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Everything posted by stv

  1. After a couple of competitive game he will be back into things ,iv always liked him.
  2. Once the ground gets heavy after summer weather has gone and he is playing on a poor surface up against some of the hackers in that leauge, he will become a target for rough treatment from defences . That all adds up to fitness struggle over the full season. Hope he avoids that and good luck to him.
  3. Should be one of those at every premiership game.
  4. Which one are you in the photo then the one that looks like Dan or Eddie?
  5. Moult scores even with a dodgy ankle
  6. Moult two games in and still looking fit
  7. Cant play him too much or he will run out of steam ,its a long season for a youngster.
  8. Good run in one or both of the cups maybe even a trip to hampden is the most desirable for me, mid table or top six , both these would be a good season for me. Playing well n scoring a few goals would help. I think it may take a few games for the team to gel but every confidence in the manager to get them together he seems like he has a plan within his budget constraints.
  9. Well thats covered all eventualities there then.
  10. Were have you been the last 15 years? That type of talk will never catch on here. Deserves a chance ? 20 minute audition try 20 seconds more like, willing the lad to do well . No time for that type of positivity here , move along now . Hes on scrapheap already so no point in him turning up for any games or even training with the first team. Hope he turns into the best striker since Moult to shut some folk up.
  11. If we had kept him and not gave him his money spinning move . Do you think it would have been the goal scoring machine or the cant be arsed now version we would have got in his last contracted season. We have to move on.
  12. Take a chill pill n calm doon , ye will burst yer stitches
  13. If we are going tor progress in this competition then we need to beat the team we play in the next round ,whoever it is , goal difference , seeds , non seeds, big team, wee team . We could struggle against anyone . Into next round then just play the next game .
  14. Lost their good strikers what do you expect
  15. Would the manager sign them if he thought they were that shite ? After all he did a great job last year turning the team around that no one thought he could do , so i will go with his judgment for the now. Then I think i will wait to see them play and how he plays them before i piss ma pants.
  16. Glad that i now know how professional football works. Looks like a crystal ball would be handy as well.
  17. Answer is in there somewhere I’m sure.
  18. Apprenticeships , as in real the lives of some of us common folks is where you learn your trade build up experience and move thru the system learning so you can progress . Some do it quicker than others . Thats the trick to find out when they are ready to step up i suppose . The better the apprenticeship the better the tradesman.
  19. Obika is a hold up man and a ball winner no really an out n out striker we really need a foil for him that can run and put the ball in the net, age not an issue . That’s easier said than done all the teams in Britain are looking for one of those.
  20. To be fair he was in a team that had gave up and was about the only one who looked to be trying when he played. May have been different in a better team. Should have completed his apprenticeship with us to get games under his belt then moved on ,don’t blame him for moving for better wages tho. Took the opportunity like other youngsters have and like them hasn’t really worked out for him.
  21. Stop the stealing a wage patter its shite.
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