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Posts posted by StipeIsGod

  1. I have a purpose!


    No. Not possible to play with a torn hamstring. Not even low level training would be allowed unless it was a minute strain, and even then, it'd be basic strengthening and physio type work. Too large a muscle in terms of movement and running to be risked for football.

  2. But this is the game where we turn the corner, and it's all great?


    Not a barb to Frazzie, but I've seen repeatedly that this is the saving grace week so often...


    Eta - Was just extremely frustrated after the comprehensive Accies win last night that we haven't been getting even the basics right.

    • Like 1
  3. Agree with pretty much all of that. Well put.


    Urgh. I was severely pissed off yesterday, and I know he has a fair few failings, but I actually quite like McCall, and it's a bit pish that it's come down to this after a couple of successful seasons, but I think it's damn near booting time to arrest this slide. We looked awful last season but somehow ground out the requisite number of wins to get second, but grinding isn't happening this year.

  4. Dan

    Ramsden - OB - McManus - Hammell

    Reid - Leitch

    Ainsworth - Ojaama - Vigurs



    With Sutton, Lasley and (for the love of god give him a chance if fit) Thomas as subs at around 50-55 mins.


    That may come out mangled as I'm using the phone, but I daresay the idea will come across.


    Eta - Swapped Reid in for Lasley (forgot about him)

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