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Posts posted by joewarkfanclub

  1. On 6/7/2024 at 11:12 AM, Spiderpig said:

    Any half decent coach would never have selected a 41 Yr old keeper irrespective of how he was at his prime who's only played 7 games in over 2 years for a major tournament in the 1st place, Clarke is feckin hopeless.

    You are 100% entitled to your opinion on Craig Gordon. But to call Clarke hopeless when he has got us to 2 back to back Euros and a World Cup play off in 3 attempts is way off the mark. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Yabba's Turd said:

    My Dad waxes lyrical over Joe Wark, said he was a better inside forward than a back :D 


    6 hours ago, SteelmaninOZ said:

    He was a terrific player for us just a pity he never got a full cap for Scotland 


    6 hours ago, Yabba's Turd said:

    He was, think I went to his 2nd testimonial in the snow, a club legend


    5 hours ago, weeyin said:

    He often operated like a modern wingback, except he was also a brilliant defender.

    I've never seen anyone that could time a tackle better than him. And they were often full blooded crunching tackles.

    I've lost count of the number of times he'd go sliding in to an opposition player and come away with the ball to either start bombing up the left wing or hit his favourite curling pass up the touchline to a wide player.

    I concur! 😍😍😍


  3. 24 minutes ago, wellfan said:

    Bair was worth nothing in 2023. However, what he's shown in 2024 is that he's got what it takes to (a) score goals and (b) further develop. These attributes are worth a lot to the right club. 

    I agree.

    But Id also say £1m is quite a lot for a player we got for nothing and everyone on here had written off when he arrived.

    Re Texans post, pretty sure St Pauli will try and low ball us. But if Blackburn and Sunderland are interested we can certainly risk going high and see where we end up.

    The benefit of having a full time CEO who knows what he is doing should ensure we extract the maximum fee, should we wish to sell.

  4. Lets not get carried away.

    Theo Bair is not a special player.

    He has confounded everyone except SK by turning out to be a decent player at our level.

    Ive no doubt he could continue to develop under SK and become even better. And if he was willing to sign a longer contract to do that and protect our investment, then Id be happy enough with that.

    But realistically, any offer in the region of £1m with potential add ons, we are doing a deal.

    Our business model demands it.

    It would also allow us to sign better defenders, which we really need to do.

    SK then needs to pull another rabbit out of the hat!

    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, SteelmaninOZ said:

    It’s 1989 and we got him 


    Sale of the Century!

    Pretty apt we played in Matchwinner kit at that time!

    Id forgotten he had been in the squad for the Norway game. I had it in my head that he got recalled for the provisional squad that went to Genoa for a PR trip and then got injured before the finals.

    I do remember Jock Brown asking him in a post match interview about Scotland and him saying his Scotland days were over.

    Glad he was wrong. Even if he didnt get to the World Cup.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, David said:

    One reason he probably wasn't dropped is that the manager didn't seem to have much faith in the backup keeper. Kelly's role as captain undoubtedly played a significant part, as it should have, but it doesn't appear that Oxborough made the decision difficult for the manager.

    Let's be honest, if Kettlewell had rated Oxborough, he would have been given more opportunities during the cup.

    The fact that he played two games, conceded three goals in the first, and was essentially sidelined for the rest of the season before we got into August says a lot.

    I'm hoping Oxborough has re-signed to be the backup, although I'd be surprised if that's the case, as he could likely secure a backup role elsewhere under freedom of contract.

    The fact that he signed up so quickly suggests he's received some assurances for the coming season, which is concerning. It indicates a significant downgrade from Kelly and a cheaper option.

    It's also worth noting that Oxborough isn't a young prospect. At 25 years old, he has played around 51 games in his entire career.

    For comparison, he's only three years younger than Kelly, but Kelly has played 275 games.

    If SK didnt have faith in Ox as a back up keeper last season, he shouldnt be offering him a new contract this season, and certainly not as a number one.

    More likely he didnt want to drop his captain in the run up to the Euros and deny him any chance of making the Scotland squad (as unlikely as it is now.)

    One things for sure, Ox wont get any better without playing games.

    25 isnt terribly old for a keeper, but he really needs to nail down a first team place soon whatever level that may be at.

    If Ox as no.1 is the plan he is gonna have to hit the ground running this season as I dont think he will be afforded much sympathy from sections of our support.


  7. 9 hours ago, David said:

    The idea of the guy who couldn't get a look-in when Kelly was having his worst season being our new number one gives me the fear. 

    But I think you could be right.

    Dont want to start a tit for tat, but you gave multiple reasons at the time why Kelly wouldnt and shouldnt be dropped for Oxborough last season.

    Are you admitting now he should have been given a chance?

    • Thanks 1
  8. 18 hours ago, wellgirl said:

    We need to find a team of Theo Bairs 🤣 not suggesting Theo isn't quality, the opposite. Actually depending on how the investment talks go we might have some more money to spend (or possibly not if the offer isn't suitable). 

