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Posts posted by Tweed

  1. I will never fail to wonder at the mindset of those in the shiney offices at Hampden, pretty poor to have two away games either side of Christmas Day.


    Because they give everyone one home and one away at Boxing Day and New Year and with the fixture in between they need to stagger the two aways in a row between the fixture before, the fixture between and the fixture after, Not ideal, I accept but it had to happen to someone, Tannadice on Boxing Day when there is no transport is a pain in the stones.

  2. The wankstains on RM are saying that they've been turned away after waiting an hour for not being on the database .


    Of the six people immediately in front of me this morning, two were turned away and one was quizzed quite hard before being sold one. And to be fair the one that was quizzed hard, I have seen in the Motherwell end before so was genuine. No system is foolproof but the two in the ticket office were doing a sterling job this morning of doing everything possible to make sure it was Motherwell fans only in the home ends on Sunday.

  3. Firstly, we need to win next Saturday and see how the other results pan out. Then we will know what is required. We really cannot afford to look much beyond that. Get our own business sorted in Paisley and then see if the other results have gone our way, as they finally appear to be doing.

    Even a best case scenario would see us needing to get something from the last game of the season but it could be a case of win that and we are definitely safe , or win and see if it is enough.

    This. We win two games then cross our fingers.

  4. You can't hide the quality he's got, dropping back, making space and his excellent reading of the game when he doesn't have the ball. But on Saturday, he kept falling over, making poor passes either badly weighted that were intercepted or to the wrong man. From your best player (which he undoubtedly is) you can't have seriously below par performances in crunch matches and sadly that is two on the belt we've had from him. Granted he isn't alone (Pearson was worse) but we all know he is better than he was on Saturday.

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  5. I'd just like to pick up on your first point re Erwin, I thought the boy fought for everything and I'm certain if you asked the Ross County defenders who they would rather play against I'm sure it would be Sutton. I don't remember him winning anything in the air when he came on and if its passed to him on the deck he was always on his heels, never anticipating a defender coming in.

    No I'm sorry his Fir Park time is up I'm just disappointed IB didn't bring on Moore to inject pace when he took off big Lee.

    I don't disagree with anything you say about Erwin but I don't think his strength is nodding in wickedly whipped in set plays whereas Sutton can. Sutton didn't have much quality to play with when he was on, always a willing competitor but sadly he seems to have dropped a yard which means in open play his usefulness is not what it once was. And he was never quick to begin with. I wasn't calling we'd made a wrong choice overall, just that the way the game panned out if Sutton had started, I think we'd have won.

  6. Nothing against Lee Erwin, but I think if John Sutton had started that game we would have won. The balls that Grant and Johnson put in from set plays in the first half were tailor made for him and I suspect he would have got on the end of one of them.


    Thought we played well enough yesterday against a team who are playing well and knew that a draw did them. They were defensively organised and tough to break down and I was impressed we managed to do it and score such a well worked goal (Well played Josh Law!).


    Sadly in the second half Johnson's influence waned. We upped it a bit when Ainsworth came on but it seemed like there was no massive urgency in the last twenty minutes when the ball went out of play to get it back and things like that. You may slag Alan Burrows off but he at least realised we needed the ball back in quickly, something only Law, Lasley, Hammell and Sutton seemed to on the pitch.


    I have no idea what a yellow card offence is with that referee. How Quinn got booked and their no 44 didn't for his cynical kick on Johnson is just bizarre.

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  7. Thought the two full backs were the best on display by a fair distance and at the end they were the only two plus Sutton and Lasley who seemed to realise we needed a goal. On the basis of his cross for the goal, I'll give my vote to Law just ahead of Hammell

  8. Wonder if the Erwin love in would be carrying on regardless if he hadn't scored after his childish greedy effort when Ainsworth and McDonald both had tap ins.


    We played very well in the 2nd half. Thought the game did change when Sutton came on but I think it was more because Erwin gave us a two pronged attack on the wings rather than because Sutton was any better than Erwin had been.

  9. Is the discount for advance purchase new for Kilmarnock? Not been able to go last couple of trips down there.


    As for the game, Kilmarnock have been a streaky team all season long, hopefully yesterday was the start of a downward one! However our away form has been dismal, only seven points and without any in 2015. We need some now though and with a similar performance to Friday and some more confidence, we have to be confident we can get all three. However there was some moments of hesitancy on Friday and a better team with the ball would punish us for it.


    Play like we can I fancy us to shade it 2-1.

