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Posts posted by Fal_Dosser

  1. you fans are pathetic, he steered you through a tough time, got you into europe, signed some of the best players to play at fir park for many a year and now you twats want him out, pathetic

    Don't know this guy's allegiences, but in part he's got a point - we must be the most intolerant support around - as Lukeb says, most would have been knobbing the guy 6 months ago, now he knows feck all and should be hunted :lol:


    Where Half Man's post falls apart is in saying he signed some of the best players at FP for many a year ????????? Porter, Hughes and Boab who are at best inconsistent this season - not saying they aren't good players, but best, FFS :lol:


    This type of thread must be wearing me down cos I can't be arsed arguing the point anymore :lol:




  2. Too many people after bad spells want managers sacked thats the easy way out. MMG needs to change his own thought's on the game. Trying to play silky football isn't how to get the team out a relagation battle.

    I'd say that's exactly where we're going wrong - a hump up the park is NOT trying to play silky football.




  3. Apologies if it has been posted up already but saw this on the BBC live updates from the game:


    "Motherwell have now gone 10 hours and fifteen minutes without scoring a goal in open play." BBC Scotland's John Barnes



    Out of interest, how much of that has Clarkson been missing ?




  4. How are we at our level? We might have overachieved last season but surely that should have shown the football Motherwell can play when we feel like it. We aren't too good to be relegated and this run of form is clearly showing that but no way should we be losing the games that we are at the moment. How long has it been since we were in division 1? 22 years, 23 years? Yes we have escaped relegation by the skin of our teeth on a few occasions but come on, I know lots of people weren't great fans of Butcher but at least we saw the top half of the table when he was manager. Obviously teams like Hamilton have a bit of hunger because they want to stay in the SPL.

    A fair point and one that shouldn't be forgotten - no-one is too good to go down, and the will to stay there may well determine who stays up




  5. Aye, cause Under 19s are really the ones to be throwing in in a relegation battle.


    Sorry, but face facts, we are at our level, and that won't change.


    Get used to it.

    I'm not suggetsing these guys should be starting games, but so far that we haven't used players off the bench who have changed much, if anything.


    At least the guys I mentioned seem to be doing well with the wee teams - if they came on just now, at least the crowd would be behind them


    I do agree that the experienced players are the ones we should be relying on, but if they ain't cutting it, surely trying something is better than doing nothing about it




  6. Whatever your opinion on certain players or the manager, its not a nice situation to be in. Joint bottom is unacceptable for us given how pish Killie, Accies, Falkirk, Inverness and St Mirren are, but the worrying aspect for me is that most of those are better prepared to deal with a relegation dogfight, we aren't.


    On today's game, we made enough chances to at least draw, as we did against Killie. Accies didn't play well enough to merit the win, neither did Kilie. However, with us being profligate in front of goal and slack at the back, any team will cause us problems at this time.


    We are still playing too much long ball stuff, cos we don't have the type of midfield (when we play one!) to make that tactic successful, yet when we have played it on the deck we continue to make chances. It can't be that difficult to work out how we should approach things is it?!!


    The team for the Inverness game??? Anyone's guess!!


    Still, no matter how tough it is, we need to support the team as much as possible now. It is easier to criticise right now, but with confidence being so low it won't help to hurl abuse at the team.


    Time for EVERYONE to stand up and be counted.

    I'll definitely be there next week and every home game regardless of how we're doing, but it doesn't stop me asking questions.


    Was Murphy injured\knackered\something else ? O'Brien isn't showing a hell of a lot when comes on, but he at least did managed to put a couple of reasonable crosses in to the box - and to have Daz come on soon after :blink: - to my mind, surely the obvious substitution in the first place was to take Steve McGarry off - the guy works hard but he (amongst others) is having a hellish time and possibly Murphy and O'Brien would have been more effective - I just don't think Daz is physically (and possibly even skillfully) up to this standard.


    What about the guys in the 19s etc - Slane, McHugh, Archdeacon - must be worth a try




  7. I wouldn't sack MMG but as I said before, he needs to pull a good few fingers out of arses and get them playing (ON THE FECKIN DECK :blink: ) and at least show a degree of confidence - we lose the first goal in a game and we're seriosly toiling - fact !


    Get sleeves rolled up MMG and get this sorted NOW




  8. The best of it was that Hamilton were shite aswell. 2 punts up the park an 2 goals. Worst game I've been to in a long time. There was no heart, no determination, no will to go and attack a ball. I'm furious with that. We're in big trouble if we drop any points against inverness and st mirren.

    I was thinking about last years run in to Xmas as well as I left Hamilton :lol:


    And have to say I pretty much agree with WellArmy - Buzz had a good save as Offiong bore down on him in the 1st, and the two goals apart was a spectator


    Accies were dreadful and until their first goal, although not setting the heather on fire, I reckoned we looked the more likely - but we simply implode when we need defenders to be strong - after the goal we were very poor, and as bad as they were, they, like Killie on Monday, defend much better than we do, and they took 2 of their few chances.