    I could be wrong. But I dont think any prospective investment money will be going straight into the transfer budget. My understanding is that we need the extra investment to underwrite our financial security going forward.

    That might leave a little wriggle room in terms of players but I dont think we are suddenly going to start signing players previously out of our price range. 

    We still need to spend wisely and get maximum "bang for our buck"

  9. 2 hours ago, TheoBair14 said:

    Is Oxbourgh number 1 is the question? 

    Worth giving him a chance and you just never know 

    We will need another keeper in anyways 

    If the rumours about Joe Lewis are true, then it may well be that Oxborough is no.1 with Lewis in a back up role?

  10. 3 hours ago, David said:

    My point is that this isn't solely Kettlewell's decision. While he'll have a say, the decision will be a collaborative one, taking into account the opinions of everyone I mentioned. Various factors will be considered, such as the availability of alternatives for that position this summer, the budget, and the costs associated with bringing in someone new compared to keeping someone familiar with the club who the manager believes can improve with different personnel around him.

    Therefore, calling Kettlewell "a fucking idiot" is unfair, as the final decision won't rest on him alone.

    Not defending the original post at all. I dont think for a minute that SK is an idiot. However, your post seemed to suggest that he could be absolved from any blame in re-signing players because others would have input.

    If we are offering Mugabi a new contract its because SK has said to the CEO he would like to keep him. What that offer is, is obviously a different matter. But we all know the defence needs a re-fit and you cant do that by keeping the majority of players that performed so poorly in it. 

    • Like 1
  11. 35 minutes ago, David said:

    I wouldn't be 100% sure that the contract situation is all down to Kettlewell. It's rare in this day and age that football managers or coaches are the ones who make the sole decision on player retention, contract offers and so on. 

    It's never really been clarified how much final say Kettlewell has on the player retention or recruitment side of things. There's a CEO involved now, and obviously a Head of Recruitment Operations. 

    I doubt both of them will be sitting on their hands while Kettlewell goes around handing out new deals and sanctioning budget spending.

    Not sure what your point is here.

    Surely nobody has been offered a new contract if SK doesnt rate them and wants to move them on?

    We are talking here about players that have been offered new contracts.

    Id agree with you that the CEO may not sifn off on a player if SK wanted them but their terms were unreasonable.....

    • Like 2
  12. I find the whole Kelly debate quite boring. Theres too many posters with entrenched positions digging in for the long haul rather than engaging with any meaningful debate.

    Kelly was a good keeper once. He hasnt been for some time. He doesnt come of his line which leaves us vulnerable at set pieces and his distribution is awful. He is far from the worst keeper we've ever had, but also far from the best.

    Looks like he is signing for Rangers and we can get his rather substantial wages off the wage bill.

    Might free up some money for better defenders to better protect the next incumbent.

    • Like 5
  13. Just now, wellgirl said:

    He was injured I believe - there was talk of him being a doubt during the week. 

    Didnt hear Ketts reference it after Hibs and no mention on the matchday squad, although SOD and Casey dropping to the bench were both highlighted.

  14. 1 minute ago, wellfan said:

    Transparency and democracy are key. There's too much speculation at the moment.

    Agreed. Be nice just to get an announcement and move on. Feels like the whole season has been a holding pattern......

    • Like 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, Kmcalpin said:

    As someone else has said, he can't have signed a permanent deal as he's still on Hearts' books. There may be a PCA or gentleman's agreement but that's it. 

    Hopefully Halliday will be a gentleman and agree he is finished at this level. I noticed he didnt make the matchday squad yesterday although there was no mention of him being injured.

  16. 19 minutes ago, wellfan said:

    Not putting a proposal to a vote would be a surefire way for the WS to lose the goodwill and support of paying members. Democracy is key. 

    I suppose that depends on the detail of the deal on offer and whether there was any room for negotiation on the part of the investor.

    If its a black and white take it or leave it offer that clearly isnt in the interests of the club, not sure what the point of putting it to a vote would be?

    Just say we think its a shit offer because of x,y and z and move on.

    Democracy is definitely important but Id say transparency is the key.

  17. 7 minutes ago, wellfan said:

    This thread should be re-titled:

    ‘Irascible happy-clappers vs doom-mongers’




    Not gonna lie. I had to look "irascible" up.

    Surely irascible happy clapper is an oxymoron?

  18. As Ye Bezzer says, its entirely possible to be not satisfied with the season on a number of fronts whilst at the same time not being overly critical due to circumstances.

    Absolutely want us to do better than we have done this season. But there has been a lot going on and we have had to clear the decks a little in order to get back on an even keel after a couple of seasons of really bad decision making and wasteful spending.

    Next season we need to spend smarter address the areas of weakness in the team and hipe the manager has learned from this season and can implement that learning into improved performances.

    Tactics and in game management needs to improve.

    Seriously challenging for top 6 and a decent cup run in at least one of the cups would signify improvement for me.

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