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Posts posted by Moe_Green

  1. Moe,

    I know from our previous spats that you'll love this response and my shameless name drop, but Leeann Dempster has all the stats and statistics and has ideas on how to grow both the number of season ticket holders and the folk through the gate overall.


    The biggest problem that the club would probably admit to was with the previous way they used to gather customer data so your no doubt on the money when you say they didn't properly track the number of customers and the names of them that were hooked in by free tickets.


    I got a flavour of how she wants to achieve crowd growth and some of her ideas in my last meeting with her, but I can't post anything on here as it is for her to agree these ideas with the Club Board and convince them of the merits of them.


    As mentioned by another poster, if any of her ideas are to be implemented, I doubt you will see anything done this season due to the usual outcry that happens from Season Ticket holders when folk get in for less than them.


    Only thing I would openly criticise the club for not doing recently is for promoting to the fans heavily just how good

    the value of our season ticket is vs. the other premier clubs. The last time I can remember us really going to town with this type of promotion was the season we finished bottom under Butcher.



    If Leeann is finally getting things rolling properly then fair play to her, finally someone at FP knows the value of follow up data,hopefully if her ideas are as good as you hint the board should back and we will see the improvements gradually coming on stream.


    Just one thing Joe, we are supporters not freakin customers :D

  2. Anything else will provide a one off surge in attendance, with most people treating it like a day out, when we really want to hook the next generation of diehards.


    This is the key point in the whole debate, the club have been throwing tickets at school kids with no apparent feedback of who attended and who didn't, and if anyone came back thereafter.


    As far as I'm concerned those that follow the OF can be written off as a lost cause, very few would be persuaded to leave the bigot heaven to come to FP, and I'm not so sure I would welcome them anyway.


    Other clubs are in the same position as us with crowds falling, we should be getting round the table with them and discussing the problems and looking to find solutions that would benefit us all.

  3. I don't actually think the club have gave up at all. Someone earlier pointed out that attendances always drop in a recession. The club are probably working their backsides off to stand still.


    Aye they could drop the price and get some extra numbers on, but the extra numbers wouldn't cover the drop in income.


    I'm sure they would be more than happy to try any good idea to put extra numbers on the gate, whilst still retaining the same amount of money for the playing budget.


    Joe the club have fannied about for years with this problem, it's alright spouting demographically selected this and that like in the past, but with no way of proving if this idea or that idea is working then they would be as well throwing the free tickets down the shitter, our attendances have been falling steadily before the recession hit, what was done before that, virtually nothing.

    If we want to increase and retain a larger attendance then they need to get serious about it fast, it seems that those in the know can walk the walk, but few seem able to talk the talk.


    The debate about dropping prices can work, if we say there are 1000 pay at the gates every week and on average it costs £20 to attend a match, you drop that to £15 and get another 350 through the gates your making money. But to gain any advantage in doing this you need to follow such an initiative with hard data, which is what the club fail to do.


    Like I say they need to stop faffing about and take this issue seriously

  4. Motherwell have buried there heads in the sand for years on this issue, regime changes bring promises of change, then when it becomes difficult they give up.

    It seems the best they could come up with of late was throwing free tickets at schools, with no thought of any serious follow up to see if anything changed.


    Someone at MFC wants their arse kicking for letting it get to this stage

  5. I said that on a thread a few months back - while all the initiatives seem aimed to get new punters through the door nothing seems to be done to win back those who have stopped. Nothing seems to be done to find out WHY they stopped either?


    This has been discussed before it even got to the stage of asking for ideas of how to go about it, sadly as like a lot of things a while back nothing happened, and nothing will happen until this type of thing is taken very seriously.

    For the life of me I can't understand why the MST and supporters Asscs have not made this a priority.


    I truly hope if this thing Leanne is suggesting gets off the ground, it is populated by new faces and does not follow the tried and tested method of pulling in all the old faces, with the same tired ideas.

  6. Hopefully communication with the members

    I am probably not alone but, since (reluctantly) renewing my membership a few months ago I have heard absolutely nothing (to add to the absolutely nothing I had heard for months beforehand).

    Also, I am not as much a regular on this site as I used to be and wonder why only this site, and not all Motherwell fan sites, is being used to advertise meetings.


    Your opening a can of worms there mate

  7. Can you point me to the bit where I made any reference to anything that you said?


    I was taking a jovial wee dig at Joe.


    I like your comment about MST "cheerleaders" though.



    Glad you liked it.

  8. I see the MST have their cheerleaders on parade, can you or Joe point me to the bit of the post I wrote about Freebies, corporate hospitality or in it for themselves etc etc, so much paranoia in this thread I thought I had strayed onto a cellic board.


    It may have one again shortly. It's been suggested in the relevant section of the forum, and hopefully it'll get the green light shortly.


    At least then Joe and co. will have somewhere to post reports of their cushy corporate matchdays and private drinking sessions with the chairman :(

  9. Sorry Joe, I never got beyond the first paragraph, absolutely typical response to anyone who dares criticise.


    Enjoy yir butties.


    Aye yer spot on Moe... me and the rest of the Trust are only in it for ourselves, get hunners of free tickets doled out to us, only look after our favourite fans and sites.


    I could sit and list the numerous thinks myself and my happy clappy bunch have done for the club, including lending support to the club last week to get the St Johnstone game on and were prepared to go up on the morning before the Accies game to graft and get the game on again, but of course that will mean nothing to you because we are only it for ourselves.


