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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. Or Bux has been looking up too much porn!
  2. Nah - League Cup and Scottish Cup games only for me if that goes ahead.
  3. Server had a security intrusion and had to be taken offline and re-imaged Then we had a disk failure Then another disk failure of the back up and had to use the back up of the back up Both disks replacing took some time and had to reset the entire database of this and other websites hosted on our server and this is what took all the extra time.
  4. We did. Formed as a newco
  5. Should be back up and running now, although there is a slight chance that a few hours worth of posts will be gone. Got there though! Apologies once again. Sign of the forum outgrowing its set up.
  6. http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid826190965001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAAAAnV5Z0~,xyoxShbYDLGtIGLx8PLaSB_p70v9TgGQ&bctid=1539539571001
  7. And some of our fans seem to hate Celtic 100x more than rangers... Blue sympathisers? Hate them both equally, wankers!
  8. P.s agree entirely lobey. Finger out. Fuck all this pish about not aiming to be high up the league.
  9. Ah well saw it coming a mile off. That'll be £115 withdrawn from my Sporting bet account then
  10. Don't even know why they are discussing this. Nothing will ever change. Ever. Even if the Rankers do go under, all that'd happen is they'd be given straight run back into the SPL on the same old voting structure, and no one outwith them have the balls to stand up and say what needs to be said. Say what you like about the OF, but at least they aren't shy about telling the world what they want.
  11. I filled it in mate. It took a little longer than anticipated, but is an interesting topic which is something that's on the forefront of a lot of Motherwell fans minds at the moment due to the 'Well Society and potential change to the model in which our club is run.
  12. On behalf of a colleague: Survey Link here: Clicky Cheers.
  13. Free money hahaha! Edit, only if the odds are over 1.5 which that is of course
  14. Agreed. We'll get battered by Rangers. It's a dead cert Don't see any reason why we can't beat Hibs though
  15. aye, i'd come along to it now if it's still running. Should advise that I'm dynamite and will show you all up though
  16. If the Motherwell board vote a newco Rangers straight back into the SPL without insisting on radical changes at the very least I will no longer go to Fir Park to watch them play. If Motherwell had been liquidated we'd be languishing somewhere between the 3rd and 1st division, and rightly so. I do believe that the standard of top flight Scottish Fitba is better with the two of 'em in it, but it should be on a fair more even split in terms of revenue, prize money and voting for fair changes
  17. Aye, Paw Broon has the dons playing the way he had us set up and the way he had his Scotland teams set up. Shite up top, but nigh on impossible to break down. You just have to look at their goals for/against record since Christmas. So therefore, Aberdeens good defence and shit attack versus our good attack and shit (depending on line up) defence? Boring 0-0 written all over it.
  18. Fired mine over already. Marked it as a gift but as i paid by card i was charged - added it on to the payment amount though so you get the full amount.
  19. Are you going to keep the first thread updated as to where the contributions are coming from? I said I'll put £30 in from me and £30 on behalf of the forum. I'll put half in just now and half at the end of the month as I'm going to be signing up for my own membership either tonight or within the next day or two.
  20. I'll buy it so long as the club aren't going to mortgage season book money to give to the well society
  21. Gaag


    F**k off West Brom then what? Stupid brummies, can't make hide nor hair of them
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