    I assume MMG gives out the instruction to hit Porter & Sutton early - this is driving me feckin potty - they win very few high balls and the midfield never sem to be near the clearing header - think I'll go to bed just now and at least I can dream of last season




  9. It was good that Gaag got such a positive and swift response from Leeann Dempster to his email yesterday.


    Mibbez one of the first 'experiments' she could try from her desk - is dial '9' or watever for an outside line and phone either the ticket office directly 338002 or try to get through via the push button options on the main club number 333333


    Not having a go - just outlining a worthwhile experiment.

    Give it a go Leeann and let me know how you get on - I've been trying for the past hour and get the voicemail on option 2 each time :blink:




  10. Despite the piss poor form I will be there on Sat. You know i will let you into a secret - I thought I better go to New Douglas Park on account that they would be relegated and we would be top 6 and that would be my chance to go to their ground gone for a wee while. Of course that was a couple of months ago :O


    Imagine taking the rise out of Hamilton fans for only bringing 600 fans to Fir Park for the 1st league game in over 20 years. Yet if we do the same........major embarrassment :huh:


    I live in Edinburgh and the temptation to stay at home or watch in the pub was strong. But the boys need our support. If you cannot afford it then fine. If not get your butts along. Still expect a decent turn out from Well fans. Show them what we are made of.


    Imagine the well players coming on to the pitch and looking up at plenty empty seats OR a full away stand with our support in full voice. What do you think will spur them on more.............We ALWAYS make a noise at away games - this one for sure should be NO different ;)

    As I left FP on Monday night, I thought no way for Saturday - woke up on Tuesday and the change of mind began - I'm actually looking forward to it now, if I make it.


    You can tell a lot about a club when things are rough - those of us who intend going, make a racket and get right behing the guys





  11. I've just PM'd you about a spare ticket Fal. Its yours if you want it.


    PM'd you back - thanks for the nod but I need the two (1 child) - there may be the offer of someone going to FP for me.


    What about Richie - notice he's looking for one (?)


    Thanks again though




  12. And back to what someone asked earlier - when do the tickets stop going on sale ? No anwer to call to office this afternoon and no return call to my message left on their voicemail ;):P soooooo frustrating


    And what's the chances of pay at the gate if the take up continues to be poor - hope so or it looks like I'm goosed




  13. Sorry - but without a shadow of a doubt, I'll be renewing - Boyle's far from perfect, and he's got it well off the mark with our treatment re the Squirm, but I believe we could be hell of a worse off with someone else - I don't doubt he has the club at heart and I'd rather have someone like that running my club, than someone else who'd sticks and leave us in shite if the going got bad for them.


    Not the populist view maybe, but the poll kind of prompted it.




  14. The number of folk who almost burst a gut when giving abuse beggers belief - if the same energy was transferred to backing the team for at least the majority of the game, there may be a fairly good atmosphere.


    Unfortunately, it's not going to change :lol:




  15. I agree with that



    Unless the ticket office is open late tomorrow night, I'm goosed as the wee fella has footie early Saturday, so that's not an option :lol: though I don't have a problem with the numbers sold being listed - if it was ever close to allocation, it would help me decide whether to hassle through or not




  16. I hear what many are saying about a clear out last summer, but why would that have happened ?


    We generally played our best football for many years and finished 3rd in the league - where MMG, and possibly the Board, let themselves down big time, was in not strengthing the squad with quality additional players, to basically say to the squad 'ok you did brilliantly, but that's only the start' - stating the obvious and what we've all suspected, but our squad is way too bare, as was shown when Las was played at right back - hopefully Saunders will be pushing Coach for his place. We badly need players who aren't happy being subs and will be bursting a gut to prove they are better than the guy in their position - as for O'Brien, I'll make a judgement on the guy when I see him start a game, rather than being introduced when we're progressively losing the plot.


    As I've said already, this is when the management team have to stand up and show the players their strength, and get the belief going that they are good enough, individually and collectively.




  17. Pretty much agree with Gaag earlier - we win a few games and we're perceived (by ourselves) as world beaters, but go through a tough spell, and everyone from the chairman to the backroom staff have to go.


    I enjoyed last year immensely, and this season, at this stage, the other extreme applies - I don't enjoy seeing my team struggle, and as much as I don't agree with some of MMG's decisions (last night's subbbies for starters) no way do I want him punted. what does that achieve ? New manager brought in, who may struggle and the calls are for him to be heaved in the summer !!


    We have (I believe) a good manager who has to roll up his sleeves and get confidence and belief back in the team, statring today for Saturday - a win at Accies is as good a place to start as any.


    I left FP last night (5 mins early which is unusual for me) but i still believe we can turn things around - got a feeling Saturday's attendance will be hugely affected by our form, and the fact it's on the telly, but starting to get notions of going - time'll tell :blink:




  18. Thought they did well last night, keeping going when all around were losing it.


    Maybe one of these games, we'll all (myself included) do more to try and lift the team - though not easy with my head in my hands for the last 10 mins or so :lol:




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