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Posts posted by WishyWell

  1. It happens at all levels with us. I watched my son's team (Motherwell u13s) get beaten yesterday by a St Mirren side that bullied, snarled, shirt-pulled and kicked our boys. One team was cynical, the other team lost - but I'd have been furious if my boy had resorted to those tactics to win. Ok we have to wise up a bit to counter these sort of teams, but I hope I never see a Motherwell team of any age resorting to 'playing' like that.


    But if other clubs are happy with these win-at-all-costs tactics with 12-year-olds (and I could name several that do at that age group) then we can't be surpirsed that their first teams play that way. Anyway, Youngy has always advocated the benefits of producing good footballers ahead of gaining results in the youth system, and I'm happy with that. Once our more skilful boys start to catch up physically at around the age of 15, the others lose their advantage and we find tend to win more than we lose - if only the first team could manage the same against the physically-big teams we have struggled against for years.

  2. I was in the main stand tonight - it doesn't even deserve it's true name - and I tried my hardest to get them to join in with the rest of the well fans. However, I was fighting a losing battle as the fans had no desire or passion to get behind the team!


    If anyone on here was in the main stand tonight where the fucking hell were you ? You went missing tonight when you team needed you most! You moaned at any misplaced pass yet didn't sing when we needed you!


    You should be ashamed of yourselves and thank god i'm in my usual seat in the East stand on Sunday. I was pishing against the wind tonight.


    As for the boys in the East and Cooper well done you tried your very best :notworthy:



    As one of the ashamed pariahs who sit in the POD, I find this post reassuring. For a while now, I have wondered what it would take to get an atmosphere going all round the ground, as from the vantage point of sitting across from the East, the only regular singing and chanting that can be heard is from the young boys at the south end of the East Stand, apart from the very occasional burst that goes round the ground when something on the p[itch gets people going.


    Yes, the noise from the East and Cooper was brilliant last night and, on this occasion, far better than the POD, but don't hold them up as being so much better than the POD at the normal games when we're not all hyper about a Euro tie that we've been creaming ourselves about for a week beforehand. Try sitting in the POD when we play Aberdeen or St Mirren and you might get a different view of the level of atmosphere from the rest of the ground.


    Everyone who gets off their arse to come and watch Motherwell does so in their own way - and I'm willing to bet the average age of those in the POD is slightly higher than anywhere else in the ground, so there is more chance of there being a bigger percentage in this stand who are more quiet in their approach. Are we going to welcome everyone who loves the 'Well to the ground, whatever their demeanor, or only the outgoing sorts?


    Or, and this is the reassuring bit - does your post mean that we can look forward from now on to regular and continuous singing and chanting from all of the East, not just one section at an end of it?


    Get real - the atmosphere in the ground in general is nowhere near as good these days as it used to be when three sides of it were standing. We're all fuckin' despondant after crashing from a great height last night - taking it out on one section of the support isn't going to make you feel any better.

  3. Agreed that it makes him look like a total fool.



    Indeed. Mind you, looking a total fool is a talent he displays on a regular basis, along with the rest of the Old Firm orientated Clyde sports crew!

  4. I totally agree that it's wrong to think that it's ok for Murphy to do it just because Rangers players have dived in the past, and I, too, detest diving, but I don't think that was the point - it was more about the hypocrisy of Derek Johnstone given his happiness to dive when he was playing.

  5. How ironic, given that Derek Johnstone has never dived for a penalty in his illustious career.


    Indeed. 1970s (I think). 'Well v Rangers. Willie P through on goal and taken out in the area - ref waves play on. Ball booted up the other end as Motherwell players are aghast. Johnstone chases it, blatantly dives, penalty given and scored.


    Not that I hold a grudge for any length of time, or anything... :wallbash:

  6. There's one thing you can say about this guy, whether or not this thread is a crock of shite: at least he's had the balls to come out and say who he's talking about.


    All those who have decried the "I know something about someone who's signing for/sponsoring the club but I'm not going to tell you who it is, ha ha" brigade should at least welcome that.  :mellow:

  7. If we get more money for progressing in the Europa League, I'm guessing Paw Broon has a decision to make: does he go for players now to increase the chance of getting past the Norwegians, or hope we get through with what we've got and use the increased cash to get better players?

  8. Five out of the eight boys in the football squad for the International Children's Games in Bahrain this month were from last season's Motherwell under-15s: Ross Stewart, Jack Leitch, Fraser Johnston, Keith Glen and Paul McCafferty.


    Among their results on the way to the final, the boys recorded results including 12-0, 10-0 and 6-0 and they won the gold medal by beating the hosts in the final 5-1, with an own goal and four goals from Motherwell boys (Jack (2), Paul and Keith).


    Congratulations to them all!

  9. My top three new sponsor guesses would be...


    1. Another .com gambling company


    2. Local car dealership


    3. LogintoLearn/local council style deal



    Sounds reasonable, except the local council part. Working for one, I can say it's highly unlikely they'll spend any money as they are, in general, looking to find around £30m-worth of cuts for next year's budget, having already cut nearly £20m from this year's.


    I'm sure I heard a local financial company suggested somewhere. Certainly, there is one in Hamilton Road run by a Well fan. Don't know if they have the sort of money this would take, but I know he'd love to see his coy's name on Motherwell tops. 

  10. Apologies if this has been mentioned before elsewhere, but this was in the match report on Cambridge Utd's game at the weekend:


    "Meanwhile, Charles Ademeno, who was being watched by scouts from seven League clubs and Scottish Premier League side Motherwell, caused numerous problems in the first 25 minutes with his pace and ability to turn on a sixpence."

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