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Everything posted by CoF

  1. I thought that was one of the quietest games I've seen Kipre play. He dealt with everything that came to him but it just seemed like he had little to do compared to other matches. I genuinely think players might be scared to come within 15ft of him these days.
  2. Highlight of the day number 4 (behind the two goals and Tait absolutely taking the piss in the first half)
  3. Fair enough - I took your original post as just seeing the rest of the season out. I can see Robinson holding off until after the split to start trying younger players
  4. I tend to think it's done and dusted as well but couldn't disagree more we should just give players a run out. A good day tomorrow could see us 3 points behind Hearts with a game in hand against Aberdeen. We've beaten Aberdeen twice this season so there's a good chance we can pick up 3 points again. It's a huge ask, but not outwith the realms of possibility that we'd go into the last game before the split needing to beat St Johnstone at Fir Park with Hearts needing to beat Aberdeen - which they've failed to do so far this season. It's still far too tight to chuck in the towel.
  5. It's a fair point (with the exception of Newall, who I still hold out hope for), however it's a position that's probably the hardest to get right. Wonder how we compare to other clubs in terms of signing 'duds' in that position?
  6. Weve been used to rebuild after rebuild the last few years so its actually refreshing that the out of contract list only has a handful of first team regulars. Credit to the club for getting the core of the team tied down on longer contracts.
  7. Aye, but it's actually only 3 folk saying it would be better at a full smaller stadium. Which it would.
  8. I guess it's something to do with the sfa using the national stadium to cover costs / gain revenue as opposed to forking out to hire another stadium? Probably makes financial sense however as a sporting spectacle it's probably the worst possible choice. They might also take demand into consideration- with a combined home support of about 18-20k the assumption might be that everyone who wants a ticket is guaranteed one at Hampden, whereas elsewhere might be a push.
  9. Despite playing at a higher level for the last 3 years too...
  10. Cheating is as a big a problem in our game as incompetent refs so a short term fix to improve the standard of decision making is to come down hard on players that try to con the ref. It's the only way to help our already below standard refs. When it comes to diving the risks vs gains are at opposite ends of the scale. Yellow card for the chance to win a penalty and put the opposition down to ten men? Nay bother. It's such an easy fix as well. Dives and exaggeration can be tricky to judge so lets stick to a yellow card (just in case) and every case gets referred to the CCP (Cheating Cunts Panel) who if on reviewing the evidence agree it's a blatant dive it's a two game ban. Anything that's missed by the ref at the time also goes there. There we go - Sinclair and Brown shown up for what they are. The FA have tried it this season with their Successful Deception of a Match Official offence, however appear to be utterly inconsistent in applying it. It needs to be taken seriously.
  11. Red cards are huge in a game and Thomson has now got 40% of them wrong against us this season. Shouldn't be allowed near the Scottish Cup final, regardless of whether we are in it or not.
  12. Bit weird the night before the hearing the club putting up a video of Kipre talking about the card.
  13. Lafferty on Saturday is another example - mid-rant at the ref about not getting a penalty (he was eventually booked for diving) and he aggressively pushes a Partick player away who was trying to get involved. Far worse than Kipre. We could be plucking these out every week. Where's the 50/50 coming from? Is that to do with your lack of faith in the panel to be competent and reasonable, or do you genuinely think any reasonable person could view this either way? The only possible way it could be viewed as "excessive force" is if the baseline is zero contact, and any force at all is by default deemed excessive. A decision like that would I assume set a precedent which would result in multiple reds each game.
  14. I'm not so sure. Our official statement says Kipre was sent off for violent conduct which is an off the ball offence so absolutely nothing to do with the tackle. That must be in the ref's report otherwise clubs wouldn't know what they were appealing. I'll be utterly astonished if this isn't chucked out.
  15. If unsuccessul I assume Brown will be cited and offered a similar ban for his part in the incident?
  16. Carson for me but plenty of contenders. Got me thinking- has Aldred ever won man of the match? A bit like Carson he's absolutely fantastic week in week out and seems to have set such a high bar from his debut onwards that we've just come to expect it as the norm for them.
  17. It's worth remember that in recent times we've had seasons that were full of performances like that. The fact that it was so notably out of character says to me that we are doing alright this season. In the context of where we were in the summer then I'll take it for now. A bad day. Nothing more, nothing less.
  18. Highlight of the day has got to be the half time entertainment- 40-odd year olds pacing up and down doing their foaming at the mouth swagger practice nonsense and trying to square go 14 year olds who were in another stand surrounded by police and stewards. Stewards, Police, Accies fans and Well fans all thoroughly pishing themselves laughing at it. Bizarre behaviour.
  19. Aye right. For the very limited time he's been on the pitch he's looked pacey, energetic and come close to scoring a few times. He's also only 21.
  20. Great game of football. One of those games where every player was having at the very least a good game, with a few excellent performances. Thought Dunne, Carson and Main were all outstanding but Mchugh deserves all the plaudits for that goal. If we go on to lift the cup (why not dream?) that'll be one of the defining moments.
  21. Busy around Fir Park just now. Hopefully plenty make it along
  22. Is pay at the gate definitely an option? Official site has the Aberdeen game listed "Tickets on sale from the Fir Park Ticket Office or pay at the gate." but tomorrow's game just says "Tickets on sale from the Fir Park ticket office". Will it be one of those weird ones where you need to buy your ticket first?
  23. CoF

    Top 6?

    2013 -14 we finished 2nd with a record points tally yet took less than half the available points (24 points from a possible 60) vs top half teams but were bolstered big time with 46 from a possible 54 vs bottom. That year included only take 1 point from Dundee United (4th) and included 4-0, 3-1 and 5-1 gubbings by them. That was an odd year. Brutal to watch at times but we simply kept finding ways to win.
  24. CoF

    Top 6?

    Weird logic. Of the top 6 Hearts have beaten Celtic. They have also beaten Killie - but that apparently doesn't count as it was at the start of the season. Are you proposing a top 5 / bottom 7 this year?
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