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Everything posted by superwell87

  1. Exactly. The players go out and expect the supporters of the team that they play for too support them. Not give them abuse. No matter who they have played for previously or what kind of form they are currently on etc.
  2. Fitzpatrick's goal v Hearts at Easter Road Jutkiewicz's goal v Hibs
  3. Thought Higdon had a good game last night. He was unlucky that he didn't score more than one goal during the 120 minutes.
  4. Cannot see many goals in this game. I think it will be close game, so i will go for 1-0 'well with Higdon to score or a 0-0 draw.
  5. Cracking atmosphere last night. Keep it up lads
  6. The result aside, I thought it was a great game last night. Getting knocked out the way we did was hard to take, even more so, given Bob was onside when he scored late in Extra Time.
  7. superwell87


    Chris Humphrey for me.
  8. Before saturdays's result i thought that we would have this game on easy street. Not to sure now though. Still think we will just edge in a win though. 2-1 'Well.
  9. He isn't out for as long as i thought, but it is still a blow. Could have been a lot worse.
  10. Hopefully we can bounce back from yesterdays result with a convincing win. 3-0 Motherwell with Murphy brace and Law providing the goals.
  11. Not heard anything about it, but i would like to see Sutton back in Claret and Amber. However wages could be a problem though.
  12. Bollocks. Sounded like a good goal though.
  13. Fuck right off. Hate to say this but game over.
  14. Congratulations Stuart. The award is well deserved
  15. I would have him back at Fir Park in a second. Cannot see it happening though.
  16. Surely the fact Celtic are back in the Europa League will have something to do with the fixure change?
  17. Won't be an easy game but i cannot see it being a walk in the park for Celtic either. There will not be much in it. Proberly 1-0 or 2-1 to Celtic. Would be delighted if we could sneak a draw though.
  18. When are they impressed with anything other than themselfs after chucking fans of "diddy clubs" out of Parkhead for fuck all?
  19. Not the best draw we could have hoped for, but it is winnable.
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