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Posts posted by Dr.Pangloss

  1. To play in any UEFA affiliated league a club needs a Club Licence. When the present RFC dies its licence goes with it. It cannot, by UEFA's and the SFA's own rules, be transferred from old Rangers to any New Rangers. That's why Miller's offer was the best one Rangers fans had to keep their club alive as it is. Therefore any Newco formed by anyone can buy as many assets of the old RFC as it likes - stadium, name, Murray Park - but it won't be eligible for a Club Licence for at least three years. Funnily enough the papers and radio have made no mention of this.

  2. My argument is solely about the overzealous approach to enforcing a ban on what was nothing more than a celebration, very few occasions was there a sinister element to it and that was generally when a big away support had just seen their team cuffed. No-one has ever given the reasons for a change of approach, Health n Safety is not a reason and the pishy arguments aboot yon poor wee lamb wot played for ra Shellic have never been proven. Excuses excuses as always


    Ok, put yourself in the players boots, walking off the pitch and 1000 fans are steaming towards you? There isn't a health and safety issue?

  3. Why do they frown on it though?

    We know why, not allowed to enjoy yourself but I thought we'd got over that of late.


    Can I ask what enjoyment you get out of running on the park , then getting back to your seat?


    The phenomenon is lost on me.


    For whoever quoted me, both occasions this season I happily enjoyed singing "off, off off" with the fans around me until they got off. In one occasion it actually stopped the players and management coming out and acknowledging the fans, as it was freezing and everyone buggered off when the chavs jumped on the pitch.


    And for what it's worth, I can't remember what happened when Motherwell had a pitch invasion. I'm guessing I went to the pub, as I'd rather see the players celebrating than chavs.

  4. It's always wee kids and chavs on the pitch. Literally the most pointless 'ritual' around. Run on the pitch, get told to get off, get off the pitch, watch the players do their lap of honour half an hour later than you should've.


    I've been at 2 games this season with invasions, they're just so pointless.

  5. i noticed it. and if he is fuck him. he came in and when straight into the team by the way quite rightly so he gave the full team a lift at a time were it was needed. But murphy and humphrey have been on the same bench this season at times so he has to take the bad with the good.


    You have taken some weak observations about something someone doesn't know anything about and made your mind up that he's a moody wee shite.


    Unbelievable scenes.


    Oh by the way, I saw Higdon pick a 5p up off the floor.



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  6. I don't agree with that to be honest. Whytes a shyster and has been there a good while now. He's obviously got a plan in place, that will involve loopholes, him making money and a lot of debt being written off.


    I wouldn't be surprised if they were in and out of admin within 1 week.




    I used to think this, but the more it goes on, the more clueless and desperate he seems to be getting.

  7. Fishing? I'm sure even the simplest of football fans know there is more to defending than goal saving challenges.


    Like not getting caught out, not getting turned by the greats such as Gregory fucking Tade and blaming everyone else for your mistakes?

  8. compare Craigan to Utd's Kenneth! who would you rather have?


    Kenneth. All day long.


    Adding up the goals he costs us and literally scores against us, really outweighs the one off goal saving challenge that some fans use to cling on to him. Or that he had some England player in his back pocket. Years ago. Time to go.

  9. Apparently the Green Guide tells us standing is not allowed, but then it's only a guide. :thumbup:


    And yes you're right, going round in circles here. You are getting nowhere with your arguments and deliberately ignoring others views so time to stop there I'd say.


    That's the best one yet.


    I got asked to provide evidence, I provided, and received childish, pedantic replies, people taking them as views, and people just blatantly ignoring them.

  10. That's a stupid argument, I doubt there's a rule that says you are allowed to attend football matches but that doesn't mean you can't. I guess you couldn't find the rule!!


    Mr Doncaster says Scottish Football will die unless we go to a 10 team SPL, so I take it you believe that too!!!


    Or more likely you only believe what he says if you agree with him!!


    Just, wow. And that goes for the childishly pedantic comment about not being able to get to your seat without standing.


    And the 10 team bullshit is Doncaster's view. Views are very different from rules. Rules that Doncaster didn't put in himself.


    And the Green Guide is exactly that. A guide.


    Dead horse, beating, and stick comes to mind here.

  11. So it's clearly in the AFC rules but Mr Doncaster never instilled any confidence in his ability to know what he's talking about, so forgive me for not taking him at his word that it is in the rules.


    So far this discussion has been:


    It's illegal to stand - well OK it's not illegal but it's against the Taylor Report - OK the Taylor report is not in place in Scotland - Well it's still against the rules (maybe!!)


    So I've given you the evidence, from both Aberdeen and the head of the SPL, and yet you still don't believe it. How about you show me somewhere that says standing in a seated area is permitted.


    And I think I'll take Mr. Doncaster's word over yours, if you don't mind.

  12. Every time this comes up I ask what rule and never get an answer!!


    As far as I can make out clubs are only required to provide all seated stadium not that people need to sit in the seats.


    Although SPL rule H7.5 states "The Home Club in any Official Match must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, (i) good order and security;", heavy handed stewarding would actually break this rule, so telling your stewards not to wade in is actually following the rules!!


    Aberdeens rules:



    From Mr Doncaster himself:


    "It would need a change in SPL rules, ditto in SFA rules, because both sets of rules prohibit standing in the top division."


  13. Aberdeen fans have complained to their Head of Security as some guy within the upper halls of Aberdeen Football Club have already made it known Stewards should not eject or force fans to sit if they are not willing to do it no matter the numbers unless it is obstructing the view of others.


    So they're directing their stewards to go against the rules? I'm not sure how happy the SPL will be about that.


    The Taylor report was written for a reason. They don't make you sit down for a laugh, or to piss you off.


    I think some people forget/aren't old enough to appreciate why the rule is in place.

  14. My main gripe is the fact if you said something that could be deemed offensive at a game you could end up with a quite possible jail sentence. Say the same thing and the street and most people wouldn't bat an eyelid.


    I'm pretty sure if you stood there chanting at a bloke that he was a pedophile etc, eyelids would be bat.

  15. Personal abuse aside(i assume you were sat down being well behaved) you could flip the coin and say why should these lads who like a drink and like to enjoy the football in their own way have to move from the seat they chose and wanted to stand next to because a couple of people want to sit and watch the game. Move further forward or away from the people who won't sit down. The atmosphere has improved greatly both home and away as stewards have generally turned a blind eye to standing, the players have commented on the efforts of the end section of the east stand, as have several media outlets and other members of our support, yet people like you still feel the need to come on and detract from a group of people who are doing NO harm to anybody and resort to calling them clowns?


    Personal abuse? I've bolded the bit you can go look up.



    Regarding your point, these boys are breaking the rules and know that their actions are causing fans views to be obstructed. Try have a bit of consideration for your fellow fans.


    I've got nothing against standing at grounds, infact I prefer it. But there's a time and a place for it. If the whole stand are on their feet, then fine. But this is a small group of inconsiderate boys who are going to end up with a reputation, and will be focused on by stewards all over the country, and will complain about the way they are being treated week in week out.


    By all means, continue what you're doing if you're having fun, but please don't come on here and make out you're being victimised.

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