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Posts posted by Lukebmfc

  1. Aye the game will be on for a change, i live 5 minutes away from FP and it's just wet and it is obviously colder now than 8pm so i should think it will be fine.Don't blame folk for worrying though given previous bizarre call offs.


    Anyway, does anyone know how much the jambo *banned word* are bringing, would like to think at least a thousand to give an extra buzz to the atmosphere already aggravated by their interest in Ports.Fuckin hate this scum, i'm looking foward to it for once i think we could get a good scoreline against them....3-1 'Well.



  2. I made the point that Motherwell is not even in the top 20 of scotlands biggest towns but manages to sustain a team in the way that it has for all this time.


    Theres no way round it, we have been over achieving for years. Of course, when Ravenscraig is up and running that will be a different story :lol:


    Lol 2067 ? :P

  3. Wish it was us ...................... albeit I'm not kean on the design, but Fir Park is also a dump and is no longer fit for purpose.


    Love it or loath it St Mirren now have a stadium and additional facilities which should secure their mid term future.


    I know what your saying mate but i would rather be in a rusty wasting away Fir Park for the next 50 years than in THAT.Fair enough it's cheap and it's good for the club financially but it's horrid and is too far away from the pitch we need a bit of imagination in this country!

  4. I have actually followed Linfield since I was a season ticket holder as a boy and always try and catch them when I am back visting family in Belfast. I was back for the boxing day derby and was impressed with Mannus. He saved a penalty and look to command the area pretty well. He is also one of the few playes in the league that have ever got a call up for the National team so he could be a decent shout...


    Incidentely the match involved 3 goals, 4 yellow cards, a red card, 2 injuries, a saved penalty and a riot which stopped the game for 10 mins and called the riot police in... Fir Park will be so boring in comparison!


    Aye am sure i saw him playing with them against Dinamo Zagreb earlier in the year and he made some shit hot saves i would assume he would maybe command a fee of around 100k though.

  5. My lord i might be drunk but you cannot say he was pish today... one of our better players i thought.Fair enough his delivery wasn't brillant but he done more than most today and i think the fact some still seem to criticise him is unfair and to call him awful is bordering on retardation on a football based front.I'm not saying he was brillant but he played well looked bright as he did against Hamilton though still gets pelters...aye cause McGarry and DL Smith do play better.

  6. Porter has came across a really genuine guy who gave his all for us and i wish him all the best wherever he goes.A very good striker who would maybe benefit from greater midfield players which we do not have, good luck to ports.

  7. Quinn is a dreadful, dreadful footballer. Canny pass and tackling is suspect. From yesterday he really looks like he does not have the technique required to play in centre mid, if anywhere. McGarry can fuck off back to St. Mirren, breathing out his arse after half an hour. Taking off Murphy was an absolutely baffling decision too.


    Jim O'Brien, why the fuck did we pay money for him? Truly hopeless. Maybe he needs a run of games or a start to get going, but when you consider we could've offered the money we gave Celtic for him to Norwich for Lappin, its a dreadful deal.


    No effort, no desire.


    Saunders looks like a fairly competent defender though.


    Right, Quinn is a good footballer don't care what anyone says.A couple of his sliding tackles were brillant yesterday don't see how he gets so much flack.He moves into good spaces and made some decent passes don't know how many players look more interested than Quinn yesterday.J'OB - how can u possibly attempt to criticise him for his performance yesterday :P ? He hasn't been given a chance he gets 20 minutes at the most every second game, he looked bright when he came on yesterday a couple of crosses from difficult positions down the wing.I agree what you are saying he hasn't been given a chance but i dont think it's okay to call him "hopeless" when the guy has had as much chance as charlie adam attempting to score in a brothel.Agree about McGarry he had a few good months last season now looks shite again.

  8. Here we are at Christmas in real bother. Malpas has us 10 points clear of the bottom spot at this time through his era.


    He must walk.


    Ill put my point across when im sobber tommorow but I wont change my opinion of him being a c**t


    Your point of view is a valid one.Though calling him a c**t is out of order as 12 months ago you would of sucked his knob to be frank mate. :lol: Edit:I will return when sobber also :lol:

  9. As much as I think McGarry is pish poor I thought some of it was a bit harsh no doubt out of frustration - though still harsh.I think one or two at the game got a easier time of it considering their performances, both Reynolds and Hammell i felt again were pish again Mark was at fault for a goal and Hammell's play was just generally pish as usual, Kimpl was OK at best,the young boy Saunders looks like he could be another good prospect at right back though.As for midfield i think Keef' has been average the past few weeks in comparision with the last few months, Quinn was one of our best players but still some people give him stick.Up front Sutton and Porter are victim of our shite play and i don't blame them for really as the system just isn't working.Admired Porter today, the only player who dared clap the support and i think that showed his respect for us.O'brien looked bright though most still call him shite and he's only had about 40 minutes of play all season...Does anyone know what standards the young guys on the bench are at? If they are decent get them in.

  10. I wouldn't sack MMG but as I said before, he needs to pull a good few fingers out of arses and get them playing (ON THE FECKIN DECK :blink: ) and at least show a degree of confidence - we lose the first goal in a game and we're seriosly toiling - fact !


    Get sleeves rolled up MMG and get this sorted NOW





    I agree mate, thing is the board won't sack him as hastily as some would like, maybe loyalty due to last seasons triumphs and rightly so tbh.I think we should give him until the caley game next week and if there is no improvement or no win ... he should walk.

  11. I understand folk may have better things to do with their money but if theres a time we need a support its Saturday.We call ourselves fans and this could potentially be make or break for our season.I have no problem with those who cannot afford to go due to genuine reasons or have important commitments, but i dae have a problem with people saying "am not going we're shite"First derby at NDP competitively in 20 odd year (i think) and we're not going because "we're shite".Pathetic if I'm honest and these are the same people who came running to get tickets for Nancy.Anything under 2 thousand on saturday is a disgrace.The reality is a support can make a difference to the players mentality going into a match and this could effectively make a big difference to our season.Relegation is a possibility with defeat on Saturday.

  12. I don't think that tonight was as bad as people are making out.


    We passed the ball better than Killie, had more possession of the ball and had more chances. The problem is that its all a bit too light weight and not direct enough. Unfortunately as well we have two strikers who don't look like they would score if they played for a fortnight.


    Killie were allowed to play poorly and walk away with three points. We just need to toughen up. The basics are there.


    This is not as bad as the Malpas days. Not yet anyway!


    You're right about that but the rest is rubbish mate we WERE shite.And i mean SHITE shite.

  13. Does it occur to anyone that our players are just playing shite and not trying for the fans ? McGhee MUST shoulder some of the blame but come on do you really think anyone would do better with this lot ? ..... Wish some folk would got off their arse and come to FP tae but thats peoples right.

  14. Did anyone play tonight ?(Saunders aside) Did anyone actually give 100% ? If McGhee attempts to say we were "good at times" again i think i'll crack up.McGhee shouldn't take the full blame he has a team who are playing well below their standards he cannot help that.However, he can be blamed for us playing a shitty system which does NOT work, If we lose at NDP on Saturday i will truly be disgusted, we may not be a hibs, hearts or an aberdeen but we sure as well aren't a fucking worse team that St Mirren.

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