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Posts posted by Clackscat

  1. Sensible post. Very unfair to criticise Flow/the club over this. Wish folks wouldn't jump to critical mode as a default position.

    My understanding is that we had agreement on a sponsor all but signed and sealed but a last minute hitch meant we had to look at other options. These things happen and all Flow said is he hoped to showcase the kits as he would have been working on the assumption of no hiccups. Plus he was being asked the Q at the time by the fans. He could say nothing and would get more grief. In many ways a no win situation. 
    Hopefully we get a decent sponsor and strips when the dust settles. 

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  2. Well that is a blast from the past. Completely forgot about him. 

    He had HUGE potential and was a damn good player. Just kept getting bad injuries one after another. 

    Be good to see him back at Fir Park as long as he has a crap game. No offence Steven.

    If I remember rightly as teenagers he and hutchy were our centre back pairing in a home game v Rangers and the bigots never scored. Cant remember if we won or drew. Indeed a shame about his various injuries, wish him well.


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  3. Totally agree with all of that

    Finally brought myself to watch the highlights. First goal, I didn't realise how good a strike it was at the game, but Campbell's piss poor clearance, then Aldred's, then Kipré jumping over the ball, it's an avoidable goal. Second one is just as bad, Grimshaw standing watching. Second half, when is the last time we had a manager that'd go 4-3-3 against Celtic knowing full well it could result in a drubbing? McGhee, McCall etc would've all shut up shop, big fair play to Robinson for that. Also I thought Ryan Bowman was absolutely immense, won every header and didn't stop running all day.
    Next year...

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  4. A deflating day, although I must admit, my disappointment eased a touch having gone back to Fir Park after the game for a bit. It was nice to be around like minded souls.
    Obvious stuff but the game was won and lost in the first half.  It was just such a disappointing first half performance from us.  I think just about everyone bought into in the air of assurance and confidence that all at the club were showing beforehand but I think that just made the tentative and hesitant performance in the opening half hurt all the more.
    We performed much more creditably in the second half but Celtic obviously had the two goal cushion and had no real requirement to push on at that stage.  If Bigi's free-kick had gone in or Cadden's header gone in or even veered further in the direction of Frear, who knows how the last few minutes might have panned out but the better team won and on this occasion we only have ourselves and not Craig Thomson or any official to blame this time.
    I think there's definitely a debate to be had about where we stand currently and what we need to do to progress and move forward but are those few minutes after full time when the rawness after a Cup Final loss is at it's greatest the time for that? Or when some of the contributions smack of capitalising on an opportunity to air negative opinions when morale has taken a hit.
    Rather than any perceived failing on the support I actually thought that most waiting around to applaud the team after the game and when they got their medals reflected well on us. A fact remarked upon by one or two in the media and some of the opposition support. I've seen loads of finals where the losers have fucked off pronto but I think it's to our credit as a support that we've sucked up the results of the League Cup and Scottish Cup Finals and hung around to show appreciation to the team.  It can surely only enhance the rapport between the players and supporters and be viewed as a positive when attempting to attract or retain players.
    So, a disappointing end to the season without question but undoubtedly a season that's been a success on so many levels be that the improvement in league position, the success we've achieved in Cup competitions that have been so coveted and are so valuable to the club financially.  But the club's Twitter account is right, it doesn't end here. It can't end here. A success it has been but there remains a fairly high ceiling in the league for improvement, an opportunity to expand upon to the style or at least add a variety to the type of football played and of course we will always retain aspirations of lifting silverware again (oh for the fortune of playing a non-Old Firm side in the Final again!)
    I'll be renewing the season ticket next week!!
    Effing brilliant post Andy P, hits the nail right on the head.

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  5. Great post

    Today was a bad result with poor team and individual performances but the comments by some on this forum leave me shaking my head. I'm not a 'happy clapper' and can be critical of lack of effort but any player can have an off-day.  I'm a fan for over 50 years who can put into perspective our wins and defeats, particularly this season with the rebuilt squad. We have reached 2 cup finals and going to finish 7th/8th. Yes a 5-1 home defeat hurts but some of my fellow 'Well fans need to relax and enjoy the claret and amber rollercoaster ride. We could be fighting relegation but have the 19th May to look forward to, with or without a few dozen folk who are undecided whether to buy a ticket or not. I find it hard to believe that today's defeat would lose us hundreds of cup ticket sales, I don't know of anyone who has suggested that their decision to go to Hampden or not will be dependent on the last few league results. Just remember the effort, desire and heart that this completely new squad have shown in the cup games this season and give them our 100% backing. Stephen Robinson has been in charge for 12 cup games with only 1 defeat. COYW.

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  6. The Faroe Islands Macron shirt could potentially make a very smart away top. Subtle C&A trims on the collar and cuffs and the addition of a C&A chest band would finish the look. 



    Perfect....with white shorts and socks with c&a trim would be a fantastic away strip. Over to you Flow!


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  7. James McKeown (Grisby) lined up to replace outgoing Carson
    Interesting...similar profile in many ways. Been at Grimsby 7 years, 299 games, player of year twice, also winning experience in Wembley play off final.Out of contract June. Age 28. Grimsby for 7 years doesn't sound exciting but then neither did Hartlepool!!

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  8. Burrows, much like our manager, has quickly learned how to play the game. There's absolutely nothing to be gained by coming out swinging at the opposition or the Governing body unless it's really needed, and now isn't one of those times.
    We've got enough tickets, and he also sorted out the hassle of Celtic fans sitting above Motherwell fans that caused grief last time.
    In short, it's job done. No point in him kicking up fuck for nothing.
    Best post for a long time. Sheer common sense

    Some folks just like complaining even when there is nowt to complain about.

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  9. If I had my way we would wear a white away kit every season. In my opinion nothing beats a pure white kit with flashes of claret and amber. And as a bonus it looks great under the floodlights.
    Totally agree

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  10. Taking this thread on a bit of a tangent, but amongst our group on Saturday we spent a bit of time talking about who we will lose in the summer and we came to the collective conclusion that for the first time in a long time we have a fair whack of sellable assets - Campbell, Cadden, Kipre, Main, Carson and even Tait will be of interest to a lot of clubs and will be interesting to see what bids, if any, come in for them. 

    Personally, I will be amazed if we still have Carson next season and think we will see one more move on for a decent transfer fee. 
    Agree re Carson, having rightly turned down one offer, if an anywhere decent offer comes in the club I am sure will let him move on otherwise we compromise our 'provide you with a platform, and will be fair' pitch to potential transfer targets.

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  11. I'm quite confident we will have more there than the 12000 at the League Cup Final. Already had a few texts from mates down South and overseas to see if I can assist getting them a ticket. Scottish Cup carriers a far bigger buzz.
    16,000-17,000 'Well fans I reckon. 
    Likewise, one friend is coming back from New York and another from Cape Town, If it has to be 13000 we will sell them, but as others have said no mhanks above us this time

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  12. Here we go folks
    In another article in the same paper we're compared to Millwall....nobody likes us we don't care etc. etc.
    The article is hugely complimentary to Robbo, the team, and the club, including also our social media output and is more indepth than the tabloids. Mind you its usually the Old Firm that get compliant media to print 'unsettling' stories. For what its worth I don't think this is that, and won't cause any issue at all.

    FWIW Robbo is highly thought of at Adeen and if he kicks us on again next season it is inevitable that bigger clubs will circle. That said the foundations of the club are being improved such that we will be in a much better place going forward whoever is in charge.

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