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Posts posted by Speedie

  1. What......you want the club to consult the fans as to whether they accept a sound opportunity to bring i additional dough? Seriously, it is thoroughly unrealistic to expect our, or any other football club to 'consult' the fans on things like this!


    Do you think the club should 'consult' the fans over a change in brand of the bog roll they use?


    Sometimes, we have to accept that people are making decisions with the welfare of our club in mind! Are you a member of the Trust? I ask as that was a 'Trusty' type question.........looking for a ridiculous amount of unnecessary input!


    Airfinz, you are taking my post out of context.


    There was a suggestion that the club have consulted with the fans, they didn't. I was merely making the point that there is a difference between telling and consulting. Should the fans be consulted? The Supporters' Charter says we should but then again the age change for OAPs shouldn't have happened and every season ticket holder should be enjoying a 10% discount on all Club Shop merchandise.


    Nice chip on the shoulder with the Trust, you should probably get yourself along to the Open Meeting and let it all out.


    If the deal is as good as it's been suggested for the club and the quality of the strip takes a jump up then I'll be more than happy. If Canterbury manage to get the kit out for late June/early July then that would be a big improvement as well.

  2. In response to Fraz's point about the charter, we have tried to follow its guidelines by consulting the fans at the earliest possible opportunity. MFC/PSL could've remained silent about the deal, allowed fans to continue to purchase tops then spring it at the end of the season.


    There's a very big difference between consulting with the fans and telling the fans what's going to happen. Fair enough the club have came out and been upfront with the changes but the strip designs appear to have been finalised with no discussion with the fans.

  3. The programme is a pantomime. Cameron constantly chooses a position which he hopes will cause a bit of controversy. Absolutely everything is emphasised for effect.


    Totally agree that the best thing to do is not rise to the bait. In the grand scheme of things he has no say over what the SPL will do and will ultimately only influence those who have removed their brains before tuning in. I’m not really that bothered what everyone else thinks of our pitch, team, manager or fans.


    It's Motherwell against the World.

  4. ive had a look at mst online to see the minutes of this meeting between stewards, welltrust and wellboys, but cant see a thing. If this is actually there can someone point me in the right direction????


    I've moved the article back onto the front page for now so it's easier to find, it's just under the Sports Dinner story.


    Click here.

  5. After trying the PM unsuccessfully, I resorted to the second option.


    Look at how you started the thread, a very simple FAO Frazzle, please contact me etc etc would have been far more reasonable.


    I don't really think I'm in a very difficult position to be honest, I put the FPC stuff to the side. When we discussed the funding request last April I suggested that I didn't feel a cash payment of £200 was in the Trust's best interest with regards to exposure of the Trust's brand. I felt that we would have been better to sponsor jerseys/training tops etc up to the value of £400. The Trust would have got far more exposure and the team would have got more value from the deal. As far as I'm aware the equipment wasn't required at the time. So the £200 payment should have been forthcoming. If it hasn't then that's a mistake and for that I apologise.

  6. Maybe also the name should be changed if its still WellTrust FC.


    An interesting suggestion Dave, I certainly don't believe that should be forced on the team. It's their choice. "The Trust" will be rebranding shortly anyway. Talk of copyrights etc is a load of nonsense


    As for the original post, I felt that it was pretty clear that the poster was looking to get a reaction. They appear to have got what they wanted. Quite disappointed that people think it's still 2005 and are wanting to stir up a rivalry which has long since died.


    Edit: It's probably worthwhile mentioning that the request for funding has still to be considered, if it's a compeling case then it's quite possible that the Trust would continue to help the WTFC.

  7. You can piece together an overview from the minutes on the site. I did note from Flow's post earlier in the thread that there are a few missing. I'll take this up at the meeting tomorrow night. From last year there was a number of fundraising social events like the Sixes on the astro at Fir Park and the Quiz Night, which was well attended the night of the UEFA Cup draw. We also made applications on behalf of youth development for funding. Met with the then Chief Executive around communication and ticketing issues and again more recently with John Boyle and Leeann Dempster. The Trust is also persuing the fan's memorial to Phil O'Donnell, helped with ticket distribution and publicity for the Evening with Tam Cowan and are now organising a second event for the cause.


    If it's something specific that your looking for I'm happy to field questions on here or by e-mail.

  8. To be honest Fraz, that was getting talked about a year before I resigned from the Trust Board so it's probably about three years overdue.


    There has actually been some forward movement on that issue due an additional offer of investment so perhaps some sort of partnership could be ideal. I'll actually take the bull by the horns on that one and get someone to get back to you in the next seven days.


    On the Share debate, I would encourage the Trust (this is just my personal opinion as a paid up member btw) to write to everyone who contributed to that particular share fund (I did for 3 years) and ask their permission to merge the total collected with the general account to give you increased capital for projects (like, for example, a revamp of the disabled facilities). I know I would certainly welcome it for the reasons I have detailed above.


    Having 5,200 shares is no different to having 20,000 shares so it is the metaphorical equivalent of burning your donations then flushing the cinders down the pan. One combined fund for investment to projects then try (if possible) to get shares equivalent to what you've spent as has been done in the past. Spending money directly purchasing shares from current owners (be in small scale or larger) is just crazy if you ask me.




    Good post Flow.


