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Posts posted by siebsbarmyarmy


    Our play has been shocking though. We have no idea how to create a chance other than play it down the left and swing a hopeful ball into the box.


    Rose getting subbed off after doing nothing for about the 20th time this season....

    Not exactly true.... he man marked Dougie Imrie out a game recently dont you realise.


    Cadds and Bigi on for Rose and Grimmy is a good move. However similar to Partick away is it too late?

  2. Penalty just awarded against Celtic with a "challenge" almost identical to Kipre on Sinclair. Only the boy didn't go down.


    Can't wait to hear Rodgers take on it.

    Im thought exactly that. Im hoping for Celtic fans to lose the plot over the decision. Would have a little chuckle inside.

  3. Im in agreement with ONFY on this tbh and get his point.


    On players carrying out man marking. One of the best I can remember is Mark Fitzpatrick on Alan Hutton when he was playing out his skin for Rangers just prior to the £8m move. Fitzy matched him all game and nullified him the full game.

  4. I think Rose does his best shift when hes got legs round about him, a lot of the stuff he does is the grunt work. Plenty of games where hes been the anchor for good performances.

    Also plenty of performances he has offered the sum total of hee haw and looks like he is dragging a tractor about the pitch behind him.


    Cant fault him for effort and agree he does some dirty work but recently that hasnt been there and in my opinion he has been a complete passenger.

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  5. I have a few mates who are Airdrie fans, poor fucks.


    They like Watt but general comments are hes good at that level and would maybe be mid/lower end Championship but never a Premier league player.


    On Airdrie, with the new ownership my mate states they are going back to part time next year. Their aim is to get the best part time players in the leagues rather than the current lower end shit full time players. He seems quite interested at the prospect and that they will be aiming for Championship in the next 2 seasons.

  6. Burrows just confirmed we are still looking to add more players to the back and up top.


    Could be reminiscent of the Baraclough era of 6 strikers but only play 1......


    Surely its be shifting some out the door, Newell and Petravicius on loan?

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