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Everything posted by steelman1991

  1. Going through early to the Brother-in-laws, then probably to the Cooper for a few pints, thanks for the offer anyway. Pop in if you've got time. Confident about the top 6 - think Europe is beyond us this year (damn that Nov-Dec period). Still the memories of Nancy are still fresh. Hope to see you Saturday and that the wee fella has a great day - without the need for the Ninentdo
  2. Good for you Davie - glad to hear of another addition to the Whitburn Supporters Club. Hope he's not of age to buy us a drink the next time we get to Europe. Allez les 'Well. Derek
  3. Congratulations to both girls on their achiecement. Angie is it your intention to provide information on all the girl's teams this season? Just that I was up at Dunfermline the other week watching the u13's (my niece plays before anyone chips in with a smart comment) and enjoyed a great game between 2 evenly matched sides and there wasn't any mention on the web about it. For those who are interested the girls progressed to the next round on the back of a 5-2 victory (after Extra-Time).
  4. You'll get no argument from me on that topic - would have McGhee over any of the others
  5. Flow - the criticism was because of who was replaced (Clarky was having a great game and was our major threat) - and as I said in my earlier post - Davie's continued performance up to that point certainly gave me no indication of a knock. It wasn't until he re-emerged with the ice-pack that I realised why the substitution had been made. Polomint - I think the anger was directed at McGhee for who was coming off rather than the substitute. It wasn't obvious why the substitution had been made, until the application of an ice-pack. It was seen at the time, I would think by the majority, as a 'tactical' change. Given the lack of threat/performance from others I think this was a reasonable assumption at the time. Hmmmm hindsight or perhaps a more beneficial approach might be to announce prior to the change why its happening
  6. We do - hence the reason for the trust/loyalty debate and the crtiticsm aimed at him - but can he acknowledge it (St Mirren, Fir Park in the Cup), now that's a whole different debate
  7. Don't sit in the main stand, Cooper for me - right in the middle, back row and I can assure that there was no criticsm from there until the substitution - Christ its difficult getting any type of emotion from the lot around us - even for a goal . What loyalty are we required to show MM, support for every decision, no matter how wrong in the eyes of the individual that may be? Blind loyalty I have had in spades over my 40+ years of supporting the club, but I'm a little less prone to it now and will criticise when I feel the need to. We are no better or worse than every other support in the land, we all have our favourites (pop over and see what the Aberdeen fans think of Jimmy Calderwood). MM is an experienced manager and has already shown that he is man enough to stick to his own convictions over tactics and substitutions. If MM does decide to move on he will probably do so of his own volition and will go with my best wishes and sincerest thanks for a fantastic period under his stewardship. He won't be hounded out by the critics in the Main Stand - stop worrying unneccessarily if he goes he goes MFC will go on.
  8. I was one of those who openly criticised MM on Saturday - not because of the substiution, but who was being substituted. Oh for the benefit of hindsight , when 5 minutes later Clarkson appears in the dugout with an ice-pack duly appplied to his knee/upper leg. I think that many were of a similar view and there was very little in Davie's play to indicate any type of injury, hence the frustration from a number of supporters myself included.
  9. Kylie - Sorry to hear of your Father-in-Laws passing - I do remember his name, but not seeing him playing. Most of my memories from that era revolve around stories from my late father. He would wax lyrical about teams from that time. My condolences to you and your family.
  10. Sorry, must have missed this, but which former 'Well player died?
  11. But you couldnae see the gemme if you were standing next to - or worst behind him
  12. Oh and we - along with the other big? teams - have done such a good job of aiding the co-efficient . Give all teams the opportunity by which ever means to qualify for Europe. Think there are very few here who wouldn't have quite happily snapped your hand off for European qualification as Runners-up in the Cup.
  13. Keith McCrae for me too. Seem to remember he actually started his playing career as a 'striker' - centre forward in the day. Others included Billy Campbell and Bobby Watson.
  14. 'Guidelines' not 'Rules', note the use of the word 'should' (not a directive) as opposed to 'are required' - pedantic I know, but none the less suitably vague . Whilst it may be that some of the member clubs seem to adopt this guidance - not all are, though my own knowledge only stretches as far as MFC and I can assure you that I have NEVER been asked to provide details when buying a ticket, other than those previously mentioned European ties. This debate about where to sit when allocated a particular seat at away matches has been raised before, with certain groups of the opinion that it OK to sit anywhere once inside the ground. Perhaps if these 'Guidelines' were followed, then those of that mind would think twice about sitting where they want, if they were to be blamed for damages not inflicted by them. Wellarmy_88 - if they don't have video evidence of the incident and they have your details as allocated to a particular seat - what other conclusions are the club to draw? - just shows the futility of these particular guidelines. Motherwell Fan - Just out of curiosity was your consent obtained to divulge these details to either the Home/Visiting club as suggested in the 'Guidelines', by MFC prior to purchase of the ticket? Would they refuse to provide you with a ticket if you refused consent?
  15. Nonsense . SPL Rules state nothing of the sort - check em I just did. There is an addendum to the rules on "Guidance for Clubs on Unacceptable Conduct" and within this there is 'Guidance' on what each club should do - these are not 'written in stone' at least not in my interpretation, but are left for each Club to decide their individual policy on such matters. If not, then this is yet another flagrant breach of SPL Rules/Guidance perpetrated by MFC, because I have purchased tickets for games this season at Tynecastle (twice), Easter Road, Hamilton, St.Mirren (League and Cup), Rangers and have never been asked for any personal details. in fact in my 40 odd years supporting Motherwell, the only time I have been asked for my details was for the Katowice, Dortmund and Nancy away ties.
  16. Ha Ha good one - How they gonna do that - I was never asked for any identification or supporting documentation prior to buying my ticket. Did you post this on the basis that this is what should happen, rather than any basis of fact - because it brings nothing to the discussion or resolution. Agreed though the likelihood is that MFC will be billed - If anyone knows who they were, then shop them to the Club.
  17. steelman1991

