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Everything posted by siebsbarmyarmy

  1. 3 Central defenders today were outstanding. Cedric is phenomenal.
  2. Suppose it's as good a place as any to ask this question. Don't know if I have missed this somewhere else but I know he was heavily involved with the mascot choice. What's happened to the Fan Engagement dude Ryan Murrant. Seems to have disappeared completely from all things Motherwell and Twitter. No mention of his leaving though or have I just missed this??
  3. Campbell is brilliant. Thought his break up play totally changed the game dynamic. Basically he did what Bigi was supposed to do. Too me he is too good to be on the bench. Playing 3 in the middle you need a Campbell to protect the back 3. Bowmans work rate caused County problems when came on and eased the pressure on Louis. Not a slight on Fisher who for 30mins was playing on he left. In relation to Louis I thought he was very petulant in the first half, throwing elbows around and also himself and County players to the ground. Settled better in the second half and looked relieved to score. Cadds needs to play wide as he is lost in the middle sometimes and we miss his drive.
  4. Mention in a few papers that Millwall are watching Moult.
  5. That's just ridiculous tbh. He has been nothing but professional for us and deserves the same respect as he gives the club and fans.
  6. What is it with folk tweeting Moult & Burrows. 'Ah well his heads gone just sell him'. 'He's not up for it... should get money for him....' Jeez man think it aye, post it aye, don't copy the player and boss in etc. Let's be gracious about it. The guy has been class for us on and off he pitch and deserves some respect from the fans.
  7. Dunnes is never a penalty kick in a million years. Carsons is potentially outside the box, however my main gripe is how can Thomson make that decision when he is easily 40yards away.
  8. Oh dear...... More worryingly no Dunne, Carson, McHugh for next week in a big game at home to County. Plus the injuries list growing. Our small squad is tested. Will be interesting to see if the sendings off are justified or not.
  9. Sure it was one year with the option of another. Hopefully it's our option and not his....
  10. Nice.... make it £5m and all is good with the world.
  11. Great result and great to see Cadds and Chucky score the goals. Now onto a home cup tie... woop woop.
  12. Noticed that Lionel Ainsworth was taken off at half time on his debut for Plymouth. 4-0 down at the time aswell.
  13. Bigi passed fit to play tonight.... oh the shock at that... Frear and Heneghan doubtful however.
  14. No Bigi is a big loss. Was hoping that he and McHugh would dominate midfield.
  15. Dom Thomas wins MoTM for Killie yesterday. My mate is a Killie fan and said he was fantastic first half but his final ball let him down. Fell away second half. I asked if he felt he was easily brushed off the ball and he said not at all he's solid and held his own. Really feels he will be a massive assets to Killie this year.
  16. Moore is one who I think given a full season uninterrupted through injuries will bag a shed load of goals. The lad should carve a good career out the game.
  17. I have been asked by 3 Rangers fans I know if I could buy them tickets. Rightly told to fuck right off. From what I've heard tho there will indeed be a good few in the home stands.
  18. I like it awell. Would have loved to have seen this forum if we had got a Kingsley style mascot......
  19. McCall was very much the same. It was major gripe of mine. Trying not to lose instead of trying to win.
  20. I fear the usual defeat on the cards with a 2-0 score line.
  21. Aye Rangers get yet again another home draw. I'm sure I ready somewhere that they have had something like 90% of draws in cups recently at home. Ridiculous.
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