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Posts posted by mjw

  1. Maybe once the players in question return from their family holidays they'll concentrate on their future contracts.

    They might just be like ordinary punters who like a break without thinking about work.



    No it wont,it will only work if the current amateur set up is dumped and they get competent professional people in place with the skill and ability to make the WS work, improved communications, recruirment etc, etc. Only then will they have a chance to meet their targets and end up running the club.

    until then, do we all just lift our money and go home?
  3. The prices are cheap because thats about the most they could charge people to go to that shite hole of a stadium, lower league prices for a lower league standard club

    Good luck to them.

    Every punter that goes in there is one less hunting glory in Glasgow.

  4. Good news too for Dundee United fans. Their season ticket prices have been frozen at last season's level. Full price adult tickets only £410 - £440.

    Imagine paying that to watch the season they've just had.

    We're not so hard done to.

  5. Did no one watch the final?

    They are shite. They got beat by a team who have fucked up so many times the phrase 'hibsed it' is a bawhair from going in the dictionary.

    Are we believing Joey Barton knocked back playing in 'the greatest league in the world ' for the challenge of the Scottish premiership?

    Fuck the people, bring them on!

    • Like 7
  6. Starting a tournament in the middle of July is not going to help attract better crowds as most of Scotland is off on holiday.

    Hiya 1960s,hiya pal.

    No football in July we're all heading 'doon the water '



    • Like 1

    Fine - fuck it - give them all a one year contract and never mind generating transfer income.


    Clearly we are rolling in so much dough we can just give up on the idea of selling players.


    Great business model, outstanding. In fact, lets just go month to month with the entire squad, that way of someone has a bad game we can bomb them out.

    Get them all on zero hours contracts and we can just phone sixteen of them on a Friday and tell them they've got a shift the next day.
    • Like 1
  8. As the organising body of the club owners ie the fans would that not be a sensible plan to consider, i.e maximise the revenue potential for Fir Park etc. Or do you think that is beyond them

    If the WiFi installed at Ibrox is anything to go by,then yes,it is.

    They spent an absolute fortune and it is shite.

  9. Installing a decent wifi set up throughout the whole ground is a must these days it will cost a few quid but people/businesses looking to hire the facilities expect it as standard. However the lack of it is another example of the amateurish way that the WS goes about its business.

    You want the Well society to install Wi-Fi at Fir Park?
    • Like 1

    Wouldn't say anti old firm. More like anti Rangers. You just need to look at the amount of posts on General football about Rangers to see that. Most folk on here actually hate Rangers more than they like Motherwell.


    No doubt i'll be branded a knuckle dragger, BNP supporter , h*n without busfare etc for saying that. Watch yourself Wellarmy, they will try and force you off the board for defending Rangers like they did with MJC.

    MJC just moved his own brand of Motherwell supporting over to Pie and Bovril.

    The rest of that post...Fucking hell!

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