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Everything posted by steelboy

  1. i blame the manager. he'll score more up front than out wide so get him up front.
  2. no one disagrees with that. however there's no point kidding on that we are playing well when we aren't.
  3. maybe not filling in for hammell but on saturday and partcularly at pittodrie and st mirren park he spent more time marking the opposition full back than attacking them. playing one man up front who is no threat to get in behind the the oppostion defenders gives them licensce to push their full backs right up the park. at one point on saturday we had a line of 6 across the back when hearts had the ball on the halfway line.
  4. i'm just going on what i've seen. the majority of law's assists have came from him in wide positions. he has been very poor playing behind the striker and was like a man down on saturday. why does mccall have to try and turn him into something he's not? the guy either won't shoot or can't shoot to save his life yet we're playing him behind the striker, it makes no sense. higdon is only useful if we're playing well. if we're not giving him service then he's as well not being there. on saturday we were crying out for someone to chase a lost cause and make something out it a la skippy, clarky or the juke but it was never going to happen. to only have one centre forward in your squad is careless, but when he can't run, jump or hold the ball up then it's a bit worse than that. he also needs to stop commiting as many fouls 53 commitied only 18 won, that's dire. out the 9 goals he's scored there has only been where he didn't finish it first time and that only went in due a goalie error. he can't create his own chances. defenders must love playing against him, webster and zaliukas had cigars out on saturday. he's like a much shitter version of kris boyd. murphy's situation right now reminds me of john sutton 12 months ago. played out of position, dropped and subbed but still contributing more than most. play him in the correct position and we'll get the best out of him.
  5. you can't complain about the results. however for all the stick brown has taken over his style of play he got more exciting, attacking performances out the players and served up less dross performances.
  6. foran scored 35 goals in 115 appearances for us. other than murphy i'd bet against every other player in our first team squad ever scoring that many goals in a well top.
  7. we were having this debate two seasons ago when gannon was here. the answer is still the same. he needs to be playing through the centre, he is wasted out wide left. none of the goals he's scored this season have came from the left hand side, all of them have been when's he's playing inside. having him chasing fullbacks up and down the park all day as he was at pittodrie and tynecastle is madness. his best performances for us and for scotland u21s were playing through the middle as a centreforward. we are devaluing our best asset on a weekly basis by playing him out of position to accomodate to players - law and higdon - who are completely incapable of playing the roles mccall wants them to.
  8. all we need to do just now is change to a 4-4-2 and keep the 11 from saturday. i thought hughes was ok on saturday and when he went off we completely stopped passing the ball. carswell did absolutely nothing so i don't see how he is suddenly in pole posistion. forbes is finished at fir park and probably in the spl. dropping murphy would be the height of stupidity. he's off form and being played out of position but he's still only scored one less goal in the league than the fat striker who has chances laid on a plate for him.
  9. that's been coming for a while. that 4-5-1 formation is a joke. higdon offers nothing as a lone striker, webster and zaliukas had the cigars out they barely broke sweat. if your playing one man up top you need someone like clarkson or mcdonald who will work the defenders not a slow, lumbering, fat lump who can't win a header to save his life despite being 6 foot 3. daley and murphy were neither supporting the striker or helping the midfield and everytime we lost the ball they were having to track the hearts fullbacks right up the park. the fact that we came back out after half time and basically served up more of the same was shocking. nicky law had a great start for us but he's been poor since he started playing behind the striker. he was awful today yet he still played the 90, mccall obviously likes him but i get the impression he's a bit too fond of him. he was a winger at rotherham and he's done well for us out wide so play him there. he was clueless today. we've been murder going forward for months now, 4 home goals in 4 months and barely any chances created in our last 4 away games. mccall should be thinking about how to get murphy back to the kind of form he was in last season. we're neutralising our best player so higdon can lose wrestling matches and nicky law can kid on he's a playmaker. play him through the centre. if we line up in the same shitty way on wednesday then we're in trouble. also i don't understand why he put carswell and mchugh on today when we 2 goals down but he left them on the bench at st johnstone when we were 2 nil up, we only used two subs that day. that makes no sense at all to me.
  10. switching murphy and law seems a sensible and easy option. murphy is a goal threat and has produced his best form for us through the middle. law seems to have a phobia of shooting but can cross superbly from the left or right. get them switched!
  11. the weather forecast for tomorrow looks decent. it's too be baltic but dry and not windy which would be ok for knocking the ball about. if it's galeforce winds and driving rain again i'll greet.
  12. i agree with all that. they are following in the footsteps out of visionaries such as yogi hughes and jim gan... but looking in the mirror we have scored the least amount of home goals in the league and have failed to score in half our home games. it's ok saying that we're better suited to playing away and going about the size of the park not suiting but by now we should know what is required at home and be willing to take chances to beat teams by commiting men forward.
  13. without the old firm 1. motherwell played 14 points 33 2. st johnstone played 15 points 22 3. dundee united 14 points 21 4.. st mirren played 15 points 20 5 = kilmarnock played 14 points 18 5 = aberdeen played 14 points 18 5 = hearts played 15 points 18 8 = dunfermline played 15 points 15 8 = inverness played 15 points 15 10 hibs played 13 points 13
  14. i agree with diggle. chris seems like a good guy and he always makes an effort with the fans. however... if you take the money as a professional footballer then you are opening yourself up for praise or criticism depending on your performance. pointing out that he has been very poor this season isn't a personal attack on him, it's just club discussion.
  15. steelboy

    St Johnstone

    jenno, randy and hutchy were all very good. got to give omar the nod though, he gave us the wee spark we've been lacking.
  16. essential to the team? he's ganting!
  17. if anyone at the club knocks back a six figure offer for chris humphrey they need their head examined. i refuse to believe this is true anyway. other than a half hour spell against hibs in the league cup he has been utterly rank this season. his performances against killie and st mirren away were as bad as i've ever seen from a motherwell player.
  18. it's beyond a joke now. the guy is never a footballer, we'd be better playing with ten men. he's no better than the day he signed only he's went from being a curiosity to be the focal point of our attack. we're actually conditioned into thinking that the shite he produces on a weekly basis is acceptable because we're that used to it, any neutrals watching must wonder how the hell he makes a living playing football.
  19. it's £18 quid to get. no one is not going due to the price of a pint difference.
  20. 5 is pretty shite but still probably better than the average at the likes of hamilton grammar, holy cross or larkhall academy.
  21. motherwell maternity, ladywell, dalziel. for people to say the majority of our support don't come from motherwell is daft. it seemed like half of motherwell was in nancy just to look at it another way when i was at dalziel i'd say there were more motherwell fans than rangers fans. i believe braidhurst is generally the same and our lady's has obviously mainly celtic with a spattering of well fans. what are schools in the surronding areas like?
  22. do you think that we draw a higher percentage of fans from outside our town than other teams? if we don't then it doesn't matter.
  23. here's what weescas posted.... bradford - 500,000 people. 12,000 season tickets huddersfield - 146,000 people.16,000 season tickets hartlepool - 90,000 people. 4,000 season tickets motherwell 30,000 people. 3000 season tickets for us to do one of these offers we'd need to have every single person who attended the rangers semi buying a season ticket, never going to happen.
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