  10. After last night I hope Accies free fall continues and they end up in the bottom 6!

    I'd fancy our chances for 3 points against them more than I would against Dundee or St Johnstone.


    So would the other two I'd wager!

  11. Not sure about that, up against Wimbledon, cricket, the open, Olympics, Commonwealth, major football tournaments - do you really see us being an attractive alternative? I could be wrong but I doubt it would change much. The people in charge of our game have overseen a shambles for two years not getting a sponsor and with that comes clout for a better TV deal but BT and Sky can see we are desperate. We need to change that somehow and moving the season isn't the answer.


    Summer football does nothing for me. For every pro there is a con and they have been discussed many times before but when you look at this winter, I think we have only lost Partick v Celtic and Dundee Utd v Inverness due to pitch issues and both were on extreme days. The other games that have gone have either been due to power or safety issues, both of which were admittedly weather related but wind and rain can happen any time of the year.

  12. I think it is unlikely that we will pick anything up here but surely the 8/1 on us to win is quite a big price?



    So how much are you betting on us to win then?


    I think he should bet his winnings from his accumulator on Saturday and not a penny more, it'll be better that way.

  13. Ross County didn't take 12 points of the first 72 because they were damned unlucky. They have taken 12 out of 12 against some of the more limited teams in the league and won three of them by the odd goal. After Friday, every game we have is winnable. We clearly won't win them all but we're not in too bad a place.


    Aberdeen have had a fortnight to stew on getting humped 4-0 last Sunday. Think if we go up there with a similar attitude and performance as last couple of games, if they have a slow start their fans will turn and something might happen. I think we will probably lose but I don't think it is a certainty

  14. Think the problem yesterday was he was playing on the unfamiliar side and tackled with the wrong foot. He did OK at left back except when he went to ground. However our greater disciplinary issue is a concern. Too many red cards costing us games and players that are totally unnecessary.



    They say the darkest part of the night is just before the dawn. I'm hoping and praying that was it but I have my doubts. Unless there is a marked improvement we'll be on a fans bus to Dumbarton next year.


    Whoever they are have just proven to be right. Just need to hope yesterday was dawn and not a false dawn!


    It wasn't ideal that both St Mirren and Ross County won but I couldn't say that took the shine off it at all for me. If St Mirren were ever going to beat anyone at home given the form they are in currently Hamilton would be a good bet and for all they beat us last weekend Dundee were hardly startling. I suspect our result will have been more a surprise to them, than there's was to us.


    The fight goes on!


    Frazzle said at the start of the game if we came out of the day in the same position as we started it, we'd have had a good day as we had by far the toughest fixture. Don't say this often, but he was bang on. The fact we did and won and got some belief back at the same time is the cherry on the cake.


    Sutton on McDonald off did alter the way the game was being played and we lost our way at that point. I think either part of that subby was acceptable but not both. It was shown how we grasped the nettle back when bringing Moore on for Erwin that we have the players to win in different scenarios. Good game against a very good team.

  17. That was just a disorganised, kick and rush shambles of a performance.


    Got to say, I struggle to concur about a lack of desire, the expressions on faces suggested to me every one of them were gutted about the game but to me it seemed like a lack of confidence, ability and a tactic that all combined to give 11 players who didn't have a clue what they were doing and made a ton of unforced mistakes. Thought Long was fairly neutral and you can see that Grant is a level about the rest. Hard to be critical on Sutton who couldn't get involved. But other than that the outfield players were very poor. For all Ainsworth has his flaws, at least when he came on he showed a bit of willing to run at people and get an OK ball into the box. Wasn't brilliant but at least did something.


    They say the darkest part of the night is just before the dawn. I'm hoping and praying that was it but I have my doubts. Unless there is a marked improvement we'll be on a fans bus to Dumbarton next year.

  18. We'll need more than an in form Laing and Pearson and Hammell back if we're to stop shipping goals. We have to stop giving opposing teams acres of space on the edge of our box and on the wings. We have to stop them firing in shots on sight and stop slinging over cross after cross. Stevie Hammell will certainly help matters in an attacking sense but he's not the best of defenders. If we start defending properly 35 metres from goal then we'll stop losing so many goals.





    Hammell is a huge huge miss for us. When he is at left back we seem to defend 20 yards further up the pitch. Which game in the last 10 did we defend very well in? Dec 27th v Partick when Hammell played. Maybe not better at defending but positionally much more assured than Angol, Straker, Reid or whoever else we have thrown in at left back. We deserved a draw at Tannadice and probably in the end did against St JOhnstone. We're still not very good but there are signs of baby stepped progress. We need to keep making them.

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