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Posts posted by StAndrew7

  1. 21 minutes ago, steelboy said:

    In every game he's played opponents have run round him like he's not there. Why have him at all? It's just pissing money away and if the manager can't see that he's done then it's worrying. 

    The biggest issue with Davor is that he's a man down in possession. You can't have three centrebacks plus a midfielde who is only able to pass it backwards or five yards sideways. It makes the game easy for the other team. 

    I can't really argue with your logic re: Halliday but I'm willing to give him a chance for now but the initial signs aren't promising other than him being "fine" at points.

    Davor's job is win the ball back and give it to someone who can play those passes. Not having that in our team isn't a reason to criticise his role; he's not got a left foot like Goss. Granted, when I did some research on him after he signed, I felt like he could be that role but he's not quite there yet. Hopefully he'll get there.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Kmcalpin said:

    I agree with most of that. I think Paton is underrated. He's no worldbeater but he brings an energy and mobility to the midfield no-one else does.  I'm not convinced at all about Davor. Yes, he is the type of player we need, but he's just too lightweight.

    Despite his pugnacious language, Steelboy has a point about our midfield. All season it has failed to protect our central defence. Now thats a down to a combination of factors: players being played out of position (some moreso than others), the wrong combination being fielded and just not having a solid out and out defensive midfielder.  I've been really impressed with Lennon Miller, but feel that his best position is slightly further forward than where he's been deployed. I take your point about Halliday's fitness, but am wary about us placing too much reliance on him next season.

    In short, our defensive frailties this term have not all been down to a shaky goalie and erratic central defence.  That midfield weakness needs rectified. As we seem to be in a "Raith Rovers" mode right now, the kind of player we need is Scott Brown. However, I believe he's under contract form another year. A tenacious, hard tackling leader; thats what we need..  

    Yeah, I agree with all of that just about. Davor is great in terms of his tenacity and his enthusiasm; like, he really does love playing football and seems to be really enjoying himself at the club (I think him and Bair being best pals and how much he celebrates with Bair when he scores is evidence of that). He's a bit too small/weak at times, I agree, but some strength and conditioning work in preseason should hopefully help with that.

    One of my biggest frustrations with Paton is his decision making; on numerous occasions he's waltzed through a few defenders into the 18 yard box, sometimes to the penalty spot and decided to play a backward or sideways pass. Just shoot the thing. With quick feet like that he's the kind of midfielder who could get 5+ goals a season from those situations if he just had the confidence to have a go.

    I think you're correct re: the midfield; we definitely need a sitting 6 type DM; or a stronger 8 to play alongside Davor. I can't see anyone of our current midfield filling that role competently all season.

    6 minutes ago, steelboy said:

    The idea that a preseason is going to turn Halliday around is magical thinking. His legs are gone and the opposition are already targeting him. 

    Obika was a total write off from the League Cup group stages this season.  Halliday will be the same.

    I don't think anyone is expecting Halliday to be a world beater or anything, just that he'll be slightly less off the pace than he has been at times this year when he's played. He could potentially fill that sitting 6 role if we need it, although it would reek of desperation to me; I'd rather he was used as back-up for the starting midfield, in whatever form it takes.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

    Today's BBC gossip:

    Aston Villa and Bournemouth are both interested in 17-year-old Lennon Miller, but Motherwell are working to convince the midfielder to stay at the club at least until the end of his contract in 2025. (TeamTalk)

    His deal's up in 2026. 🙄 🤔

    I'm assuming TeamTalk mean the end of next season so we can give him another year in the league and build his value.

  4. 31 minutes ago, weeyin said:

    Me too. But plenty don't rate him. I thought our strongest lineup included Miller, Spittal and Slattery. 

    Technique wise I'd agree, but I think Davor coming into the team has really allowed Miller and Spittal to play a bit more because he screens the defence far better than the three of them do together. He doesn't do anything that dazzles but he does a really good job of the stuff that's underappreciated.

    • Like 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, wellfan said:

    We have Moses Ebiye here next season, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do after a full pre-season.

    Aye, point well made. I think he'll be fine. Would be pleased with 10 or so goal contributions from.

    Quite a few folk have written him off already.

    He's averaged 12.5 mins on the park over 4 appearances, scored one and should have had an assist if it weren't for Oli Shaw being OLI FUCKING SHAW.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, wellfan said:

    I guess this means the following, but I'm happy to be corrected by those in the know.

    - Kelly must be away.

    - St Johnstone fans seem keen on bringing Rooney back. Where would this leave SOD? McGinn will hopefully sign a new deal, and I assume the mysterious Elliot will be away.

