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Toxteth O'Grady

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Everything posted by Toxteth O'Grady

  1. Gallagher and O'Donnell both keep their places.
  2. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/spfl-covid-forfeit-plans-rejected-22947400 SPFL Covid forfeit plans rejected as clubs take stand against call-off plans The governing body had hoped to be allowed to dish out punishments for postponements but clubs have refused to allow them that power. Scotland's clubs have joined together to boot out a controversial proposal to impose mandatory 3-0 defeats for coronavirus call-offs. But they can’t agree on how to end the season if the pandemic forces another lockdown. Record Sport understand a sizeable majority of clubs from all four senior divisions have rejected the SPFL’s plan to dish out standard “walk-over” punishments to any side unable to fulfil league fixtures because of a Covid-19 outbreak. The move had been tabled in a bid to streamline procedures which have led to league bosses launching disciplinary probes into potential protocol breaches at both Kilmarnock and St Mirren that led to call-offs. A “no vote” is expected to be confirmed this week but it’s understood no such consensus has been reached regarding a raft 
of additional suggested contingency measures should the season face further disruption. Speaking when the clubs were sent a letter and questionnaire last month, Neil Doncaster said: “When the SPFL rules were drawn up many years ago, no- one could have foreseen the impact which Covid-19 would have on our game. “The fact that our rules did not expressly cover the situation where a season must be curtailed with a number of matches remaining to be played, caused a great deal of uncertainty and delay in reaching a resolution last season. No-one wants to see that repeated. “Many of our clubs support the principle of drawing up a set of protocols long before we get to the situation where league positions understandably influence the individual approach of clubs to these difficult situations. However, the proposal to allow the board a clearly specified and limited degree of authority to take action if we are unable to complete the season did not have sufficient support in the summer. “Given the ongoing challenges caused to sport worldwide by Covid-19, several clubs have now indicated they have changed their position. "The board wishes to establish if a sufficient number of clubs now wish to revisit this issue, so we can significantly reduce the uncertainty and division that arose towards the end of last season. “Those circumstances were caused by the need to curtail the season, make promotions and relegations and cancel the play-offs, all in a written resolution. As we know, this effectively meant asking members to vote for the relegation of their club and other clubs in circumstances where the season could not be completed, with all the issues this prompted. If there is sufficient support to secure an amendment to the SPFL Rules, then all clubs will know well in advance of any need to curtail the season what the outcome will be – so far as it concerns league positions, promotion, relegation, play-offs, fees and qualification for UEFA competitions. “The questionnaire is designed to assist the Board in recommending a resolution to member clubs as a means of giving the SPFL Board the express power to deal with any further Covid-19 related disruption to Season 2020/21.”
  3. Looks like the weather conditions today will make this even less of a spectacle, if that's possible.
  4. I'm assuming we might not see replays in the Scottish Cup again.
  5. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/clubs-given-fan-return-hope-22910495
  6. Carson's injury "doesn't look good", according to Robinson.
  7. Today's BBC Gossip: The SPFL are ready to "throw the book" at St Mirren for their recent Covid-19 woes that have resulted in their last two games being postponed. (Daily Mail print edition)
  8. https://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2020/10/23/covid-19-tests-come-back-negative/
  9. And we're not even into winter yet, when things will only get worse. No way is this season finishing on time (unless teams start forfeiting games).
  10. No refund? I emailed Kilmarnock and it was sorted pretty much straight away
  11. https://ppv.stmirren.com/event/8 £12.50 to watch via St Mirren ppv
  12. Gallagher and O'Donnell start again tonight
  13. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54375702 Kilmarnock: Entire squad advised to self-isolate following Covid-19 cases Last updated onLess than a minute agoLess than a minute ago.From the sectionKilmarnock Kilmarnock's entire squad has been "advised" to self-isolate for 14 days after six players tested positive for Covid-19. The Rugby Park club are due to player Motherwell in the Scottish Premiership on Friday night. But they have been asked to stay at home following contact tracing protocol carried out by Ayrshire & Arran Test and Protect Team. The SPFL are due to discuss the fate of the fixture later today. More to follow.
