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Posts posted by wellfan

  1. 8 minutes ago, Chanzeypopz said:

    At least theres a little something to take away from toay, Bevis is a good defender most games and today i think he was great 

    Other than one brain fart, I thought he was pretty solid in the middle of the back three today, then Kettlewell changed it, and it all went to shit. 

  2. Just now, yosemite sam said:

    Got to agree with the sub of Butcher. He offered absolutely nothing and is now a yard slow.His reaction time is poor for Ceptic's goal. Shouldn't be seen again.

    As poor as Blaney is, he should've been brought on as a direct swap for Casey, as this would've kept Mugabi and McGinn in their positions, but bringing on Butcher was a mistake and completely changed and unsettled the defence. Hooking Devine and Gent completely unsettled both wings, which was also a mistake. I can see why Vale was subbed because he had been booted rotten. And Oli Shaw came on and offered nothing, which we all knew was what would happen. So many poor decisions led to our defeat.  

  3. Just now, Wellsince1976 said:

    You must have been wetting yourself when Celtic scored, so you could come on and rant and rave your usual anti Kettlewell drival. 

    It's drivel. And I think you'll find I am not alone in calling out the managerial mistakes that have cost us the draw. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, santheman said:

    I've posted over on P&B that I've never once been asked to increase my monthly contribution.

    Replies indicate that seems to have been a conscious decision by the WS not to keep going  back to the same people with the begging bowl which is fair enough when it was a vehicle to raise funds for a rainy day.

    Things have changed now and there will have to be a concerted effort by everyone concerned to plug any funding gap if fan ownership is to have any kind of medium/long term success.

    I for one wouldn't take much persuading to increase my monthly contribution and take part in any fundraising schemes and I'm sure I wouldn't be alone.



    I would happily double/triple my monthly direct debit to the Well Society, but they've never asked, although I think the time is now for them to do so. If we want tangible change and improvement, we and they need to act.

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  5. 12 hours ago, wellgirl said:

    Just making the point that I think the club has been struggling since we got rid of Alexander. I'm very much behind Kettlewell. 

    To counter that,  I would say that the club has been struggling because of Alexander's appointment and tenure. And, as much as I don't rate Kettlewell, I would rather have him than GA.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Kmcalpin said:

    I think that whatever Comms staff we do have should keep an eye on social media. Its common practice in most organisations. Now by that I don't mean responding to every comment. Only those which are factually wrong and creating unnecessary discussion or anger for example. It would take what - perhaps 10 minutes a day. If a fan owned club wants to relate to the fans then it should keep its finger on the pulse. Social media is a two way thing. If the Club wants to use social media effectively for output then it should be aware of what the fans are saying, in the form of input. This particular issue has been chewed over for months, taken up hundreds, maybe thousands of posts, and I'm just surprised that no-one at the club was aware of it.

    My second point is that this is a fan owned club and we should be kept informed. Now again, that comes with a caveat. We don't need to know every minute detail of the Club's business. However, the length of the manager's contract is a very basic issue, which we should have known about. i just wonder what would have happened if SK's contract hadn't been raised at the AGM. We would have arrived at late May, having finsihed anywhere between say 11th and 7th. There would have been discussion about SK's position with nothing being announced. That would have rumbled on into the summer with fans wondering if he was working wihtout a contract. Just not good enough.

    Big changes are coming our way, whether you or I like them or not, and fan engagement will be crucial to their success. The fans have to be kept on board.       

    A sensible commentary on why a fan-owned club must communicate properly with its fans. 

  7. 1 hour ago, texanwellfan said:

    Johnston and Beireth starting for Sturm Graz tonight

    Mika scored and was subbed after 65 minutes, but not before some quality play-acting and missing another chance. Max is playing as RB in a back four, but I've turned it off as it's a dull game in general. 

  8. 2 hours ago, StAndrew7 said:

    I genuinely don't think it was deliberate. Are we really saying that our club and its management would willingly mislead its fans over a contract extension that was triggered 9 months ago?

    It's a real indication of the, maybe not quite rudderless, but perhaps drifting nature of the leadership right now.

    I think had any of the originally interviewed CEOs accepted the job, we (probably) wouldn't be in this situation. It's unfortunate that the potential for investment and everything that comes with that (e.g. bringing in their own CEO and other staff) has managed to align directly with the renewed interview process.

    I don't think it was deliberate, but this mistake/oversight/whatever epitomises the disconnect felt between some fans and the club. It's not good enough at all. The WS Board was also unsighted, which seems bonkers.

    As you indicate, it all feels a bit rudderless and has been for some time, and because of that, it feels like we could be walking into a significant point in time with our pants at our ankles due to not having a permanent CEO in place beforehand.

    It may all be okay in the end, but the journey has been a bit of a mess, which may disenfranchise/disengage many fans. For me, I've never felt so much personal disconnect with the club or apathy towards it as I do now, and that's a real shame. We're (currently) a fan-owned club and should expect so much better in terms of the absolute basics.

  9. Some fans often state that they think the club is being run by a bunch of amateurs, and those views are often rebuked and rightly so, but this significant failure in basic communication (deliberately or otherwise) is evidence enough to demonstrate amateur hour at its finest peak.

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