 minutes of 'football'.


    I know that many people will say I'm not really a fan, and that if I feel like that then I should piss off and support the Old Firm. Fair enough. But I'm the type of fan that the club needs to be attracting on a more regular basis, because like it or not, another 4,000 hardcore loyal supporters are not suddenly going to appear any time soon.


    who agrees ??

  5. Actually spotted a black Range Rover wi' blinged up alloys and a private plate on my way to the game yesterday and thought "Aye that'll be big Boab back". It was parked in the middle lane of the M74 mind... ;)


    it was a bently bob drove :(

  6. after all this talk of Bob Malcolm being back at the club and it being proven untrue.. i would like to know how people would feel if he did come back, and see who like me would want him back

  7. Bob Malcolm is back training with Motherwell, speaking to someone at work whos son is a regular in the team and he said bob's back/ coming back in the next week or so to train with us, no contract yet, but he said we'll need to wait and see.


    OK yeah hes back in scotland but what bored bastard decided to say HE WAS back at motherwell... spoke to a few players i know today after the game nd they knew nothin about it, apart from acouple of the lads speaking to him... seriously but where do all these bullshit rumours come from on here


    am not shunnin bob malcolm coming back he was great... just never got a chance

  8. betty got me involved with the club, without her doing what she did i would maybe have lost interest in football like i did everything else after my accident, but now i have worked at the club played at firpark, got into refereeing, met loads of people i wouldnt have met, and experianced a lot of other things a boy of my age would simply dream of, she did what was probally a little thing to her but it changed my life totally and i can now say it is a whole lot better because of that. She was always genuinly happy to see you too... and its with no doubt i will say everyone that knew her will feel as if there is something missing in there life.


    Goodbye Betty you will never be forgot




    Duncan McKinnon

  9. my favourite memory of a match had to be inverurie, the banter was ammense, we had a snowball fight with the loco fans at half time and it was one of those games you were a bit more interested in windin up the oposition fans as you knew the game was won


    heres a pic i captured that game

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