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Vic Rattlehead

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Posts posted by Vic Rattlehead

  1. Mid May? It's June next week 'flow.


    Still, the club are polishing a shite when it comes to keeping the fans happy, it looks good for a wee while then the smears start.


    Up the well

  2. "For electronic and audio-visual media, unauthorized reproduction and distribution is also commonly referred to as piracy"


    Thought it was better to get a description that wasn't written by someone on here. :thumbup:

    and your behaviour is commonly referred to as internet fuddery.


    Thought I'd better write a description that fits the popular opinion on here.

  3. Not sure what rule I broke.

    You don't have to break any forum rules to have posts deleted or edited if the people running the forum don't like what you have posted, I'd have thought that was obvious.

  4. I didnt realise Barnsley were a championship side. I guess the could pay more.


    I just dont see Barnsley as a good career move. They arent particularly competitive. No chance of getting into Europe. JOB is better off here in the long-run and I'm confident he knows it. He has only really had one season of playing consistently, he needs to stay.

    Do you think a player would risk taking lower wages for the forseeable future with the chance of a form dip, Motherwell's league position being shit or even an injury or take a healthy pay increase and play in a better supported league immediately?


    No brainer fella

  5. Am i the only one who doesn't get this Luc Nijholt wish?


    Mayby im wide of the mark but the guy doesn't exactly seem to have a massive knowledge of the SPL or Managment as a whole. Would be a risky appointment,especially when the team we have is full of inexperienced players aswell.

    A cracking left back, although by that mark we should also interview Tommy Boyd, Rab McKinnon and Joe Wark.

  6. I would like to see Gannon do a 'Gradi' at Motherwell and buck the trend of our managerial merry-go-round system. We've been hit and miss since hamster chops quit in our appointments, in fact wee Mclean was the exception in the last 30 years.

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