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Posts posted by dosser1886

  1. Apart from the major low of Administration, we've been in the top six more often than not, in europe every other year, cup semis and finals.


    Every though the press and other teams fans like to portray him as being a bit of a figure of ridicule, he didn't make his millions by being a mug. He has raised the profile of the club, employed some really good and unexpected managers, at the start he put his money where his mouth is and at least tried to bring more fans through the gates.


    He leave us on a sound financial footing, not exactly flush but at least we aren't in debt up to our eyeballs. Giving up his shares to be sold for the good of the club and hopefully more community ownership is a brilliant thing for him to have done in my eyes.


    Yeah I know he made some big mistakes but If nothing else, it hasn't been dull and we'll probably look back at him being in control during one of the most successful periods in our clubs history.

  2. Thought that he looked out of sorts yesterday and not his usual self, that explains it if he was injured. Great to have a player like that in your team that other teams are shit scared of injured or not.

  3. This signing was a huuuuge mistake when budgets are as tight as they are.


    I'm not personally abusing him in the way that say Yass or Forbes or Fitly are abused. In fact I think that my reaction to him has more to do with the nonsense that surrounded his signing on here by people who thought it was somehow funny.


    He's not the messiah, he's just a naughty boy.



    So as long as you get to pick the player and the criteria as to why you have a go at them then that's ok then ---- double standards SD

  4. A lot of utter shite, both of them are left looking like a pair of stupid old fuds acting like daft wee dicks and the Police get involved as well.


    Brown ending it with I know some bad stuff and I'm no telling is just the icing on the cake of this sad fuckin episode.


    Square go in the car park - nae mates, bring it on.

  5. aye that bit pisses me off too, when he's been with the club for 20 years and is give a job with the club for the rest of his life then I might be happier to read this on his emails


    Honest to fuck, are you thick or something. He's referring to Bradford and Motherwell.

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