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Posts posted by Clackscat


    I don't think it is entirely unreasonable to have some concerns about a defeat to Gateshead given the backdrop of the lack of confidence in Scottish football at the moment.

    Had our contemporary's produced fine European victories over the last week or two and Scottish football was riding on the crest of a wave then yes, a defeat to Gateshead could be greeted with a shrug of the shoulders.

    The fact is however that the second biggest team in our league has just been put out of Europe by Luxembourg minnows and St Johnstone ( a team that has consistently outperformed us over the last few seasons) has also gone out of the competition at the first round, Scottish football is going through a crisis of confidence more than ever before. A defeat to a team like Gateshead does raise a few questions. Is the quality of player within the Motherwell squad any better than than the players in a team that play in the Vanarama National League?


    It is very easy to say that results at this stage of the season are of no importance and that performances are of no importance and maybe they are not, but it is not unreasonable for supporters on a football forum to raise a few concerns, particularly after a season when Motherwell struggled to stay in a league that is proving to be one of the poorest in Europe.


    I think what irk's me is the acceptance of mediocrity in this country from managers, players and fans alike. Football managers up and down Scotland are giving interviews like Robinson's on Saturday, explaining the latest defeat because it's only pre-season or it's too early in the season or it's too late in the season or the players are exhausted...............etc,etc.


    My favourite was a few seasons ago when Craig Brown was the manager. He gave as the primary reason why Motherwell were out of European football as a lack of match fitness(where have we heard this before). He then gave as the reason for a lacklustre defeat in September as the players being exhausted due to an early start to the season because of the teams involvement in European football. By his reasoning there must have been a small window of opportunity in late August where conditions were right to put in a performance. Maybe on the other hand he was just talking shite.


    The point I am making is that a team like Motherwell have to earn the right to be able to shrug of a defeat to a team like Gateshead. I don't think that this team are anywhere near earning that right, so it is not unreasonable for supporters to question the result or the performances.


    One of the football managers mantra's is that confidence is king. If this is true the results in pre season games matter.

    A reasonable point of view and although weeyin put forward an alternative view in his reply which I tend to agree with, I understand the points raised and perhaps more importantly appreciate the sensible manner in which they were raised. Reasoned debate...lets hope its the future!


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  2. Am I sensing the first knockings of the "Robinson must go" patter???


    Quite how anyone can expect a few weeks into preseason with almost entirely a new team which includes trialists to be playing like Barca is beyond me.


    It will take time for everything to gel and people will just have to be patient. If come October/November we're toiling at the foot of the table then perhaps we should start getting worried. But not now.

    Sadly in life there are people whose default position is negativity and who love to have a go at anything and anyone, yet find it impossible to give out praise when its due.


    Reading some (far from all) of the comments on here has me shaking my head in bewilderment at times.


    Nowt wrong with criticism as such, differing views is healthy, I just don't understand the pant wetting this early with virtually a new team and limited resources.


    I actually think some folks love a crisis




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  3. I can see Hibs having the biggest travelling support next season outwith the uglies.

    Tend to agree, my brother in law is a jambo and says atmosphere there is toxic and will go into complete meltdown if they dont start well. Hibs fans i think more likely to stay behind them in numbers even if they have a poor start...if they start well then their away support will be big.


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  4. I'd agree with this. I wonder how hard the agents of Bowman and Blyth are working to find a new club. I suspect Bowman won't be content with a place on the bench.


    Regarding Moult and Heneghan, I hope we can sell them sooner rather than later so we have time to invest in quality replacements.


    Whilst it's largely outwith Motherwell's control, the last thing we need is a Marvin style saga coming to an inevitable close on deadline day. The inability to replace Marvin in August had a huge bearing on our season and ultimately contributed to McGhee losing his job.

    Indeed it did but folks on here need to get real. To sell a player for the money we want and at the time we want depends on a buying club willing to satisfy both criteria. Folks on here would go into meltdown if we sold a player at the first offer and accuse the club of rolling over yet as Lobey alludes to, play hardball for more dosh and it goes right to the wire with all the replacement issues that brings. This is the system we have to operate in and it is far from easy. Folks criticise the club as if we should always get our first choice targets and always sell at the price and time that suits us. Would be great if we could and avoid mistakes but in the market we are in mistakes are more likely as you are taking a punt on potential rather than a stellar career thus far. Am confident though of better outcomes now.


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    Said it before I find it sad that he touts the clubs activities on his own Twitter account...it lacks professionalism. You don't see people in his position at other clubs doing this. Smack of a wee bit of wanting to be the fan's pal. Others will welcome the openness, not for me.

    Got to be honest I find this post 'sad', in fact am shaking my head in bewilderment. Not even on twitter myself but I say keep up the good work Flow, use whatever methods engage with our fan base


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  6. Not sure but I remeber looking at it and it's a hell of a lot of work for a volunteer job, especially as you wont see much of the match either.

    My thoughts entirely when I read the full spec through....it was like a detailed job spec for a full time paid post and I doubted if there would be sufficient interest. Classic case of a nice simple idea being completely over egged and over complicated.


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  7. I thought Henegan was doing well until injuries kicked in, particularly Tait being out. He then ended up getting dragged all over the place trying to fill in across the back line. Got caught out a few times whentrying to cover at right back. Settled down when Cadden moved back which coincided with a reduction in goals conceded and our eventual safety.

