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Posts posted by WellArmy_88

  1. 2 season ticket holders in this house, 1 letter....


    My mum and dad haven't received their letters either.


    3 non-receipts to add to the list.


    Similar 3 season ticket holders in this house hold only 1 letter

  2. Mixed opions on this one thought he was solid enough last night and read the game pretty well but time will tell. If i'm being negative though thought he dived in a bit not long till he's up against a striker who will with ease turn him. Other than that solid enough

  3. Smith seems to be the only player this season that has performed above average so far this season. Too many under performers this year. Unless boyle opens up the funds don't see any big improvments in the squad. Unless hughes and porter etc improve it is very unlikely they will get a move down south. As of in january cant see any big name signings been unleashed

  4. Before last night I had said we need a bare minimum of 8 points from the next 4 games. I honestly thought we would've got a draw at worst last night. However, my worst fears were confirmed....


    We now need a bare minimum of 6 points from the next 3 games. Ideally 7 or 9. But anything less than 6 and we are well and truly fucked. Can anyone, based on what they've seen in recent weeks, see us getting anything? Even scoring a goal?

    Even under Malpas we weren't this bad. We are in freefall and the writing has been on the wall for MONTHS!!!



    Not missed a game all season but to be honest never really seen a great improvment between matches. Said last night same performances week in week out. I wouldn't mind the performance last night to happen in one out of six or seven games but it's not it seems to be every week. The big problem is scoring first, the majority of games lost this season have been when the opposition have scored first (after us wasting really good chances) The confidence is lost now it's showing big time. We seem to play the ball narrow to feet just outside the opposing 18 yard box after finding no way through the ball goes back, which is fine if postion if you retain postion and find another way of opening them up, but the ball gets throwing forward 1. we lose the header and 2. lose the fight for the second ball.


    The end of the day were all well fans and should support the team through good and bad performances!


    Mon the well!

  5. Dont have a bad word to say about them, think they try to create a atmosphere that has been sadly missing from Fir Park now for several years. Why not take this as a postive something that a group of boys have actually started to take things into their own hands and try and make going to well games less dorbed than it already is! Without them what really would it be like sitting in a cold night watching the well? Was there again last night and to be honest was a shocking advertisement for scottish football. Terrible attendance and match.



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