    Vs Hearts

    Just back and yes like others I'm disappointed we didn't at least take a point tonight. Though I thought the whole team played very well. There was only 1 team prepared to play footbale and they weren't in 'maroon'. No real failures, but a special mention for 'Stretch' thought he had a great game and his forward passes invariably found a claret & amber jersey. Klimpl - what do they put in that boy's tea - he'd run through a brick wall for the cause - get him signed up now. Played worse and won, but overall a good team performance and plenty of positives. Onwards and upwards.
  18. Had to leave this till this morning, so 'down' after last night - you'd think after nearly 45 years I would get used to this, but I just don't . Echo much of the sentiment from other posters, but in my eyes the 2 differences between the teams last night involved the front two pairings. St Mirren - in Billy Mehmet had an agile, hard-working centre with the ability to win his fair share of headers and who is no slouch on the ground - similarily so Dennis Wyness. They had the ability and technical nouse to hold-up the ball, allowing their midfield to move forward at pace and link the play. Fast forward up the park and what did we have, 2 front men who's second touch was invariably a tackle, therefore making it easy for the St Mirren back four to step forward and take control. There just wasn't any co-hesion in our play and sadly this has been evident for most of the season. We could analyse the tatics all day and never reach a consensus, but in my eyes, the front two and midfield, have to bear the brunt of the critisicm in this respect. Its all good and well Sheridan winning the odd header (which given his physical presence he should do more often than not, sadly he seems not to), but unless the partner is capable of basic ball control, then its a pointless and futile exercise. There were few if any occasions when the midfield got beyond the front two. There just seems to be a team mentality, or perhaps management instructions to get the ball from front to back as quickly as possible - an admirable tactic if you have the players capable of performing the basics, collect hold and pass. Neither the starting 2, or for that matter John Sutton seem capable of carrying out that task. Anyway rant over, though one quick pointer to Mark McGhee, come and sit with us behind the goals and watch our 'expansive' team pattern squeeze the game into one half of the park at every opportunity - honestly its like watching a ballroom formation dancing team. Left-sided bye kick, everyone move to the left, same from the right.
  19. Big Fella - you struggling to get tickets? Could arrange to get them for ya and meet up prior to game for pick-up. Let me know Derek
  20. At least in the FPC you get the 'chips' option - don't even know if that is still available in the 'Cooper'. Not meaning to put anyone off, but the Cooper doesn't provide anything for children that FPC or any other bar does ie: nothing. What do you expect to be available in the Cooper for them, after they've 'scofffed their chips and drunk their Coke'?
  21. Have the club considered organising subsidised transport for this game, as they did several years ago for other Cup games. Given the 50/50 split on cup games, thought it might be in their interests to generate as big a travelling support as possible for this game.
  22. Andy Thanks for comfirming that - I was beginning to doubt my sanity and having checked the 'Well Again book, it quoted KIRK and Wishart as goalscorers. Remember Stevie Cowan coming off the park - his only contribution I think was a wild swipe at the ball on the edge of our penalty area near the end of the game when we were under intense Rangers pressure
  23. Mockchop - Don't think so - the game wee Dave scored in finished 2-1 (3-1 if the goal hadn't been disallowed. The game took place on 7 January 1989 (Wishart and Kirk scoring) - info courtesy of 'Well Again' - not my memory - though I could have sworn that Dickie Gough scored a lovely headed goal in that game. Yabba - you got the video for that year - if you have could you check it out and put me out of my misery.
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