    - Obileye didn't have a good game for Livi on Saturday, but he is likely an able replacement for Butcher and Mugabi.

    - Would Easton fill the Spittal-shaped gap? What about Nicholson? The latter played well in the spaces on Saturday.

    - The new LB won't be Gent, sadly. 

    I doubt we'll declare any signings until the season's conclusion, and we'll likely announce the clearout first with one of those end-of-season player contract updates. 

    Aye, agreed.

    Gent is very much in the mould of someone who Blackburn had never even thought about and is now very much in their plans, or at the very least to be sold off the back of his performances up here (like Furlong, but maybe we'll see him again 👀).

    I'd like to keep Nicholson as he definitely has a spark of something we've been lacking at times when Spittal has been off it and if we do and Easton is coming in I guess that signals intention around attacking options. i.e. sticking with a lone striker well supported by two others. Would leave Ferrie and one other (probably to be brought in) as back up to Bair.

  7. I wasn't at the game on Saturday but had a few mates report on some of the rumoured signings, most of which are on P&B now too:

    - "experienced" keeper

    - Shaun Rooney

    - Ayo Obileye

    - Dylan Easton

    - A left back 

    Now we've got safety sorted, will be interesting to see if we make any announcements on incoming players. Personally I'd only want them to be announced if they're finished their seasons. I don't think it's right to declare a signing who's still playing for a club/has games remaining.

  8. 1 minute ago, Kmcalpin said:

    Ah so its still King Louis.

    For now. Equaling his highest ever league tally is quite the feat for someone who was written off by a significant number of our support. And what, 10/12 of them have been since the turn of the year?

  9. 30 minutes ago, Kmcalpin said:

    Absolutely. There's criticism and there's abuse. It's a fine line to tread. Downright abuse isn't acceptable. Footballers though aren't totally blameless. Quite a few behave in such a way that if they did so in the same way off the the pitch they'd be arrested and charged. Its about rough and tumble banter but with respect. 

    Some footballers, yes.

    Bair and SODs have probably had the worst of it from our support this season in my experience; they're model citizens on and off the park. Georgie Gent another one. The kid's what, 19/20? How does he warrant the abuse and vitriol he's had at points.

    People had made up their mind about Bair before he'd kicked a ball and based on what, exactly? In depth analysis of his time at St Johnstone, watching every minute he'd played? Nah. They saw an easy target and went for him.

  10. 47 minutes ago, Kmcalpin said:

    Every so often a post appears somewhere that grabs your attention and stands out from the morass. I've just read one such one on P & B.

    Of late, there's been a lot of criticsm by some posters on P & B of our fanbase.  I'll park that. However yesterday AnderooMFC posted the following:

    "Football crowds allow a release of the pent-up emotions and frustrations of everyday life, even the negative emotions. That scapegoat is a temporary stand-in for every asshole customer/boss/partner/child/parent/authority figure/system/patriarchy/nameless horror that they are not allowed or unable to express frustration at from Saturday 5pm-next Saturday at 2.59. So come 3pm kick-off there's a lot to be vented. Holding it in is not good for your health. We exist to improve people's lives. Even moaning-faced twunts."

    That sums it up perfectly. Well done sir/madam.

    Football is an emotional game and a safety valve for many

    ... so the professional players, doing their job on the pitch, deserve/should be OK with being on the receiving end of all of that pent up rage?

    As much as I agree with the sentiment (I lose my shit a fair bit at games, as we all do I guess) surely there's a line that needs careful consideration and we need to remember that the people on the pitch are every bit as human/vulnerable as we are.

    • Like 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, steelboy said:

    Butland played the ball when the St Mirren guy was 6 yards away from him and the guy clattered into Butland. It should have been a foul to Rangers but Nic Walsh can't help himself. 

    For someone who criticises refs every single time we play you seem to have a loose grasp on the laws.

    That St Mirren player just runs into people all the time. He's the perfect Robinson player. 


    The irony of that tweet is not lost on me following the Casey/oor wee laddie Ross McCausland reaction.

  12. 1 minute ago, wellfan said:

    According to Wiki, the 16 acres that McDiarmid Park sits on was worth £400K in 1986. What's it worth now? Will it be sold from under them once/if it all goes wrong?

    Nae idea. The guy named is/was involved in Cambridge United purchasing their stadium back, based on what some StJ fans are saying on P&B.

  13. 9 minutes ago, FirParkCornerExile said:

    Mugabi can go anytime, hasnt progressed one bit in his time with us. Still makes the same basic mistake he always did and too regularly as all players make mistakes. .