    Might not be a popular view on here but I would offer him an extended contract as I feel he will continue to improve and his value will rise. If the Clubs mentioned are seriously interested then they must have identified something they like. My view, too early to cash in.

    There is definitely merit in what you write, but if the player has a chance to go to the likes of Burnley NOW with the financial benefits he will no doubt get, I think it unlikely he would want to sign an extension to stay with us.


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  8. I think that's the question most of us have regarding signings.


    As I said in my previous post, I suspect that Robinson may see Bigirimana as someone who can dictate games for us. Is this the same as providing guile and creativity? Maybe not but if it gives us control of the ball and he can feed the likes of Frear, Cadden and Tanner then it would be a start. Too often last season, we were a long ball/counterattacking team simply because we didn't have enough in the middle of the park, physically or ability wise, to use the midfield. If the likes of McHugh, Bigirimana and Rose can actually win the physical battle in there and get the ball into forward areas, that would be half the battle offensively. Also would hopefully take pressure off the defence...

    That last line nails it for me and its a point thats been lost in all the calls for a creative spark. One (of the many) reasons our defence was so poor was the complete lack of cover from midfield. Start controlling midfield then you shield your defence and provide a platform for going forward. The signings so far would seem to acknowledge this and as others havs said just because a cfeative gdnius hasnt yet been signed does not mean its not being targetted


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  9. We need players that know the league. If we pick off 10 players from relegated League 1 and League 2 sides we are taking a huge risk, especially since Robinson's record in management isn't exactly sparkling.


    Seems to me we are going down the Baraclough January route again. We only just got away with that the first time.


    "Cross your fingers and hope this dressing room of strangers" gels looks like the grand plan.

    YB I have always enjoyed reading your opinions (whether or not I agreed with them) which are well thought through reasonable and always articulated very well. I am however a bit taken aback at how negative you are in this one. Time will tell I guess


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  10. Just caught up with new player and Robbo interviews ... really impressed, as well as quality as players he is obviously looking at character as well. Carson interview was particulary good.


    I was at the Dunfermline u20 game a few days before the Dundee debacle and witnessed our management team turning up 30 mins late and generally joking about and not looking that interested in the game. I felt and remarked to friends it was all too complacent and I wanted to see more of a sense of urgency and professionalism.


    I think we have got that with Robinson. I always felt second time round with McGhee he felt he had nothing to prove and could do enough to match our limited targets without breaking sweat, where Robinson has something to prove and looks very focussed and commited to the task in hand.


    His man management in keeping a poor side up knowing so many were going to be binned but not dissing them in public was excellent. Now he will have his own picks in I think he will be demanding and fair..just the sort of gaffer thaf will get the best out of players


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  11. To quote Del Superwell from another thread "(Stephen Robinson) I met with the board on Friday to discuss my budget for next year. We have 13 contracted players and I’ll be trying to wheel and deal.” I think thats exactly who he's talking about.


    As regards the players who are out of contract he doesn't need to wheel and deal about them. That also applies to players who he's targeted to bring in. So by elimination it must apply to those who are still contracted but he doesn't want. It may also apply to Hammell.


    Up until recently I've not been overly impressed by Stephen Robinson, but he has kept us up and thats no mean feat. Like Well Well, I like the cut of his jib from today's comments.

    And he has been smart enough to keep those comments till we were safe unlike another manager touted on here for the job who 'lost the dressing room' and saw his team relegated.


    With what he has had to deal with, and the piss poor squad he inherited, I think he has done a tremendous job in keeping us up. An even bigger task now lies ahead and I wish him well and some patience from the 'pant wetter' posters.




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    That's not as scathing as this article, also from the Herald, where the Raith chairman states he was the wrong appointment as his harder approach lost the dressing room. Of course, he doesn't really blame himself for making that appointment but it's pretty damning stuff.



    He does actually, saying at end of article he will consider his own position


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  13. I am sure it was nerve shredding at the game but am in Vigo at moment and it was hellish being updated via mobile. As an aside was watching Man U v Celta Vigo game in local bar Thurs managing to convince locals I waz not English or a Man U fan was not easy. I felt their pain at the end, heres hoping its the only football pain i will feel this season. All about the result not the performance and thank god for Louis


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  14. On hearing the line up I was encouraged however Moult didnt look mobile/fit and very subdued. Hammell was injured so I have no issue with him coming off but the Ainsworth/Bowman and Campbell/ Clay substitutions had me scratching my head. Jules looked like a rabbit caught in headlights. That error strewn goal sucked the life out the whole stadium. I genuinely thought we would be OK but this maybe now our time after dodging relegation through various ways over the years. It's a perfect storm..poor squad nervy as hell today, bad breaks/refereeing decisions, huge injury list, inexperienced manager, no dosh, I actually think automatic relegation is now a distinct possibility as I don't see where we go from here. Hope I'm wrong


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  15. Interesting stat re -1 goal difference in Robinsons 8 games, it certainly aint him thats got us into this mess. Agree with a lot of what you say regards the manager however Dundee sussed how to play against our current set up and McIntyre will have watched with interest so a plan 'b' is required. The fact there is no clear view from posters as to what personnel should fill what position in a 4-4-2 shows the difficulty the manager faces.


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