    The Trust recently have had an assurance from John Boyle that any money donated to the club for projects would result in the issue of shares to the equivalent value, just as in the past. Bearing this in mind your suggestion to look at the usage of the Share Fund seems completely reasonable to me.


    The sum of the Project Fund has been committed to the improvement of disabled facilities from before my time on the board. This project is long overdue as the disabled section at Fir Park is shockingly bad, let's hope that we get some movement on this over the next few weeks.

  9. And yet the 'Wellboys can get one no problem? Strange that...


    Again, this was meeting was organised by the club.


    I'll put the hands up and say that the Trust hadn't asked the Chief Steward for such a meeting, but we did feel it was best to try and get a hold of the match commander by going through the police. At the very least we know who to speak to in future.

  10. Don't think it was a bit of a catch 22. If the Trust had issues with stewarding and policing - why hadn't the Trust sought to raise these issues with the Head Steward and Match Commander long before now instead of discussing these with the previous Chief Exec?


    The Trust had tried to have a meeting with the match commander on a number of occasions over the past year.

  11. The Trust were openly invited but the purpose of the meeting was for the Wellboys to meet with the stewards/match commander and vice versa. Yes the trust had their own points of view which they wanted to put across but I find it astonishing that the Trust have been speaking about stewarding/police interviews to the wrong peole in the club. The Chief Exec has a lot to cover and ain't as well versed as the head Steward and Match Commander on safety issues. While I can understand you wanting to stand up for the Trust I do see why people view it as the trust jumping on the bandwagon.


    Bit of a Catch 22 here I think Dodge. If the Trust attend, we're hanging onto the Wellboys coat tails. Had we turned round and said thanks but no thanks then the Trust wouldn't be doing it's job, queue more calls from the onlookers that the Trust do 'nothing'. To my mind the meeting wasn't just for the Wellboys and the issues they have, the agenda covered a wide range of topics which affect everyone who goes to Fir Park.

  12. Exactly.


    Very glad the Trust have the oportunity for a press release too, bravo for that. Keep up the good work (by good work I mean jumping on the 'Wellboys coat tails).


    You don't have a clue what your talking about but that hasn't stopped you commenting in the past.


    The meeting was organised by the club, both the Wellboys and the Trust were invited. The Wellboys had points they wanted to cover, the Trust had seperate issues they wanted to discuss. The meeting seems to have been beneficial for everyone and a success.

  13. For someone that doesn't want to say too much you do go on a bit.

    This thread was about a club meeting with the Wellboys, not the Trust, it's their opinion we want not yours.


    You asked the question and you received two well thought out answers from two very passionate Motherwell fans, so I don't see the problem. You would be the first to start moaning if you didn't get a response.


    It's quite clear that you have a massive chip on your shoulder regarding the Trust, there's no need to continuously go on about it. This is becoming tiresome.

  14. I believe that the Wellboys representatives are looking to speak to their members about what was agreed last night. It wouldn't be fair to fire up bits and pieces before they got back to their guys.


    The Trust will put together a news article and press release once we have received minutes from the meeting, they are due in the next couple of days. I'll post links here once that's been done.

  15. The Dossier,


    I am afraid it seems that you have to pay £10 to actually get any of your answers to questions about MST.


    Is this the case?


    Very good Mitch, clearly not the case. So when are you paying your tenner?

  16. I appear to have missed the initial request. Just one of the reasons that I prefer to communicate through PMs and e-mail. Incidently, thanks to those who got in contact about points they would like raised at tomorrows meeting regarding stewarding and policing. This is one of the many ways we are representing the Motherwell support. Members of the fanbase who have got in touch have had their comments noted.


    With regards to the number of members, we're talking in the region of 150. What I will say yet again is that there are a number of changes afoot within the Trust which I anticipate will grow the membership base and increase the advantages of being a member of the organisation.

  17. The meeting has been instigated by representatives of the club. Both the Trust and the Wellboys were asked to attend. It is not the case that the Trust is “jumping on the Wellboys bandwagon”. Indeed, the Trust have been looking to meet with the match commander in recent months.


    I think it's clear that there are issues with policing, stewarding and segregation beyond Section E of the East Stand and we'll be looking to discuss these during the meeting. As a result, the Trust and the Wellboys will want to focus on separate issues during the meeting, however from what I've seen from the Wellboys there are a number of common themes.


    It makes sense to meet and clarify the points which we will look to make on the evening, this will ensure that we make the most of this opportunity. By meeting up beforehand I would think we'll be more likely to reach a mutually beneficial outcome.


    Incidentally, I am more than happy to take PMs or e-mails to philip@welltrust.net on anything that people would like to see raised at this meeting. Let me assure you that the Trust will do all we can to raise relevant points next week.


    I hope that 2009 will see a new start for the Trust. As Frazzle has stated elsewhere on the boards do not judge the current board on what has happened in the past, judge us in what we're doing now.


    Here’s to a productive meeting on Monday.

  18. Quote from the Official Site "In addition to the fresh faces, Vice-captain Keith Lasley was kept out of the side by Maros Klimpl."


    I had seen that as well and wondered what to make of it. The line seems to have been shoehorned in right at the end of the article and doesn't seemed linked to any of McGhee's quotes. I think Klimpl did really well yesterday, we need to keep him especially as other members of the squad will be departing. He breaks up attacks very well and his distribution is very good. Seems to be a good find, still don't fancy him at centre half though.

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