    I'm not sure he was ever going to progress that much with us given where we signed him from. He was signed to do a job, has done it relatively well over the time he's been with us but, along with the rest of our back line, has had an absolute nightmare this season and is (rightly, I guess) being judged on that rather than the body of his work.

    A clean break does make some sense, particularly if we want to bring in a "proper" centre back type to play centrally in the three and hopefully provide more leadership in the back line and the team in general.

  14. 1 hour ago, Kmcalpin said:

    Some truth in what you say, but I'm more optimistic. SK will have more money available to him for a start. Not in terms of the gross amount but certainly in terms of the net amount. Wages for the likes of Barry Maguire, Conor Wilkinson, Nathan McGinley, Callum Butcher etc will be freed up to spend on newcomers. These players contributed little to our campaign this term but did eat up a substantial part of the wages budget. Hopefully Jon Obika too.  On the debit side, yes we'll lose Blair Spittal for sure. Maybe Theo Bair and Lennon Miller - but those moves are by no means certain. As for the rest of the OOC players, there's no-one I'm desperate to keep. Maybe some other youngsters coming through too?

    There will be huge departure and arrival list this summer, but even if we only attain a 50% success rate in incomers then we should still strengthen. Add to that, that SK will now know his squad better and will be aware of weaknesses.

    I would absolutely be looking to retain McGinn; from what I've heard there's a deal there for him to stay and he's good with it, but wants to make sure we're staying in Premiership first.

    I'd also be keen to retain SODs, particularly if Kettlewell wants to keep the back three; I think he's a really good option as a right side wide centre back. I think his pace has slowed (he's never been the quickest, I'll admit) but he is still a capable and relatively reliable option/pro to have around.

    If it's a toss of a coin between Bevis and SODs, in our current system I'd probably want to keep Bevis and just tell him to get the ball to fuck whenever it comes near him to minimise his brainfarts. I can see us keeping SODs and losing Bevis, though.

    It's going to have a very busy summer, we essentially need to replace the entire spine of our team, including finding some creativity with Spittal going and Slattery's future also unclear.

    We're looking at a rough requirement for what, 2 goalkeepers, 4 defenders (2x CB, 2x WB), 3 midfielders, 2 or 3 forwards (striker, winger(s))? Now, that's assuming none of the current crop of young players break into the first team. I'm expecting at least one or two across those positions to do so.

  15. 1 hour ago, texanwellfan said:

    Where did you see that about Slattery?

    Well his contract is up, so I guess that's part of it.

    A lot will depend on his recovery time post surgery; I could see us offering him another year with a (preferably club controlled) further option to extend.

  16. To get back to us looking at signings, I worked in Accrington for just shy of 3 years and keep tabs on them as a club, as a few colleagues were fans and I went along to some games.

    They've got a winger there called Jack Nolan who I (think) is out of contract in the summer. He's scored 15 goals this year and could be in our price bracket.

    I guess it depends on other interest and what system Kettlewell wants to play next year.

  17. 8 minutes ago, Kmcalpin said:

    They won't get it.

    In fairness though, the very fact that he plays for Aberdeen, and before he even kicked a ball, automatically means he's a very good player. That's worth £1-2m alone. 

    He's also more of an established international than Bair and has scored 24 goals this season, including four in Europe. He's not worth £8million but he's probably getting on for being in the region of £3 - £4million as an overall package, maybe not in straight up fees.

  18. 13 minutes ago, Spiderpig said:

    I think some on here have an unrealistic view of just how much a typical Motherwell player earns. We are now used to describing your average footballers wages in the 10's of thousands etc but for me I think that's fantasy land when discussing Motherwell. There may be 1 or 2 senior players on maybe 2 or 3k a week, but I believe the vast majority of the squad are on significantly lower wages than that so £600 a week may be nearer the truth.



    Aye, I'd be inclined to agree with that. There are a lot more benefits as well; car schemes, accommodation paid for, performance related bonuses etc. so the equivalent "take home" is probably higher as an overall value but not so much in salary terms.

  19. 3 minutes ago, wellgirl said:

    He was talking about the Americans in his post as in I presume the proposed investor. Surely that won't have been discussed at the AGM

    It's a natural progression to point to them, given that they're the ones who we're negotiating exclusively with right now.

    It was stated by the Chairman at the AGM that any of the potential investors discussed (including the "Americans" in this instance) would be making their investment in new shares i.e. diluting the value of existing shareholders' shares in the club to whatever level is agreed.

    As far as I'm aware it's the cleanest way for any investment to take place, as it removes the need for buying/selling of existing shares.

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