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Posts posted by Dr.Pangloss

  1. Was it not the SS(the real SS not the saturday service) who would use the excuse "just doin our job" when they carried out ethnic cleansing on a scale never seen before or since? Just cos your doing a job doesn't mean its right.


    and martin, no as far as I am aware it is not illegal to stand in an all seater stadium, the rules state teams must have an all seater stadium but I don't think the rules say anybody has to sit down in it.



    Can't possibly be illegal to stand in a stadium otherwise we'd all be crawling to our seats. Situation really is an utter mockery and the very things supposed to provide safety and comfort to supporters - seats and stewards -are the very things that are endangering and causing harm. See the 21st century? See progress? See "health and safety"? Shove it. Ridiculous.


    Utterly outstanding posts.


    It's against the rules, not the law. Hence why they are chucked out and not charged.


    And when the point of people not complaining about the weans standing comes up, what are they meant to do? Walk up and take on a group of alcopopped idiots or contact a steward? Contact a steward and we have what happened yesterday. They had to move from the seat they chose and wanted to sit in, because a bunch of clowns can't move up the back or sit down.

  2. We get it Pangloss you're against enjoyment at football. Fir Park would be a better place if we all sat nicely and had a chat amongst ourselves,applauding softly if we score a goal. No standing though...need to behave.


    Fabrication to try and prove your point. Proof of a weak argument.


    Rules are in place for a reason.


    And for what it's worth, I enjoy myself at the football regardless of whether I'm standing or sitting.

  3. What do people get out of coming on a thread like this to moan about the campaign? I get you have an opinion, but what do you get out of it? is it telling everybody that you behave yerself? Somebody explain?


    What do people get out of reading a thread with 3 pages worth of folk agreeing and "+1"ing?


    It's called 'debate'. You are on a discussion forum after all.


    Hitler wasn't one for debates.

  4. So why fans of other teams not get thrown out when they stand up (For example, Rangers or Celtic) when Motherwell fans and St Johnstone fans do get thrown out of Pittodrie?!


    Surely the law of the land should treat everyone the same. Or is that wishful thinking?!


    That's obviously a problem with each grounds stewards, but the point still stands, had they been sitting in their seats, there would not have been a problem.

  5. Shut the fuck up you tit. It's not a crime to support your team, brilliant from the Well fans today. Were on the receiving end of some horrific treatment from the Stewards and Police.



    Personal abuse aside (from which I take it you were our well spoken caller), it is not a crime to support your team. It is against the rules to stand in a seated stadium. How much do you feel fans should get away with under the "supporting your team" line?

  6. Joke today from the stewards.


    No one was causing any harm, having a good laugh, good singing and then the police are trying to tell 70 well fans to sit down, when in the Aberdeen ends there must be 10 times that standing. Kicked off from there with some heavy handed police and stewards. There was no problem until they interfered, absolute joke.


    Football fans not criminals.


    Standing is against the rules. They broke the rules. Whether or not you agree with these rules, "someone else was doing it" is no defence.


    Again, behave and you will not be thrown out.


    So what one of the braintrust was just on the radio? rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  7. If someone is involved in conduct which is illegal then one cannot make it even more illegal.



    Stopped reading here. I can only hope there's more of a basis to this new banner making party than this inaccuracy.


    I've been going to matches up and down the UK and not once have I been subject to 'heavy hands'. Probably because I behave myself.


    Innocent people won't be affected by this.

  8. Michael Higdon was left frustrated as his opening goal counted for nothing after Celtic came back to claim a 2-1 win.



    Youth supremo Gordon Young is looking forward to locking horns with local rivals Hamilton Accies in tomorrow's Youth Cup clash.




    It's very easy to pick out examples to prove your point, weeyin.


    And make sure you go click that little '-' button on the right there.

  9. I see that users of the official site that don't want skinned out of more money for utter crap, now get a 2 line summary of a story and a link to the tv crap.


    Stroke of genius, that. Stopped using it, even BBC have the news quicker, and (identity crisis apart) are better written, by actual journalists.

  10. Maybe shut the negative c***s up when they realise they're in a minority then


    I don't really believe you should shut anyone with an opinion up. This is a "discussion" site after all, one post and 40 underneath agreeing is hardly discussion.


    Which in turn makes these little score things down the bottom of each post rather farcical. Please rate my opinion. blink.gif

    • Like 1
  11. hahahahahaha is that why he's in the Scotland squad !



    That is why he's in the squad. I'm glad we agree.


    I do think Murphy should've been in the squad for the Nations Cup, but I don't pick the squad. smile.gif

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