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Posts posted by faddythedaddy

  1. That's why Scottish (and most British) footballers struggle to compete at the top level against players who train like athletes.


    It's also why guys like John Collins and, more recently, Felix Magath face rebellions any time they try to impose healthy training regimes. There are exceptions, but they are rare.


    I think magath was a bit more extreme than that.


    Some of the stories about him were quality

  2. Half of the players are posting pictures of their dinners on instagram the night before games and its not unusual for it to be accompanied with a big plate of chips.


    not unheard of for players to come back from half time break with a pie.


    The ones in the main stand that is.



  3. We were in the Main Stand and heard nothing whatsoever untoward. There was some jeering of Willie Collum for the penalty decision, and David Goodwillie, for his dive, but neither was abusive or undeserved.


    It was only 1 guy to be fair but was so blatant it was embarassing

  4. I assume he was watching from the stand. Not sure why though.


    He was sitting in the directors box with his mouldys on.


    baffled as to why we didn't sign clarky, you always know you get an honest shift and thought he was excellent especially first half today.

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