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Posts posted by Kmac

  1. 8 minutes ago, Andy_P said:

    There's a balance to be struck. 

    I certainly agree there there should have been more investment in the team, but not necessarily massive investment in the team.

    It's because we are fan owned which exactly the reason why they have to show a degree of prudence and not get carried away when they do get a windfall because when tough financial times do come there is no benefactor going to bail them out. They have to be prepared for it with finance in reserve.

    They were also pretty clear that some of the money taken in was going towards infrastructure projects. I'll pre-empt that the "the nice new PA system is going to sound lovely in the Championship" responses such talk usually brings but bringing the training facilities up to standard is surely to be welcomed.  I wonder for example where we've been training the last week or so with temperatures barely getting above freezing.

    I’ll try to answer some of Yorky’s here too.

    Perhaps signaling solely English clubs wasn’t correct of me. However, a very quick snapshot of livi or ICT would’ve also hinted that there were severe doubts regarding both Polworth and Lamie (more so the later). White has never played at the top level and Hastie had a purple patch with us before doing nothing for a full season. Basing our entire strategy on ‘punts’ has come home to roost like it was always going to with short contracts and loan deals serving as the base with no youth crop on the horizon. 
    We’re a selling club, yes (like everyone bar about 10 clubs in Europe) but I’ve always maintained that our strategy should be a solid 6/7 senior pros with proven pedigree and experience at this level supplemented by the youth, both to secure our positioning and the procession line. At the moment, we have neither.

    I completely understand that we have to be prudent. Again I have no qualms over investing in training facilities or keeping cash reserves, but the reality is, we have reinvested nothing to note. Neither burrows or the board came forward following two of our largest player sales in our history with the space of 6 months and said “this is the plan”. 
    I’ll repeat it again, we are fan owned, Thus the raison d’etre for us as a club should be maximum fan value which basically means the best possible product  on the park. Neither myself or others who have purchased shares or contribute to the society do so because we feel that there will one day be a buyout and we will make a few quid or indeed, the bank balance is healthy, we just want the team to do well. We are not and have not been strategically acting to the core principals of fan ownership.

    • Like 2
  2. 47 minutes ago, Onthefringes said:

    Not discounting no squad investment... You do know that transfer fees are rarely upfront payments and paid over the course of contracts?

    Indeed, as would ours to others. There’s also mechanisms for corporate finance which allow for this in terms of salary etc.

  3. 10 hours ago, Lobey_Dosser said:

    That doesn’t work in reality. Sign players of that value and they’ll burst the wage structure multiple times over. The key is to try and unearth a few gems (e.g £30k Moult) with plenty potential but it’s easier said than  done, 

    Wrong. Investing 1m is similar to what I also posted. That doesn’t necessarily mean spunking 1 m on fees, it means using a mil on a combination of fees and salary rather than using presumably having an even lower player budget than last season (at least I pray McGinley and Lamie aren’t earning anywhere near the same as Hartley and Tait). There has been absolutely no visible squad investment which considering we must’ve raked in about 5million in player sales during 2020 is a bit of a piss take for a fan owned club.

    short term contracts on punts from English lower leagues is exactly what has got us into this mess. 

    • Like 1
  4. After a deep breath, the reality really does come screaming home. The rot set in at the start of the year. I wrote on hear calling for a statement of strategy from the board / Robinson when we sold on Turnbull and received the money from Scott, which I think we were entitled to as a fan owned club ie. What did we intend to do with our biggest transfer fee/fees? 
    Instead, we got White and Lamie. 
    This is a situation that is 100% of our own making and goes beyond Robinson into a lack of strategic management at board level. 
    We should/must have the financial power to get ourselves out of This mess however that starts with a vision and a clear statement. 
    I won’t hold my breath however I would like to hear from Burrows before the weekend is out. What’s the plan? If the plan is to support Lasley (who has been a great club servant and should be treated properly) and bring in a couple of loanees then the clear out needs go much higher than the dugout.

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, Yorkyred said:

    I don’t think we are quite getting the balance right at the moment with a little more investment needed. However I also think Covid and no support has played a big part in things just now, the club are obviously being very careful due to the uncertain future.

    It’s uncertain for everyone. Outwith the old firm, we were the ones who finished third (ie wel over budget) brought in a rake from Player sales in the past 12 months and had a million euro in prize money from the 3 European matches. No one other than the arse cheeks if Glasgow, Hibs  ,United and Aberdeen had such fortune yet we have regressed big time due to an ill advised policy of pursuing the bank balance over maintaining long term fan acquisition and development by ensuring product 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

    I think there is something in this.

    But also the last two players of quality that we've brought through have lasted 6 months or less in the team before being sold off, or would have been without injury.  We simply can't hold on to good players for even a season now, never mind longer, due to the economics of the club and the game in general.

    The focus of the club has shifted from putting together a good team to keeping a good set of accounts and I understand why but there is a big risk that if you neglect the football then longer term it's financially deleterious.

    There are some parallels with Inverness but also with Dundee Utd.   

    Agreed. The absolute stupidity and difference between us and those other two is that we are a fan owned club. There’s no owner trying to make a profit or recoup costs. We’re supposed to be ‘by the supporters, for the supporters’ but we haven’t kept to that mantra in our actions.

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