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Everything posted by The_Craig

  1. The_Craig

    Al Sinaa?

    You know what Busta, I will! And if I get a stream, I'll post it for you!
  2. The_Craig

    Al Sinaa?

    Al Sinaah currently sitting 2nd in the Iraqi league North, 3 points behind leaders Arbil who have a game in hand and superior goal difference. Next game is on Friday 1/7 - away to Peshmarga. Maybe get a stream somewhere...
  3. The money from last season's exploits will be going on to ensure that we don't have to cut the playing budget when those teams around us do. Obviously...
  4. John Hendry is always going to be the worst signing ever. Scored 2 goals in a resverve match and was bought about for £400,000.
  5. Well you'd be feart to saw 'No' to the munters, because they would kick your c**t in!
  6. Here's the initial tweet that started that. Someone is awfy bitter What a knob man!
  7. Who would be going the other way though? Ross Forbes?
  8. I like it. I like the badge detail for our 125 years! Well Done Puma!
  9. I wouldn't say that I'm racist. I certainly don't have any issues with any creed, colour or religion. The issue with this bill is that it's designed to stop the fans on both side of the OF going through their 'Piss the other side aff' songbook. But the Strathclyde's finest will do what they always do - leave them to it. I don't expect to have carte-blanche to do what I want at the football. Monkey chants and the like are unacceptable. But it will be the fans of us, Killie, St Johnstone, etc that feel the brunt of this law. Again, it's football fans that get the blame for society's ills. Roseanna Cunningham and her cronies in the Parliament think that by stopping singing at the football when it's on the telly will mean that Sectarianism is gone. SNP has cured Scotland's shame. Pish! Out of sight - out of mind. And it's going to be the ordinary punter. Level-headed folk like you and me who go to the Football and have a wee rant and rave about the game will be huckled and face a fine, a banning order or jail if we call ICT fans or players a Teuchter with "an aggravating factor". Disgraceful!
  10. 1 - Celtic 2 - Rangers 3 - Hearts 4 - Motherwell 5 - Dundee Utd 6 - ICT ------------------------- 7 - Dunfermline 8 - Aberdeen 9 - Hibernian 10 - St Johnstone 11 - Kilmarnock 12 - St Mirren ( R ) --------------------------- 1 - Raith Rovers ( C ) League Cup - ICT (Big Tel deserves some success up North) Scottish Cup - Motherwell I Hope Think the Shellik will win the league. Lennon has a season under his belt in charge whereas inexperience will cost McCoist who will flounder by March, out the cups and the league and will end up getting the sack. Hearts will continue to be the 'third force' in the SPL but it won't be as easy as that suggests. I think Hearts, Dundee Utd and ourselves will be pretty close come May with us taking points off each other and the OF. If we manage to keep Jenno, that will be 6 or 7 first names on the team sheet who have been through the ups and downs of last season. Same for the other Top Six spot. You'll not get a fag paper between ICT, Dunfermline, Hibs and Aberdeen. I also think that Dunfermline will do that trick of newly promoted sides and stay up comfortably. There is little difference between the top of Division 1 and the bottom of the SPL. Bottom three will consist of St Johnstone, Killie and St Midden and the table I've put up is how I hope it finishes. St Johnstone were hopeless in front of goal and will shop a shed load of goals. Killie have pretty much lost their first team and the leadership of big MIxu. I don't see Shiels being the answer. Finally, St Mirren and Danny Lennon will get found out, despite the signings and I hope they slip out the SPL, never to return.
  11. Sadly I see this legislation being used for the wrong reasons ie. controlling crowds at football matches. My example earlier - someone standing up shouting "intae these sheep-shagging bastards!" Who then stands up the rest of the game. Steward: "Sit doon." Fan: "Naw" Steward: "You're offending those Aberdeen fans wi' yer shoutin'. I'll away an' get the polis" Fan is huckled, arrested and done under the shiny new legislation. Sektarianizm is Society's problem, no' just Fitba's. Get it?
  12. Well it doesn't just cover Sektarianizm but any form of 'abuse' So calling Eberdeen fans "mutton-molesters" and the like can be seen as offensive as you are abusing them on their sexual orientation. Sadly, the polis will be all to happy at huckling folk from FP, Rugby Park etc and banning them or locking them up all the while turning a blind eye (and ear) to the 'songs of the old cuntry' sang at Ipox and The Piggery. Pile of shite! As every day goes by, it feels as though we no longer live in a 'free country'.
  13. I think the issue with Mark coming back is that he would be coming back to different Motherwell than when he left 6 months ago. There's the new management team first of all who have their own plans for the squad, such as blooding Hutchy and even Page. As well as that, there are the changes off the park to come as well with the new ownership plans. I would have Reynolds as I thought that he was dependable but I'm also a fan of looking forward, not back. Even at that, we couldn't afford to pay him what he's getting down south.
  14. That's some bad shit! Just glad I never done it on the works PC.
  15. Went for Big Tel. The big man wears his heart on his sleeve and to see the passion he has for the game was great. Was posted AWOL from FP during McGhee's reign, so I can't really comment.
  16. The_Craig

    Tom Boyd

    McCart felt it would be "inappropriate" to join in with the '91 team celebrations because he's at Celtic the now. Pretty sure most smellies wouldn't even be aware of who he is.
  17. It would be the smell of various personal hygiene products that they would notice. So the walk wouldn't fool them. That and being decked head to toe in claret and amber...
  18. Fuckin' brilliant mate!!! Well Done!
  19. Not a problem Dee. All the time I was folding cards, I was thinking "these are for OUR cup final" Regards
  20. It was just a suggestion, perhaps fuelled by Motherwell videos on youtube, a chicken tikka kebab and a few too many beers last night Nail, Head and Hit spring to mind. Right, whit else can we do tomorrow...
  21. Idea shamefully taken from Super_well on the Cup final thread. How about a minutes applause on the 10th minute for Phil O'Donnell as 10 was his shirt number. Take the shine off the smellies 'political' tribute, or however they want to paint it. Discuss
  22. Got odds for that mate? Surely worth a wee fiver!
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