  14. Fair enough, I stand corrected. I only saw the headline news and wasn't aware of their qualifying path.
  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/54375702 Kilmarnock: Three more players test positive for Covid-19 leaving game in doubt Last updated on15 minutes ago15 minutes ago.From the sectionKilmarnock Kilmarnock won 1-0 at St Mirren last Saturday Three further Kilmarnock players have tested positive for Covid-19, taking the number of cases at the Scottish Premiership club to six. All six are self-isolating and Friday's Scottish Premiership visit of Motherwell is now in doubt. The SPFL are awaiting information from the Ayrshire and Arran Health Board's Test and Protect team before they "determine the implications". Earlier on Thursday, manager Alex Dyer said his squad were "in limbo". Kilmarnock report positive Covid-19 tests After three players had their positive tests from earlier in the week confirmed by the NHS, Kilmarnock were unable to train until the results of a fresh batch of tests on Thursday were known. Dyer said one of the initial three players felt unwell on Sunday after the victory at St Mirren the previous day and was not allowed to train. The other two have been asymptomatic. "We thought it was just a bug because of the changing of the weather then we found out three players tested positive," he explained. ''We won't feel sorry for ourselves - it's part of life. We'll train when we are allowed to and do all the things we can. If they let us play the game we'll do the best we can." The trio who returned positive tests on Thursday will now also have NHS tests. "The health and wellbeing of our players and staff remains paramount and we wish all those affected a speedy recovery," Kilmarnock said.
  16. If an Irish team can do it... https://amp.rte.ie/amp/1168834/
  17. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-transfer-news/allan-campbell-targeted-aberdeen-derek-22764212 Allan Campbell targeted by Aberdeen as Derek McInnes plots to gazump Hibs with pre-contract pitch The midfielder will have plenty of options but the Dons boss intends to be in the mix. Derek McInnes wants to make a pre-contract pitch for Allan Campbell in January as Aberdeen attempt to beat Hibs to the punch over yet another signing. Record Sport revealed yesterday the Easter Road side are keen and monitoring Motherwell star Campbell’s situation closely but the Dons will rival any move. McInnes has put the Scotland under-21 cap amongst the top of his out of contract targets. He wants Aberdeen to be in a position to table a pre-contract offer in January to sign him. The Pittodrie side know they will face stiff competition from both sides of the border but want to be in the fight. Aberdeen have already beaten Hibs in recent seasons to the signings of Funso Ojo and Ross McCrorie. The Dons know they would have to pay around £200,000 in training compensation but would be prepared to do that for another top young Scottish player. They also know it is unlikely Motherwell will sell in this window unless they receive a substantial offer. McInnes praised Campbell for his recent performance at Pittodrie as Motherwell beat Aberdeen 3-0. He said: “Campbell came up and played to win points, we played to play a game of football. Campbell encapsulated Motherwell’s performance. We needed more Allan Campbells in our team today.” The midfield dynamo has been a standout for Motherwell in recent seasons and the Steelmen have also offered him a new deal beyond the summer. Several English and Scottish clubs have already expressed an interest in the youngster. Aberdeen have already shown with the signing of Lewis Ferguson from Hamilton and McCrorie from Rangers that they will spend money to get Scottish players with potential. That was why chairman Dave Cormack allowed McInnes to sign McCrorie on-loan from Rangers for the season and will make the deal permanent for £350,000 in the summer.
  18. Declan Gallagher and Stephen O'Donnell named in the latest Scotland squad
  19. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-transfer-news/devante-cole-targeted-motherwell-return-22757667 Devante Cole targeted for Motherwell return as Stephen Robinson plots reunion with striker The 25-year-old terminated a successful loan spell at Fir Park to join Doncaster Rovers permanently but the move hasn't worked out. Motherwell are keen to bring Devante Cole back to the club before the close of the window. The striker had a successful loan spell at Fir Park last season and Well boss Stephen Robinson is keen to work with him again. Cole - the son of former England and Manchester United star Andy - was on loan from Wigan last season but terminated that deal last January for a permanent move to Doncaster Rovers. The 25-year-old isn’t getting the game time he hoped at Rovers and could now return north if a deal can be done. Robinson is also keen to bring in another goalkeeper to cover for Trevor Carson. Scott Fox came in but he has suffered a serious knee injury and Robinson feels he needs more cover between the sticks. Motherwell could let several of their younger players out on loan to free up additional wages. Young centre half Yusuf Mohamed, who was wanted by Peterhead, now looks set to move to Airdrie on loan.
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