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Everything posted by grizzlyg

  1. With all these signings I hope the youngster's aren't being ignored. Would hope that Campbell and McLean are very much in managers plans.
  2. Offer Louis and Carl 2yr extensions but clauses where if we get offered £800k they can talk to team putting in offer. We need to be realistic and know we won't keep them but other team's get good money for players...ie..Boyce leaving Ross co for £500k. So we need to get best offer we can
  3. Cadden was outstanding last season but after getting injured in 4-3 loss to sellik he wasn't the same but probably carrying an injury. With a good pre season I expect him back to top form and let's not forget the killie game at end of season when he nullified Jones superbly in 2nd half (I could have said man marked but nullified sounds better) heh he
  4. Linked with Brad Inman? Someone asked him if a transfer fee was required but he said 'I'M FREE'..... Ah'll get me coat
  5. Carson signing is a cracker!!! It's the way he saves em!! Younger readers will have no idea what I am on about
  6. Paul Dixon left Dundee Utd, possible left back for us?
  7. Bigirimana.....on back of jersey just put big man!!! Really pleased with that signing
  8. Is it not Dan Tanner??? Fans of 70's cop series might have a clue what I am referring to
  9. Good luck to Lionel. Split opinion amongst fans but he has provided great goals and that 3rd goal at Ibrox will live with me forever
  10. A great player and produced lots of great memories. Helicopter Sunday up there but his contribution in 15_16 season was vital.
  11. Wish I had just kept quiet!!! Heh he
  12. Fair play to Robinson for criticising the celebration after the goals yesterday. He wants a winning mentality and can't be faulted for that
  13. Gordon Greer released by Blackburn. Worth a punt? Great experience and did nowt wrong when with Scotland
  14. I would keep Lionel, if desperate to stay then we should make an offer. I know he frustates a lot of folk but also capable of turning it on. If he goes I wish him well and thank him for scoring one of the best well goals ever in 40yrs following us. The 3rd goal at Ibrox.......AINSWORTHHHHHHHHHH!!! Said Liam McLeod
  15. Give the man a chance I say. Plenty of passion and not scared too change it. Let's see how summer signings go. COYW!!!!!
  16. Has to be Lionel, I know he gets a lot of stick but I will miss him
  17. I think Lionel came off so he could get a standing ovation.superb tonight
  18. Personally I think we should cut Robbo some slack. He didn't sign the players in the summer and although results poor he at least shows passion for the job and not up his own ass like Magoo. I sometimes wonder what fans want. McCall taking pelters in last few days and he led us to 2 x 2nd places, the second season after losing half a team. Being well fan is a rollercoaster and we should all be behind the manager. Altogether now......COMEEEEEEEEE ONNNNNNNN YEEEEEEEE WELLLLLLLL
  19. Killie safe so hopefully got beach towels out in holiday mode
  20. But harsh Eddie, 2 x 2nd places was great achievement but hey it's all about opinions
  21. Loved McCall and fans quickly forget his record, 1 cup final and 2 2nd places. I respect Magoo for his conduct during uncle Phil tragedy but to come out with his comments day before vital match sums up his arrogant attitude
  22. Great result, wasn't confident but well done to the lads. Looking forward to BBC alba tonight
  23. Hopeful of win but fearing the worst, we just don't seem capable of digging out the crucial victory when needed as last 2 games have shown
  24. I think we are heading for play offs at..best. goal was shocking but......and disagree if you want but the booing of Jules after that goal is embarrassing. Bring a big support to Accies and retrieve the situation
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