    We do try and be impartial and cover all bases, but please remember, we are a voluntary group lending our personal time to do a bit of good for our club now and into the future. We are never going to be able to fire out press releases on all sites in a coordinated fashion due to the fact we are not an organisation that gets together daily/weekly and puts soundbites out to keep the media happy.


    Instead we try our hardest to make our voice (your voice too as you are a supporter) heard in the club and make sure we can cascade the info back to you through these mediums. We are also human and do sometimes forget that there is more than one Motherwell Web-Page. Please also remember that the Trust hadn't been active with communication up until November when we had a shake up.


    That's all for me just now, I'm away on Holiday to enjoy my prawn sandwiches...

  10. Can we not just be pleased that during what is obviously a busy time for her, that we are at least getting the information out to us ?


    Well I should bloody well think that they should get the information out to us, considering we are the paying customer.


    The fella Joe from the MST posts it snippet of a conversation with Ms Dempster on here, surely his first port of call should have been to update the MST site, before coming on here, secondly Flow posts a link to the Offal site statement regarding the postponement, if it's on here they should at least have the courtesy to post a link to all the MFC websites, not just their personal favourites.


    Another good reason I have never, nor ever will be a member of the Trust

  11. Why has Ms Dempster felt the need to call and brief you, I take it the call was due to your position on the MST board, surely she can post on here a full explanation of the circumstances, rather than feeding it through the MST. I do hope that this is not to become the norm from the club.



    Disappointed with this but the club really have their hands tied.


    Leeann Dempster phoned me to brief me on the reasons behind it and from what she's said, I think she's made the right call.


    The East has always had problems with burst pipes for as long as I can remember, but didn't think the South was prone to many problems. The biggest problem is that Football Stadiums don't have central heating, so as soon as you try and turn the pipes on, you burst them in this weather.


    She said that if we were playing someone like St Johnstone where the crowd would be forecast to be circa 4,000, the game could probably have went ahead with 2 stands as the Cooper and Main would be big enough. The fact it's a new year derby means that the numbers are harder to predict.


    The groundstaff have been in for the last two days, giving up their New Year celebrations and have investigated every avenue, like taking temporary measures to get the top of the south open for some fans at least, but all have failed.

  12. Boyle should deffo look at interviewing one of the many blowhards from the centre of the East stand, I have to suffer listening to them every other week, and they always can see the Gaffers mistakes and are great at coaching from the sidelines.


    Problem solved John.

  13. Whoever he is he better know how to coach the players to punt it up the park everytime we have possession, and none of this fancy dan passing football.


    At least that will shut up all the moanin fannies in the east stand.


    Perfect choice Joe Kinnear

  14. I think Blakey is onto something here, so today to ease his worrying about the management and players, I have been to see


    T McLean invited him back as manager

    H Kampmann as his assistant


    Lined up some experience for the visit of St Johnstone, the line up next week will be



    Rab McKinnon

    Brian Martin

    John Philiben

    Joe Wark

    Billy Campbell

    Bobby Graham

    Paul lambert

    John gaghan

    Dougie Arnott

    Wullie P

  15. Now there goes a man that speaks some sense.


    You are entitled to you view MJC, and on another day Shellic could've scored more. However given the quality of their strikes we can perhaps feel unlucky that they all went in! That said they deserved their win, but we shouldn't feel too bad about our lads.


    The average age of our team was something like 22, with 2 debutants remember, so we did not too badly. At times we did make it hard for ourselves by giving them too much room and wasting possession, but we dug in well and cam close to a good result.


    Great nalty save from Ruddy and I thought that might be the springboard to a famous win, but it wasn't to be.


    No need for too much negativity I feel, even if we lose next week. The young lads will need our backing for the games against St Johnstone, Hearts and Accies so this isn't the time to be too hard on them.


    Mon the Well!

  16. The first paragraph is just a sarcastic ramble, if these people want to be taken seriously, then perhaps they should act like journalists, and they will be treated like journalists.



    I'm sure Jim won't be too fussed with this.


    So The Herald write an article saying that Jim has spat the dummy out in a whole article where The Herald spit the dummy out.


    Roon them

  17. Just saw Big Mowbray on SSN telling the hacks to play it straight, he tries to be open and honest with the press, but they take what he says and turns it on it's head.

    Thats now Gannon, Mowbray and Levein all saying the same thing, Strachan said as much when he was here as well.

  18. I know I should but he makes people who were anti iraq war look like complete ignorant fools and it does ma heid in. I'm working at 6am the morra anyway so I'l be heading to my bed.


    I hope to get another couple of arguments in though :lol:


    His opinion in this debate is about as worthy as that of Hugh Keevins about football. Nuff Said.

  19. Aye but they signed up so its their own fault!


    Give up with this guy NethertonWF, this is one mixed up fella. No balls for the real thing, plenty of rabbit about what others do, but in his own time he is an armchair warrior.


    Bang Bang

  20. Superb,we have one hypocrite who gets ripped into fans of another club for basically holding the same views as he does, The other is anti war blah blah blah, but plays war games on his computer, 'Call of Duty' anyone, you could not make it up.


    How does it go Chris, left right left right..................Hilarious.




  21. aye.


    i've absolutely nae interest in get a gun shot at me, ever. if you really don't want to get shot or blown up why join the military? the army, rigs, fisherman it's all the same you do it because you think the money outweighs the risks, for most people who do it does but if you lose the gamble and you're one of the unlucky ones tough.


    Have you any idea of what money a soldier earns, your in studentland if you think anyone would join the Army for the money, I'm curious why you felt the need to get ripped into the Mhanks for disrupting a minutes silence, when you hold such views about the forces.

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