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Posts posted by Jamwell

  1. Question 1 - Mark Reynolds wasn't playing anywhere near as good as he was 1-2 years ago. And no, I wouldn't take him back, Shaun Hutchinson is a much better player ;) P.s. I'd take coke back easily :P


    Question 2 - Celtic and Rangers may be championship/league 1 standard. The rest of the SPL are probably league 2. The old firm's stranglehold on the SPL has killed off any chance of a competitive SPL.


    Question 3 - He was pretty much all we could get in the time period. Doing ok so far though. Desperately need a regular striker though.

  2. Who the heck voted for Murphy????

    He had some excellent chances and got only one on target. And even that shot was piss weak and direct on goalkeeper. He needs to become stronger if he's going to improve. I would choose Casagolda to start next game.


    Randolph all the way. Kept us in the match throught the first half. Wd Hutch too ;)

  3. Sellout. Make such good progress with a young group of lads and then piss off to nowhere up north just for a few extra quid.


    I thought you were a gentleman and a respectable man Brown, so very fucking dissapointed.

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